If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.
BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.
Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List
September 2010
- WedSep. 012010
Wednesday Evening NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-level Rides
Level C/C+, B-/B, 12-16 mph, 25-35 miles. the far end of the “McDonald’s” Flourtown Shopping Center parking lot. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578Meet at 5:30 for a prompt 5:45 start. Additional ride levels may be offered depending on interest. Rain cancels. See Weekly Rides for details.
- ThuSep. 022010
Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride -- Thursday Evening Edition
Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 10-15 miles. Formal entrance to the Azalea Garden (behind Art Museum), next to Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 5:50 pm.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Easy-paced evening jaunt for novice riders, newcomers to Philadelphia, and/or anyone in need of a gentle recovery ride. We'll ride on mostly flat roads, admiring some of Philadelphia's landmarks & attractive neighborhoods along the way. We'll adjust the route as needed to return before dark. Please bring lights if you have them for safety. Please contact the Leader with any questions, or if the weather is threatening. Ride is cancelled in the event of rain or thunderstorms. Due to the evening DAYLIGHT getting SHORTER, PLEASE TRY TO ARRIVE BY ~5:50PM, in order for the group to leave PROMPTLY at 6:00.
Thursday Night B Training Ride - Bryn Mawr Local.
Level B, 15-16 mph, 30 miles. Italian fountain behind the art museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: , ,We ride to Merion, Gladwyne, and West Conshohocken, returning via the bike path and Manayunk. We'll maintain a true B pace and regroup as necessary. A B+/A- ride that averages 18+ mph also leaves from the Italian Fountain at 6:00 PM.
C+ Training Ride
Level C+, 13-14 mph, 20-25 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Jeff Bakely, , 267-210-5337See Weekly Ride List for details
- FriSep. 032010
Tweaking the Sugartown Cue Sheet
Level B, 13-15 mph, 55-60 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 8:30 am.
Leader: terri clark, , 917-204-7883Get the Labor Day weekend off to an early start with a spin out to Sugartown. I'll be adapting the current cue sheet (ie, ride starts at Brunos; revised cue start will be from Ital Fountain). I'll need to make a few quick stops to jot down the new cues. Come along for the fun. Rest stop at Wawa about 1/2 way point.
- SatSep. 042010
peter o'dell warm up ride
Level B, 14-15 mph, 45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: terri clark, , 917-204-7883I'll be doing the 125 mi ride on sunday to brooklyn...so this is just a "warm up ride" along a very familiar route to devon whole foods. brief rest stop once we arrive at whole foods and then it's "all down hill" back to center city. cue sheet provided.
Saturday C+ Ride
Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
Leader: Keith Ashfield, , 505-570-0505Frequently we ride to Ambler but we may ride to other locations such as North Wales or Devon. Route Map and Elevation Profile for the Ambler ride here: http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-states/pa/philadelphia/448390860. We'll keep a steady pace and effort (rolling speed on flat terrain 15 - 16 mph). Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8.30 a.m. or over 50 percent forecast for rain between 9.00 a.m. and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information.
- SunSep. 052010
First Leg of Peter Odell (ad-hoc ride)
Level B/B+, 15-16 mph, 90 +/- miles. Front of Art Museum. The ride leaves at 5:50 am.
Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808For those who cannot do the Peter Odell ride we will join the 125 milers from the Art Museum to New Hope. At that point, we will bid adieu, take a 25-30 minute stretching/refreshment/bathroom break, and head back to Center City via Upper Dublin High School (per the cue sheet that I have). NOTE: The pace out (and starting time) will be dictated by the 125 milers, and I have not yet used the cue sheet that I have for the return (but I got it from Elliot Titcher, a trusted source). Please assemble no later than 5:50 am.
Peter Odell Memorial Ride
Level A,B & C, 14-17 mph, 50-125 miles. Various. The ride leaves at 6:00 am.
