When I was at Green Lane two weeks ago there were signs up saying they did not have potable water. Don't know if that is changed now but you might want to make sure to have enough water with you for your drinking needs.
2021-06-02 20:35
Thanks for the heads up. That sign has been up there for two years now. We are only needing water for our first breakfast. We used water from down at the restrooms by the lake.
2021-06-03 08:29
I was looking at the site for Green Lane-- do we need to contribute money for the camp site or register for a site in some way? Also, Tim, for us newbies, can you provide a basic list of what we might need other than tent, sleeping mat and sleeping bag.
2021-06-03 19:52
Yes, trippers including me share the cost of the three campsite already reserved. I will be sending out a discript of the workings of this particular tour and a check list of the simple stuff you will need to have an enjoyable and learning cycle touring bikepacking trip.
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