Ride Calendar


If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.

BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.

Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List

 February 2009 

  • SunFeb. 012009
    Tax Season Winter Riding number three

    Level B-, 13-14 mph, 40-50 +/- miles. Upper Dublin High School - Parking lot at Loch Alsh & Fort Washington Aves in Fort Washington. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

    Depending on the wind, temps and how I feel today will determine where we go. If it is windy we will try to stay awary from open areas. Indoor rest stop stomewhere, no killer hills, wait for the ride leader at the top of hills. No one dropped. temps below 25 at start and wet roads cancels. Call if unsure if ride is on.

    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike Hike Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves.. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629 and Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 

    We will hike 5-7 miles in the beautiful Wissahickon gorge and Andorra Natural Area, mostly on trails with flat options. Well-behaved four-legged friends are welcome! (however, bringing your pet rabbit is probably not a good idea). Lunch at Bruno's afterward for those interested.

    B Ramble

    Level B, 13-15 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader:  Show and Go, ,

    See weekly rides for details. Show and go or look for an ad-hoc ride.

    Sunday C Spin Off

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953

    A friendly C ride of 25-35- miles, usually with a snack or lunch stop.

  • WedFeb. 042009
    MTB on the Pennypack Trails

    Level MTB Pine Road Entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    See Weekly Rides for details.

  • ThuFeb. 052009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride. Cancelled due to bad roads and cold.

    Level B, 15-16 mph, 30-50 miles. Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    See Weekly Rides for details

  • SatFeb. 072009
    Northeast Ramble

    Level C-, 15-25 miles. Call for location. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Dick Trickey, , 215-288-5907

    Usually leave about 10:00 AM. Brunch stop. Dependent on weather - above freezing, no ice or snow, etc. Must call for starting place, destination, etc. or no ride.

    I'm Fat, Cold and Out of Shape But Still Riding

    Level B- , 13-14 mph, 35 miles. Bruno's Deli. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578

    This is a ride for those who have put on a few pounds and want the sympathy of the ride leader. We'll ride to Doylestown and have lunch at the Bagel Barrel. Temp. below 30F, rain, snow, wind or any other good excuse will cancel this ride.The actual pace will be determined by the number of additional pounds I either take off or put on over the next few weeks.

    2008 Annual BCP Awards Banquet

    Hike all Manayunk Brewery. The hike leaves at 6:00 pm.
    Leaders: Roger M. Burnham, , 215-848-3545 and Debbie Hoellein, , 215-833-5545 

    The Annual BCP Awards Banquet is returning to the Manayunk Brewery. Contact the coordinators to see if there is any space left. Socialize with your cycling friends off the bike while you eat some tasty food, listen to some gypsy jazz, and honor those who keep the club cycling.

  • SunFeb. 082009
    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike hike, 5-7 miles miles. Walnut Lane Golf Course parking lot, Walnut Lane and Magdalena St. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Faith Goldstein, , 215.260.0524 and Christopher Auth, , 215-499-7741 

    We've had to cancel this hike twice due to rain-- but third time's a charm!! We'll enter the woods and climb the trails above Forbidden Drive. Our route will wind along paths on both sides of Lincoln Drive. We'll skirt a few streets in Germantown to get to our brunch stop—The Urban Café. Then back into the Wissahickon for the final leg. Please join us. Well-behaved dogs are welcome.

    B Ramble

    Level B, 13-15 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader:  Show and Go, ,

    See weekly rides for details. Show and go or look for an ad-hoc ride.

    Sunday C Spin Off

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

    A friendly C ride of 25-35- miles, usually with a snack or lunch stop.

  • MonFeb. 092009
    BCP Monthly Meeting

    Level Meeting The Manayunk Diner (215-483-4200), 3722 Main St, Manayunk, Philadelphia. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Margaret Lenzi, , 215-247-9169

    We'll be in the upstairs dining area. All BCP members are encouraged to attend. To get something on the agenda, contact Margaret Lenzi, 215-247-9169, .

  • WedFeb. 112009
    MTB on the Pennypack Trails - CANCELLED (trails too wet)

    Level MTB Pine Road Entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    See Weekly Rides for details.

  • ThuFeb. 122009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride

    Level B, 15-16 mph, 30-50 miles. Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    See Weekly Rides for details

  • SatFeb. 142009
    Northeast Ramble

    Level C-, 15-25 miles. Call for location. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Dick Trickey, , 215-288-5907

    Usually leave about 10:00 AM. Brunch stop. Dependent on weather - above freezing, no ice or snow, etc. Must call for starting place, destination, etc. or no ride.

    Winter Wimps lll - Cold Hearts

    Level C, 11/12 mph, ~20 miles. parking lot across from the Iron Hill Brewery on Bridge st., near Starr st(PA29) in Pheonixville. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leaders: Steve Trobovic, , 610-710-1810 and Arnie Roseman, , 610-640-4529 

    We had a good turn-out for Winter Wimps ll. So, we do it again, with a different route. We’ll ride some scenic roads in Chester county. Distance TBD by temps. and conditions. Afterward….enjoy a warm up for your cold hearts and butts at the pub. Multi-club ride. No one dropped. We stop to regroup as needed. NO CALLS =NO RIDE. Call re: weather concerns or directions.

    C+ Training Ride

    Level C+, 13-15 mph, 30-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leaders: Sam Wiley, , 215-514-4242 and Rafael A. Corredoira, , 215-747-0930 

    This ride leaves from the Italian Fountain at *11:00am* and heads to Wherever the group decides. (If Rafael or Tom show up they are in charge, otherwise we'll decide for ourselves.) We'll try to keep a steady pace and effort (rolling speed on flat terrain ~ 15 mph).