Leaders: David C. Ziccardi, , 267-230-8995 and Arthur D. Elwood, , (856) 429-7733This is the only century that takes you to the capital of the world: New York City. Participants can choose from three different ride classes: A, B, and C, in addition to four distances: 125, 90, 70, and 50 miles. With this kind of variety, riders will have the opportunity to participate in a cycling adventure that best matches their cycling ability. Registration is limited
Sunday D Ride - NOTE TIME CHANGE to 10AM
Level D, 10-12 mph, 15-20 miles. formal entrance to the Azalea Garden at the circle behind the Art Museum . The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
Leader: Christopher Allan Shelton, , 484-557-8627Join me as we sample the Wissahickon on what is predicted to be a beautiful Sunday. We will ride from the Art Museum and then Forbidden Drive, returning by MLK Drive. Larger tires (>25cc) recommended.
Sunday C Spin Off
Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leader: Craig Attig, , 267-475-5261A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop.
- MonSep. 062010
Hey 19 (the return of Steely Dan)
Level A, 68 miles. Valley Forge National Historic Park visitor's center lower parking lot. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: Michael Fuller, , 610-551-825619 hills. 7200 feet of climbing. NOTE: This ride is graded for terrain. A realistic average speed is going to be about 13 mph. This does NOT make it a "C" ride. To be defined as one of the 19 hills, it is a minimum of a half a mile of climbing at a minimum grade of 4 percent.
Labor (Day) of Love
Level B/C+, 13.5 mph, 52 or 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park (Betzwood picnic area, near Bathrooms). The ride leaves at 10:15 am.
Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405Sorry for the late notice, but... Ride from Valley Forge to Hennings Market in Harleysville (YES, they are open). From Hennings, riders have the option of returning directly to VF, or doing an extra ~17 mile loop back to Hennings Market, then returning to VF. Cue sheets will be available for all. Please make note of later starting time. Wanted to allow any New Hope-NYer's to get at least a little rest. Also note, ride starts in Betzwood picnic area, near the bathrooms, NOT at the visitor center.
Labor Day Holiday Sept 6th - No Monday Evening COS Rides
Level D thru A, 10-18 mph, 10-40 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne,Pa. Rear Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923We never ride on holiday weekends at COS since COS is always closed on holidays and holiday weekends. Have a nice Labor Day Holiday. See you next Monday Sept. 13th!
- TueSep. 072010
Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition
Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 10-15 miles. High Point Cafe at Allens Lane train station, Cresheim Rd & Allens Lane, Mount Airy. The ride leaves at 5:50 pm.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Easy-paced evening jaunt for novice riders, and/or anyone interested in a gentle recovery ride. We'll do a loop around some of the many pretty streets in Mt. Airy & Chestnut Hill, adjusting the route as needed to return before dark. Please bring lights if you have them for safety. Please contact the Leader with any questions, or if the weather is threatening. Ride is cancelled in the event of rain or thunderstorms. Due to the evening DAYLIGHT getting SHORTER, PLEASE TRY TO ARRIVE BY ~5:50PM, in order for the group to leave PROMPTLY at 6:00.
Evening Ride from Mt. Airy
Level C+, 12 -14 mph, 18-25 miles. Allen's Lane Station. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Jeff Bakely, , 267-210-5337See Weekly Rides for details.
- WedSep. 082010
Wednesday Evening NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-level Rides
Level C/C+, B-/B, 12-16 mph, 25-35 miles. the far end of the “McDonald’s” Flourtown Shopping Center parking lot. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578Meet at 5:30 for a prompt 5:45 start. Additional ride levels may be offered depending on interest. Rain cancels. See Weekly Rides for details.
- ThuSep. 092010
CANCELLED C+ Training Ride
Level C+, 13-14 mph, 20-25 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953See Weekly Ride List for details
Thursday Night B Training Ride - Bryn Mawr Local.
Level B, 15-16 mph, 30 miles. Italian fountain behind the art museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: , ,We ride to Merion, Gladwyne, and West Conshohocken, returning via the bike path and Manayunk. We'll maintain a true B pace and regroup as necessary. A B+/A- ride that averages 18+ mph also leaves from the Italian Fountain at 6:00 PM.
