Report Date: Mar 25 - 02:23 am
Overcast clouds, Good Air Quality. Rolling to hilly ride with elevation gain of 2321 ft and average climbing rate of 54 ft/mile. 28% of ride will be into a moderate headwind with gusts around 25 mph.
Start47.11 °FUV Index 348%10 miles13 mph
(53%)+68 ft/mi
(53%)+68 ft/mi
11:00am13mi48.86 °FUV Index 444%10 miles16 mph
(37%)+48 ft/mi
(37%)+48 ft/mi
12:00pm26mi50.77 °FUV Index 539%10 miles16 mph
(23%)+61 ft/mi
(23%)+61 ft/mi
01:00pm39mi53.15 °FUV Index 534%10 miles15 mph
(-50%)+1 ft/mi
(-50%)+1 ft/mi