  • SunFeb. 152009
    Ride to Essington

    Level C-, D+, 10-12 mph, 30 miles. 22nd and Spring Garden Sts. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leaders: Henry L. Lazarus, , 267-259-6275 and John C. Echols Jr, , 215-382-6730 

    Slower ride to Essington (South of the Airport) Church Breakfast (all you can eat) Bring Lock and money

    Tax Season Winter Riding number four

    Level B-, 13-14 mph, 40-50 +/- miles. Upper Dublin High School - Parking lot at Loch Alsh & Fort Washington Aves in Fort Washington. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

    Depending on the wind, temps and how I feel today will determine where we go. If it is windy we will try to stay awary from open areas. Indoor rest stop somewhere, no killer hills, wait for the ride leader at the top of hills. No one dropped. temps below 25 at start and wet roads cancels. Call if unsure if ride is on.

    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike Hike Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves.. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629 and Richard W. Terry, , 215-675-1536 

    We will hike 5-7 miles in the beautiful Wissahickon gorge and Andorra Natural Area, mostly on trails with flat options. Well-behaved four-legged friends are welcome! (however, bringing your pet rabbit is probably not a good idea). Lunch at Bruno's afterward for those interested.

    B Ramble

    Level B, 14-15 mph, 42 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader: Jim Laurino, , 302-3000004

    Food stop at Whole Foods Market in Devon. Cue sheets provided. Terrain is flat to rolling hills with three or four moderate climbs. Call if the weather is questionable.

    Sunday C Spin Off

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Sam Wiley, , 215-514-4242

    A friendly C ride of 25-35- miles, usually with a snack or lunch stop.

  • WedFeb. 182009
    MTB on the Pennypack Trails

    Level MTB Pine Road Entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    See Weekly Rides for details.

  • ThuFeb. 192009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride

    Level B, 15-16 mph, 30-50 miles. Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    See Weekly Rides for details

  • SatFeb. 212009
    Northeast Ramble

    Level C- Call for location. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Dick Trickey, , 215-288-5907

    Usually leave about 10:00 AM. Brunch stop. Dependent on weather - above freezing, no ice or snow, etc. Must call for starting place, destination, etc. or no ride.

  • SunFeb. 222009
    Hike The Wissahickon

    Hike hike, 7-8 miles. Valley Green Inn. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Debbie Hoellein, , 215-833-5545 and Cathy Flynn Hochheiser, , 215-913-0511 

    We will do 7-8 miles mostly on trails with a shorter, flatter option. We hope to find Hermit's Cave. 4 legged friends are welcome. Look at the weekly ride list for directions to the start.

    Valley Forge for GW's B-day.

    Level C, 11-12 average mph, 25 +/- miles. Kohl's parking lot 202/73. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Leonard Langsdorf, , 610-278-0589

    Sunday, February 22 - Valley Forge. Class C, 11-12 mph average, 25 miles +/-. To celebrate a historical day, GW's birthday, we'll take a historical ride to Valley Forge park. Expect a few little hills, but not many, we will stop to regroup when necessary. We will depart promptly at 11 AM from the Kohl's parking lot at rt. 73 and 202 in Blue Bell, the section of the parking lot directly across the street from the Centre Square Fire Company. Bring H2O, $ and cold weather gear we go in the cold but not rain or snow. No Calls = No Ride. Leader Len Langsdorf, home 610-278-0589, cell 610-564-6808.

    B Ramble

    Level B, 13-15 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader:  Show and Go, ,

    See weekly rides for details. Show and go or look for an ad-hoc ride.

    Sunday C Spin Off

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Michael J Olszewski, , 215-932-8586

    A friendly C ride of 25-35- miles, usually with a snack or lunch stop.

  • TueFeb. 242009
    Mailing Party

    Level All Levels WolfBlock LLP, 22nd Floor, 1650 Arch St.. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

    Come help mail the March QR, good company and snacks guaranteed, all welcome

  • WedFeb. 252009
    MTB on the Pennypack Trails

    Level MTB Pine Road Entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    See Weekly Rides for details.

  • ThuFeb. 262009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride

    Level B, 15-16 mph, 30-50 miles. Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    See Weekly Rides for details

    Ride to almost Evansburg

    Level C+, 13 +/- mph, 28 miles. Ft. Washington State Park Flourtown Picnic Area (off of W. Mill Rd. in Flourtown). The ride leaves at 11:30 am.
    Leader: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246

    Join us as we take advantage of a nice weather forecast and ride towards Evansburg (we'll head back a little before Evansburg). An easy pace suited for those of us who have not been on our bikes much or at all. We'll grab a quick bite to eat on the return. No cue, as we'll ride as a group and regroup as needed. Generally flat to rolling, with some hills.

  • SatFeb. 282009
    Northeast Ramble

    Level C- Call for location. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Dick Trickey, , 215-288-5907

    Usually leave about 10:00 AM. Brunch stop. Dependent on weather - above freezing, no ice or snow, etc. Must call for starting place, destination, etc. or no ride.

    Saturday Ad Hoc from Art Museum

    Level C, 12-13 mph, 30-40 miles. Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Jeff Bakely, , 267-210-5337

    The forecast is for lows in the high 30's, partly sunny with high about 45. I have Cabin Fever. I plan to go west with a rest stop a the Bagel shop in the Villanova, Haverford area. Some hills.

 February, 2009

RSVP - BCP Picnic