- SatSep. 112010
Scenic Schuylkill Century
Level A-D, 25, 40, 67, 100 miles. Lloyd Hall, behind the Philadelphia Museum of . The ride leaves at 7:45 am.
Leader: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246Start times are 7:45 to 8:15. Please go to http://phillybikeclub.org/newbcp/events/SSC2010/homepage_10.html for all the details.
- SunSep. 122010
CANCELLED Post BCP century recovery ride (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-, 13-15 mph, 45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: terri clark, , 917-204-7883As an option to Bike Philly, here is a "recovery ride" to Devon Whole Foods. Route is "tried and true", leaving center city and cycling through the "main line" to Devon. Brief stop at the Whole Foods and return through Conshy and Manyunk to Ital Fountain. Later start time than usual to hopefully encounter less Bike Philly traffice. Rain cancels ride.
Instructional Ride TIME CHANGE TO 10 AM!!
Level D, 5-12 mph, 10-13 miles. Entrance to the Azalea Garden, next to the Italian Fountain and behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037We will ride on MLK Drive and into East Fairmount Park to practice our riding skills and gear shifting. We will talk about safety, bicycle etiquette and group riding. There is plenty of time for questions and answers and no one will be left behind. You must wear a helmet and bring something to eat and drink. Bring an extra tube for your tire. Optional 3 flat miles on the Schuylkill River Trail.
Sunday C Spin Off
Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop.
- MonSep. 132010
5:30pm C+ Ride from COS (ad-hoc ride)
Level C+ , 13-14 mph, 20-30 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne Pa. - rear parking lot next to Bld. F gym. The ride leaves at 5:30 pm.
Leaders: Barbara ROSENBERG, , 610-964-1484 and Erin Bettine, , 610-574-0575Early-bird 5:30 C+ (13-14mph) ride lead by Erin Bettine, Barbara Rosenberg and Jen Payton leaves 5:30 sharp every Monday until the end of Sept. from COS rear parking lot next to gym. Rain cancels the ride.
Monday Evening COS Multi-Level Rides
Level D thru A, 10-18 mph, 10-40 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne,Pa. Rear Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923Ride every Monday April thru Sept. See "Weekly" ride description section for details. Rain cancels rides.
- TueSep. 142010
Evening Ride from Mt. Airy
Level C+, 12 -14 mph, 18-25 miles. Allen's Lane Station. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Jeff Bakely, , 267-210-5337See Weekly Rides for details. This is the last ride of the season. After the ride we will return to my house (1/2 mile from the ride start) for pizza, beer & soda. Anyone who has done the ride this year is welcome to come out for the short (about 1 hour) ride and pizza party.
- WedSep. 152010
Wednesday Evening NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-level Rides
Level C/C+, B-/B, 12-16 mph, 25-35 miles. the far end of the “McDonald’s” Flourtown Shopping Center parking lot. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578Meet at 5:30 for a prompt 5:45 start. Additional ride levels may be offered depending on interest. Rain cancels. See Weekly Rides for details.
- ThuSep. 162010
Thursday Night B Training Ride - Bryn Mawr Local.
Level B, 15-16 mph, 30 miles. Italian fountain behind the art museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: , ,We ride to Merion, Gladwyne, and West Conshohocken, returning via the bike path and Manayunk. We'll maintain a true B pace and regroup as necessary. A B+/A- ride that averages 18+ mph also leaves from the Italian Fountain at 6:00 PM.
- SatSep. 182010
Italian Fountain to Valley Forge return via Farm Park (ad-hoc ride)
Level B/B-, 14-16 mph, 55+- miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 8:30 am.
Leaders: terri clark, , 917-204-7883 and Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075We'll head out to Valley Forge via rolling scenic roads west of the Schuylkill River and have a flatter return via the SRT and roads east of the river. There is one convenience store food stop, and water will also be available at Valley Forge. Please plan to arrive at 8:30 for a prompt 8:45 departure. If the group splits in two, Terri leads the fast group. Rain or wet roads cancel the ride. If unsure about the ride status, check the ride calendar after 7:00 AM the morning of the ride.
