Ride Calendar


If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.

BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.

Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List

 December 2009 

  • TueDec. 012009

    Level C+/B- MTB the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to http://www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to purchase a permit). We ride for approximately 1-1/2 hours. Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may be cancelled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or e-mail to confirm that the ride is on or with questions.

    QR Mailing Party

    Level All Cozen O'Connor, 1900 Market St. conference room 4E . The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

    All welcome to help mail the monthly Quick Release newsletter. Snacks and good company guaranteed.

  • WedDec. 022009
    Weekday Morning Training Ride.

    Level B to B-, 14 - 16 mph, 35 +- miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    Rob's regular offseason weekly ride. Ride goes through Fairmount Pk to Falls Bridge, through Manayunk, to River Rd, up Hart's Lane, across Ridge Ave, down Andorra Rd, through Erdenheim, up Mongomery Ave, through Chestnut Hill, across McCallum St Bridge to Walnut Lane bridge to Henry Ave to Kelly Drive bike path. No one dropped, re-groups at top of hills. No other stops.

  • ThuDec. 032009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride. RIDE CANCELLED DUE TO BAD FORECAST

    Level B to B-, 14 - 16 mph, 35 +- miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    Rob's regular offseason weekly ride. Ride goes through Fairmount Pk to Falls Bridge, through Manayunk, to River Rd, up Hart's Lane, across Ridge Ave, down Andorra Rd, through Erdenheim, up Mongomery Ave, through Chestnut Hill, across McCallum St Bridge to Walnut Lane bridge to Henry Ave to Kelly Drive bike path. No one dropped, re-groups at top of hills. No other stops.

  • SatDec. 052009

    Level B-, 13-15 mph, 45-55 miles. Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

    Depending on the temp today the ride will have either an indoor food stop or outside at a convenience store. I do not know the route yet though there will be a few hills, some flats, and some down hills. No one dropped. Come out to see where we will go. Wet roads or temps below 25 at the start cancel. Call if unsure ride is on.

    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Saturday

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Meet every Saturday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Kimberton. Indoor coffee break at the Kimberton Wholefoods. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

  • SunDec. 062009
    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Sunday Edition

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Meet every Sunday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Harleysville. Indoor coffee break at the Hennings Market in Harleysville. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike hike, 5-7 miles. Brunos at Northwestern and Germantown Avenues. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Debbie Hoellein, , 215-833-5545 and Roger M. Burnham, , 215-848-3545 

    We will be hiking mostly on trails, but there will be shorter and flatter options available, if desired. Well behaved dogs and friends welcome. Optional lunch at Brunos afterward.

    B Ramble

    Level B, 13-15 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader:  Show and Go, ,

    See Weekly Rides for details. Show and go or look for an ad-hoc ride.

    Sunday C Spin Off Ride

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leaders: Anthony Broomell, , 610-803-3017 and Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 

    A true C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Special this week, Anthony's birthday!

    Ad Hoc Sunday Afternoon Short Spin, Post-Hike (ad-hoc ride)

    Level C+/B-, 13-16 mph, 25 miles. Bruno's restaurant, Germantown & Northwestern Aves, Chestnut Hill. The ride leaves at 1:30 pm.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    For those in BCP who enjoy "having their cake AND eating, too" (hiking + cycling), this ride will leave from Bruno's on Sunday afternoon, following the Wissahickon hike. We'll meet at 1:30pm, and leave on the ride no later than 1:45pm. This should allow the "hiker-bikers" sufficient time to have some lunch (bowl of soup would be quick & easy). The route is a 25-mile loop to/from the Whole Foods in North Wales. We will take a brief, indoor rest break at Whole Foods. Terrain is mostly flat-to-rolling, but there are a few climbs, e.g., Camp Hill Road in Fort Washington. We will stop to regroup as needed. Cue sheets will be provided. In case we have any mechanical delays (let's hope not), please consider bringing lights with you, in case we get close to dusk on the return trip. If anyone would like to co-lead with me, thank you -- I'd love your company.

  • TueDec. 082009
    MTB on the Pennypack Trails

    Level C+/B- MTB the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to http://www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to purchase a permit). We ride for approximately 1-1/2 hours. Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may be cancelled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or e-mail to confirm that the ride is on or with questions.

