Ride Comments
Suzette Dutch 2023-10-24 10:14
what time will this ride get back and what is route back? I'd need to be back by 3 PM to be at airport by 4 PM.
Tim 2023-10-24 14:23
Return by 2:30 pm
We will take the PATCO Highspeed Line back from the Woodcrest Station since we will be there.
Mary Jo 2023-10-24 14:04
So far it’s just the three of us riding tomorrow. I’d be willing to jump start the ride and start from the 9th and Locust PATCO station at 9:30 if Tim thinks that would be necessary to allow for a more leisurely ride and lunch stop and get you home by 3:00.
Even starting at Cosmic Cafe, I think we would be back in Center City BEFORE 2:00, and you would have time to get home and change for the airport by 3:00.
I’m sure, knowing you, that your suitcase is already packed and sitting by the door, and you can shower and change into traveling clothes in under an hour!
Let’s see if Tim thinks starting at PAtCO is necessary or not.
If not, I will see you at Cosmic Cafe at 9:30.
Tim 2023-10-24 14:27
You can start the ride at 9th and Locust Sts by 10 am. Go down and meet on the train platform. Train will be there at 10:06 am. We will meet you on the platform in advance of 10;06 am!
Suzette Dutch 2023-10-24 14:49
I will see you at platform 9th&locust at 10. I do steady have my bike box for the trip in my car.
Suzette Dutch 2023-10-24 14:49
I will see you at platform 9th&locust at 10. I do steady have my bike box for the trip in my car.
Mary Jo 2023-10-24 16:16
I’ll meet you on the platform at 10:00.