Saturday C+ Ride
Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
Leader: Show and Go, ,Frequently we ride to Ambler but we may ride to other locations such as North Wales or Devon. Route Map and Elevation Profile for the Ambler ride here: http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-states/pa/philadelphia/448390860. We'll keep a steady pace and effort (rolling speed on flat terrain 15 - 16 mph). Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8.30 a.m. or over 50 percent forecast for rain between 9.00 a.m. and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information.
Valenzano Wine and Music Festival in Shamong, NJ (ad-hoc ride)
Level B- , 13-14 mph, 13-14 mph, 45 miles. Moorestown High School Large Parking Lot, 350 Bridgeboro Rd., Moorestown,NJ. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578Note: $12 Admission required to get into the festival! We'll ride from Moorestown,NJ to one of South Jersey's most popular fall wine and music festivals in Shamong,NJ. Completely flat terrain. Your $12 admission price covers the cost for the live music and wine tasting.Food available for extra cost. Bring backpacks for carrying your walking shoes, food, bike locks,etc.See web site below for more information about the festival. http://www.valenzanowine.com/ We'll arrive at the festival @ 12noon and leave the festival by 4pm. Return to Moorestown H.S. starting location by 6pm.Other ride leaders welcome to lead slower or faster groups.Q Sheets provided. Rain cancel the ride.
- SunSep. 192010
Let's try the old Poker Ride 50 miler
Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, 50-60 +/- miles. Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 8:30 am.
Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149Calling all of you who like to climb hills. The poker ride is a hilly route with "Miller the Killer" thrown in. No one dropped. This is a challenging ride. If you ever wanted to climb at a slower pace then this is your ride. Bring plenty to drink and some snacks since food stops may be scarce. Rain cancels. Call if unsure if ride is on.
A Way To Paoli (ad-hoc ride)
Level B to B-, 13-15 mph, 55 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 8:45 am.
Leader: terri clark, , 917-204-7883If you are not running the philly half marathon, come join us for a ride to Paoli. Heading out the main line, we'll get to see a horse farm or two as we near the Paoli Wawa for a rest stop. Coming back to Center City through Conshy/Manyunk. Meet at Ital Fountain and we'll make slight adjustments to the cue to minimize any jams from the half marathon. Meet at 8:45 to sign in for 9:00 roll out.
Betzwood - Lionville -Pottstown ver. 1.1
Level B+, 67 miles. Betzwood picnic area. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256Scenic ride through Chester and Montgomery counties.
breakfast ride
Level C-, 30 miles. 22nd and Spring Garden sts. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: Henry L. Lazarus, , 267-259-6275A wonderful ride to brunch. Bring lock and money for brunch
Sunday D Ride - NOTE TIME CHANGE to 10AM
Level D, 10-12 mph, 15-20 miles. the formal entrance to the Azalea Garden at the circle behind the Art Museum . The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
Leader: Christopher Allan Shelton, , 484-557-8627We will make our way through center city, riding to the mid-span of the Ben Franklin and returning on the cross-town bike lane. We will finish with a scenic lap of Fairmount Park. No one dropped, and all manner of instruction provided - including shifting, riding in traffic and group riding.
Sunday C Spin Off
Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leader: Michael J Olszewski, , 215-932-8586A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop.
- MonSep. 202010
5:30pm C+ Ride from COS (ad-hoc ride)
Level C+ , 13-14 mph, 20-30 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne Pa. - rear parking lot next to Bld. F gym. The ride leaves at 5:30 pm.
Leaders: Barbara ROSENBERG, , 610-964-1484 and Erin Bettine, , 610-574-0575Early-bird 5:30 C+ (13-14mph) ride lead by Erin Bettine, Barbara Rosenberg and Jen Payton leaves 5:30 sharp every Monday until the end of Sept. from COS rear parking lot next to gym. Rain cancels the ride.
