Ride Calendar


If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.

BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.

Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List

 February 2008 

  • FriFeb. 222008
    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike hike, 7-8 miles. Valley Green Inn. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Debbie Hoellein, , 215-833-5545 and Cathy Flynn Hochheiser, , 215-913-0511 

    We will do 7-8 miles mainly on trails, hoping to find Hermit's Cave. There will be a shorter, flatter option. 4 legged friends are welcome. Look at the weekly ride list for directions to the starting location.

 February, 2008

RSVP - BCP Picnic