  • ThuDec. 102009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride RIDE CANCELLED COLD

    Level B to B-, 14 - 16 mph, 35 +- miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    Rob's regular offseason weekly ride. Ride goes through Fairmount Pk to Falls Bridge, through Manayunk, to River Rd, up Hart's Lane, across Ridge Ave, down Andorra Rd, through Erdenheim, up Mongomery Ave, through Chestnut Hill, across McCallum St Bridge to Walnut Lane bridge to Henry Ave to Kelly Drive bike path. No one dropped, re-groups at top of hills. No other stops.

  • SatDec. 122009
    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Saturday Edition

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Meet every Saturday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Kimberton. Indoor coffee break at Kimberton Wholefoods. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

    Phoenixville (ad-hoc ride)

    Level C-, 9-12 mph, 33 miles. IKEA, 400 Alan Wood Rd., Conshohocken PA 19428 (park by the white fence). The ride leaves at 9:45 am.
    Leader: Michael Seidman, , 215-589-3927

    Be ready to ride at 9:45 sharp. No one dropped. 100% paved and 98% flat on the Valley Forge, Schuylkill River and Perkiomen bike paths, then 2 miles on the road to Phoenixville and the site of the 1958 movie "The Blob", starring Steve McQueen. Indoor snack stop. Dress warm. Rain, snow or temps under 25 at the start will cancel.

    Almost Doylestown

    Level C+ , 13-14 mph, 35+/- miles. Bruno's (see Weekly Ride description for directions).. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Jeff Bakely, , 267-210-5337

    Terrain is rolling. We will turn around on Lower State Road to avoid cold descent from Doylestown. Short food/drink stop at Whole Foods Market. Lunch at Bruno's after the ride for those interested. Inclement weather or start temperature below 32 cancels ride. Joint ride with SCU

    Saturday Ride to Ambler (ad-hoc ride)

    Level C+/B-, 14-16 mph, 42 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leaders: Sam Wiley, , 215-514-4242 and Steve Landstreet, , 215-509-7146 

    Usual Saturday Ambler ride. We'll keep a steady pace and effort (rolling speed on flat terrain 15 - 16 mph). Bring money for a snack at Toto's in Ambler. Route Map and Elevation Profile here: http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-states/pa/philadelphia/448390860. Wet roads or rain at 9.45 a.m. or over 50 percent forecast for rain between 10.00 a.m. and noon cancel ride. Weather people are forcasting a cold day but if it clear we should be able to ride anyway.

  • SunDec. 132009
    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Sunday Edition ** TODAYS RIDE IS CANCELLED **

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    **TODAYS RIDE IS CANCELLED**Meet every Sunday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Harleysville. Indoor coffee break at the Hennings Market in Harleysville. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

    Breakfast ride

    Level C-, 12-14 mph, 25 miles. 22nd and Spring Garden sts. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Henry L. Lazarus, , 267-259-6275

    Wonderful ride to brunch, bring lock and money for brunch

    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike B2C, 2 - 2.5 mph, 7 - 8 miles. Allens Lane, R8 train station. Allen Lane and Creisham St. Philadelphia PA. The hike leaves at 9:32 am.
    Leaders: John Davis, , 215-247-8172 and Vicki Klopp, , 610-272-1127 

    Join us for a hike through the historic neighborhoods of Mt. Airy and the primeval wilderness of the Wissahickon outback. Lunch after at Bruno's

    Winter Wimps 1 - Chesterbrook - Ikea.

    Level Class C-/C+,, 11/13 mph mph, about 30 miles. Manhattan Bagel in the Chesterbrook Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leaders: Arnie Roseman, , 610-640-4529 and Steve Trobovic, , 610-710-1810 

    We ride to King of Prussia, cross Upper Merion and the Schuylkill River and continue up the Cross County Trail to stop for refueling and warming at Ikea. After a tasty interlude we remount and slowly spin under Ridge Pike, across the end of the Metroplex shopping center, and drop down to join the Schuylkill River Trail. At Betzwood we cross the river on the boardwalk and then wind our back to Chesterbrook. Expect a few hills. No one dropped. Cue sheets provided. Bring a lock, snack, beverage & $. A multi-club ride. In the event of weather concerns, or for directions, contact leaders. NO CALLS = NO RIDE!

    B Ramble - Moved to next Sunday

    Level B, 14-15 mph, 43 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader: Jim Laurino, , 302-3000004

    As of Friday night, because of the poor weather predicted for this Sunday, we will instead try this ride next Sunday, 20 Dec.