Monday Evening COS Multi-Level Rides
Level D thru A, 10-18 mph, 10-40 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne,Pa. Rear Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923Ride every Monday April thru Sept. See "Weekly" ride description section for details. Rain cancels rides.
- TueSep. 212010
Night Lights Ride to Free Philly Orchestra Concert (ad-hoc ride)
Level multi-level, 12-20 mph, 30 miles. SEPTA train lot, E. Elm and Harry St, Conshohocken,Pa. . The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578This ride requires front and rear lights since it will return in the dark. We'll do the standard Conshohocken "Night Lights" route (Q sheets provided) but extend it 2 additional miles down to Philly's City Hall (Dilworth Plaza) where we'll listen to a free outdoor concert by the Philly Orchestra from 7pm to 8:30pm. The ride returns to Conshohocken by 9:30pm. Rain cancels ride.
- WedSep. 222010
Wednesday Evening NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-level Rides
Level C/C+, B-/B, 12-16 mph, 25-35 miles. the far end of the “McDonald’s” Flourtown Shopping Center parking lot. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578Meet at 5:30 for a prompt 5:45 start. Additional ride levels may be offered depending on interest. Rain cancels. See Weekly Rides for details.
- ThuSep. 232010
Thursday Night B Training Ride - Bryn Mawr Local.
Level B, 15-16 mph, 30 miles. Italian fountain behind the art museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: , ,We ride to Merion, Gladwyne, and West Conshohocken, returning via the bike path and Manayunk. We'll maintain a true B pace and regroup as necessary. A B+/A- ride that averages 18+ mph also leaves from the Italian Fountain at 6:00 PM.
- SatSep. 252010
Ride to the Ride - New Hope (ad-hoc ride)
Level B, 14 mph, 100 miles. MLK and Bike Path near Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:15 am.
Leader: terri clark, , 917-204-7883I will be riding to and from howard's New Hope ride from center city. Anyone interested in tacking on about 30 extra miles, meet me at MLK drive where the bike path joins by the art museum.....NOT at the Ital Fountain. No cue sheet for this portion. Cue sheets will be provided at flourtown start and i plan to ride with the group at that point. Meet at 7:15 for a "on time pedal to ride start". If you have any questions, feel free to call.
Nockamixon State Park, Weisle Hostel Overnight
Level c, 12 mph, 55/75 miles. Eakins Oval in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:00 am.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037Sept 25 and 26. Cycle Touring at its simplest. Bike from the Philadelphia Art Museum to Nockamixon State Park staying over night at the Weisel Hostel. We will prepare dinner and breakfast at the Hostel, returning to Philly on Sunday via New Hope. Long days of riding, carring over night and next day's needs on your bicycle. Steady cycling. $17.00 plus shared food costs.
Ride to New Hope
Level B-, 14-15 mph, 70 miles. Ft. Washington State Park Picnic area [see Weekly Rides for directions]. The ride leaves at 8:15 am.
Leader: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246Two years ago the ride was on the hottest day of the year, so hopefully late September will work much better. Note: meet at 8:15 for an 8:30 sharp start. This is a gorgeous ride on miles of low trafficked and shaded roads in Montgomery and Bucks county. Sit down stop in New Hope with a quick rest stop on the way out and back. Email me if you are interested in co-leading from Upper Dublin H.S. or co-leading at a different pace. Co-listed with SCU.
Squirrel Hill or bust
Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, 50-60 +/- miles. Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 8:30 am.
Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149We will travel to the Upper Skippack area to climb Squirrel Hill that is off of Route 73. Route courtesy of Doug Mueller. Most of the ride is rolling hills with many flat areas. Rest stop at Hennings Market in Harleysville. Regroup as needed, no one dropped. Rain cancels. (too early for snow)Call if unsure if ride is on.
Saturday C+ Ride
Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
Leader: Sam Wiley, , 215-514-4242Frequently we ride to Ambler but we may ride to other locations such as North Wales or Devon. Route Map and Elevation Profile for the Ambler ride here: http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-states/pa/philadelphia/448390860. We'll keep a steady pace and effort (rolling speed on flat terrain 15 - 16 mph). Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8.30 a.m. or over 50 percent forecast for rain between 9.00 a.m. and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information.
- SunSep. 262010
Ludwig's Corner - French Creek - Kimberton
Level B, 58 miles. Valley Forge National Historic Park visitor's center lower parking lot. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256Scenic route to Nantmeal.
Conshohocken to St. Peter's Village
Level B-, 13-14 mph, 65 miles. Conshohocken: Parking lot on Railroad Ave, just West of Harry Street. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: Jeff Bakely, , 267-210-5337This ride goes through beautiful rural sections of Chester County. The terrain is rolling hills (pretty constant ups and downs) with a steeper climb or two. We will regroup at the top of hills as you wait for the ride leader (:. There are spectacular vistas, quiet roads along creeks and a sitdown meal on a deck overlooking a boulder strewn creek. There are actually 2 choices of fooderies with decks. No cue sheets. The idea is to ride together. This ride is in conjunction with SCU.
Gritty Ride to the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum - TIME CHANGE TO 10 AM!
Level D+, 7-12 mph, 20-26 miles. Formal entrance to the Azalea Garden, behind the Art Museum, nest to the Italian Fountain, at the back of the parking lot at Water Works Drive (next to Lloyd Hall on Kelly Drive). The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
Leader: Bonnie Prest-Thal, , 718-344-2977The best of both worlds: riding through W. Phila. to Bartrams Gardens in city traffic, on the bike lanes...protected by being part of the group...to the Wildlife Refuge with optional 3 or 6 mile trail within the refuge...past lakes, with dirt and gravel, and....wildlife. I've done it on my road bike although it can be a little bumpy. We'll stop on the way back for your desired refreshment, and hydration - bring money and a lock. We'll talk about lane positioning at turns and intersections. Be sure to check the psi on your tire and pump your tires the morning of the ride. Bring an extra tube for your tire. Be brave and be willing to increase your confidence and comfort level riding on city streets.
Sunday C Spin Off
Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop.
- MonSep. 272010
5:30pm C+ Ride from COS (ad-hoc ride)
Level C+ , 13-14 mph, 20-30 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne Pa. - rear parking lot next to Bld. F gym. The ride leaves at 5:30 pm.
Leaders: Barbara ROSENBERG, , 610-964-1484 and Erin Bettine, , 610-574-0575Early-bird 5:30 C+ (13-14mph) ride lead by Erin Bettine, Barbara Rosenberg and Jen Payton leaves 5:30 sharp every Monday until the end of Sept. from COS rear parking lot next to gym. Rain cancels the ride.
Monday Evening COS Multi-Level Rides Last Ride of Season CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN
Level D thru A, 10-18 mph, 10-40 miles. Church of the Saviour, 651 N. Wayne Ave., Wayne,Pa. Rear Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923Ride every Monday April thru Sept. See "Weekly" ride description section for details. Rain cancels rides.This is our last ride of the season. See you the first Monday in April 2011 for COS's 7th season of multi-level rides.
- TueSep. 282010
- WedSep. 292010
Wednesday Evening NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-level Rides
Level C/C+, B-/B, 12-16 mph, 25-35 miles. the far end of the “McDonald’s” Flourtown Shopping Center parking lot. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm.
Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578Meet at 5:30 for a prompt 5:45 start. Additional ride levels may be offered depending on interest. Rain cancels. See Weekly Rides for details.
- ThuSep. 302010
Thursday Night B Training Ride - Bryn Mawr Local.
Level B, 15-16 mph, 30 miles. Italian fountain behind the art museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: , ,We ride to Merion, Gladwyne, and West Conshohocken, returning via the bike path and Manayunk. We'll maintain a true B pace and regroup as necessary. A B+/A- ride that averages 18+ mph also leaves from the Italian Fountain at 6:00 PM.
September, 2010