    Sunday C Spin Off

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Melissa Muth, , 267-971-0113

    A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop.

  • TueDec. 152009

    Level C+/B- MTB the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to http://www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to purchase a permit). We ride for approximately 1-1/2 hours. Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may be cancelled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or e-mail to confirm that the ride is on or with questions.

  • ThuDec. 172009
    Thursday Morning Training Ride RIDE CANCELLED DUE TO COLD

    Level B to B-, 14 - 16 mph, 35 +- miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Robert Swartley, , 215 913 0075

    Rob's regular offseason weekly ride. Ride goes through Fairmount Pk to Falls Bridge, through Manayunk, to River Rd, up Hart's Lane, across Ridge Ave, down Andorra Rd, through Erdenheim, up Mongomery Ave, through Chestnut Hill, across McCallum St Bridge to Walnut Lane bridge to Henry Ave to Kelly Drive bike path. No one dropped, re-groups at top of hills. No other stops.

  • SatDec. 192009
    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Saturday Edition

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Every Saturday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Kimberton. Indoor coffee break at the Kimberton Wholefoods in Kimberton. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

  • SunDec. 202009
    CANCELLED - SNOW. SLEEP IN. More Fall riding (Winter starts on the 21st)

    Level B-, 13-15 mph, 45-55 miles. Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

    Depending on the temp today the ride will have either an indoor food stop or outside at a convenience store. I do not know the route yet though there will be a few hills, some flats, and some down hills. No one dropped. Come out to see where we will go. Wet roads or temps below 25 at the start cancel. Call if unsure ride is on.

    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Sunday Edition

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Every Sunday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Harleysville. Indoor coffee break at the Hennings Market in Harleysville. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

    Breakfast ride

    Level C-, 1 mph, 25 miles. 22nd and Spring Garden sts. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Henry L. Lazarus, , 267-259-6275

    Wonderful ride to brunch, bring lock and money for brunch

    CANCELLED, DUE TO SNOW on 12/19 Hike The Wissahickon

    Hike hike, 5-7 miles. Valley Green Inn. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Richard W. Terry, , 215-675-1536 

    Due to Saturday's snowstorm, Sunday's hike is unfortunately cancelled. Total accumulations and trail conditions are not known. Thank you for your interest. Stay warm and safe. .

    B Ramble

    Level B, 14-15 mph, 43 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader: Jim Laurino, , 302-3000004

    Food stop at Whole Foods Market in Devon. Cue sheets provided. Terrain is flat to rolling hills with three or four moderate climbs. Call if the weather is questionable. For route see http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=568278


    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Michael J Olszewski, , 215-932-8586

    Cancelled Due to Snow A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop.

  • TueDec. 222009

    Level C+/B- MTB the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to http://www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to purchase a permit). We ride for approximately 1-1/2 hours. Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may be cancelled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or e-mail to confirm that the ride is on or with questions.

  • SatDec. 262009
    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Saturday Edition

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Every Saturday thru March for a ride from Valley Forge to Kimberton. Indoor coffee break at the Kimberton Wholefoods in Kimberton. Plan is to be back in VF by noon.

  • SunDec. 272009
    Valley Forge Winter Ride - Sunday Edition RIDE IS CANCELLED

    Level B, 14 mph, 35 miles. Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    Anticipation of wet roads and below freezing temps will CANCELL RIDE.

    Hike the Wissahickon

    Hike hike, 4-6 miles. Valley Green Inn. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leaders: Faith Goldstein, , 215.260.0524 and Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629 

    You know the drill...bring your hiking boots, your friends, your dog, and let's hit the trail! We'll work up an appetite for lunch.

    B Ramble

    Level B, 13-15 mph, 40-45 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader:  Show and Go, ,

    See Weekly Rides for details. Show and go or look for an ad-hoc ride.

    Sunday C Spin Off

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Italian Fountain. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953

    A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop.

  • TueDec. 292009

    Level C+/B- MTB the Pine Road entrance to Pennypack Park. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Chris Beetham, , 802-233-5629

    Come enjoy the great outdoors (without cars) after dark! Lights and a trail permit are required (go to http://www.fairmountpark.org/TrailPermits.asp to purchase a permit). We ride for approximately 1-1/2 hours. Depending on the predicted weather and/or trail conditions, the ride may be cancelled or rescheduled for another evening. Call or e-mail to confirm that the ride is on or with questions.

 December, 2009

RSVP - BCP Picnic