Ride Calendar


If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.

BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.

Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List

 May 2014 

  • ThuMay. 012014
    CANCELLED Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides - the street approaching the lot is under water

    Level C/C+ and B-, 13-14 and 14-15 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 and Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Note, no bathroom facilities. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Thursday Night Hill Ride

    Level C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 25-30 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014

    A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the posted pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride.

  • FriMay. 022014
    Friday's Alternative Thursday AM Hill Ride (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B/B-, 14.0-14.5 mph, 41 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:40 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

    Assemble at 7:40 am to depart at 7:50 am SHARP! This route involves some backtracking, but minimal breaking on downhills. We will climb Umbria, River Road, Manor Road, Oak Street, Jones Road, Gypsy/Hollow, Barren Hill, then back over Umbria and into Manayunk for our only rest stop (at mile 35) for coffee (it's all about the coffee). Regrouping if necessary, but riders are expected to be able to do the advertised pace (which is what our computers should read as "average" at the finish).


    Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 45-50, +/- miles. Various starting points -- please check the daily . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. We'll explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Depending on the destination, starting point may be in Conshohocken, Flourtown, Jenkintown, Wayne, Valley Forge, etc. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. Scheduled for virtually every Friday throughout the year, with a few exceptions here & there. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    Friday Special in the Lehigh Gorge enroute to Spring Weekend in Danville

    Level D, 8-12 mph, 30 miles. 2 Hazard Square Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Michael Krizauskas, , (609) 432-1288

    Please join me on a mostly flat Off Road Jaunt on the D&L trail starting from Jim Thorpe, PA. The starting point is the public parking lot across from Carbon Co Commisioners 2 Hazard Square Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. All day parking is available in Lot for $5 or free parking on Race or Broadway as spaces permit. A short climb to the Jim Thorpe Memorial up North street is optional near the end of the ride. Food Water and Bike Shop available near starting location. Bring a snack for the ride. Mountain bike or Hybrid recommended for the mostly packed gravel surface. You do not have to be headed to Danville to partake in this scenic adventure. On-line Route Map will be available soon. Jim Thorpe is exit 74 (first exit after Tunnel) off of the PA Turnpike. My Cell ph is 609-432-1288.

    BCP's annual Spring-n2-Cycling Weekend, May 2-4 (Friday-Sunday)

    Level All levels are welcome Quality Inn & Suites of Danville, PA. The ride leaves at 11:00 am.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    This is BCP's annual 3-day weekend tour package in the Susquehanna Valley of PA. We stay in Danville, PA, between the charming college towns of Lewisburg and Bloomsburg. Complete details are on the right-hand side of BCP's website home page. Here is the direct link: http://phillybikeclub.org/newbcp/events/SpringFling2014/springfling.htm. Preregistration and payment are required. As of early April, we are currently full, but if you would like to have your name(s) placed on the waiting list, or, if you would consider alternative accommodations, please contact the Leader for more information.

  • SatMay. 032014
    Early Bird Convoluted Ride to Coffee in Manyunk via Devon (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B/B-, 14.5-15.0 mph, 47 +/- miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:40 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

    Assemble at 7:40. We willl leave at 7:50 SHARP! Ride through Belmont, Wynwood, Bryn Mawr, Gladwyn, Villanova, Devon,Conshohocken, Manayunk, etc. Many hills, including three relatively long ones, but no killers. One quick comfort stop at mile 26 or so in Devon,, and long coffee stop in Manyunk at mile 40 or so. (it's all about the coffee.) Riders doing advertised pace (which is what our computers read as 'average" at the finish) will not be dropped.

    Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

    Level B+, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles back parking lot, Narberth, PA. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
    Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537 and Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 

    Great roads with low traffic. Narberth through Bryn Mawr and out to Waynesborough Country Club. Then south to Ridley Creek State Park. Back through Villanova (and Gladwyne if the group wants more hills). No one gets dropped. Speed determined by the group. Bring a snack for brief mid-ride break. Rain cancels. Consider the on-line route approximate. Leave at 8:05AM.

    Saturday B/B+ ride from the Art Museum

    Level B+, 16-17 mph, 56 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:45 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4602715.
    Leader: Scott Johnson, , 215-530-2119

    We are a friendly B ride that stops at traffic lights and does not drop riders who can ride the advertised pace. Our rolling speed on flat terrain is 18-20 mph. Bring $ for a snack near the midpoint in Ambler.

    Bristol Stomp Ride

    Level D, 10 mph, 42 miles. Penn Treaty Park, Delaware Ave and Beach St.. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

    . Put on your cycling shoes, be as sharpe as pistol and do the Bristol Stomp all the way to Bristol, PA. There is a wonderful Amish Farmer's Market along the Delaware Canal at the northwest edge of Bristol. This is a grimy city ride at first, then country but narrow State Road ride along the Delaware River. Rain one hour prior to start, cancels.

    Saturday C/C+ Ride

    Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 48 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Eugene Sobel, , 215-964-4884

    We will not be doing the Ambler ride. We'll most likely take a route that ties in Ardmore, Havertown, Merion Golf Manor, and other points west. We'll keep a steady pace and effort but, as necessary, will wait to regroup. There will be some hills to climb on the ride and in order for the average speed to be 13-14 mph sometimes we will be going faster than 14 mph. Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8:00 AM or over 50% forecast for rain between 8:00 and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information. C

    Brig o' Doon coffee run

    Level B, 15+/- mph, 53 miles. Lookout Park located at 1565 River Road New Hope, PA 18938 (between Lurgan Road and Brownsburg Road East). The ride leaves at 9:15 am. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4259069.
    Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

    Hilly ride to Ottsville through New Hope, Lumberville, Tinicum. Will head back through Bedminster, Danboro, Furlong, Pineville. Total elevation gain ~4200 feet. Many hills mostly on the way out, including one killer but will regroup as needed and no one dropped. Bring $ for food and coffee stop @ mile 23.

  • SunMay. 042014
    20 miles of bicycle nirvana!

    Level C / C+, 13 mph, 26 miles. 39 Lanfair Rd, Cheltenham PA. The ride leaves at 7:15 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Clifford Schwinger, , 215-872-3559

    Imagine if Philadelphia had a 10-mile long bicycle superhighway running north-south, from one end of the city to the other - with no cars, and with police officers on every corner between Olney Avenue and the Navy Yard. Well, on Sunday morning May 4 it will! Experience bicycle nirvana as we ride down Broad Street one hour prior to the start of the Broad Street Run. The race begins at 8:30am. This flat 26-mile ride will leave my house at 7:15am. (I live 3 miles from the start line.) We will ride down Broad Street to the Navy Yard and then turn around. On our way back we will stop and watch the runners go by and then continue the return ride north. (It takes an hour for the runners to go by. So we can get a cup of coffee have something to eat while cheering them on - and if we get impatient we have the option of detouring north via 13th street. We will play it by ear.) In the past, Broad Street remained closed long after the last runner went by - so we should have all Broad Street completely to ourselves on the way back. This ride is wonderfully scenic - with beautiful murals and some interesting architecture along the way. And with 35,000 runners scheduled to run down Broad Street, I'll bet the potholes will even be filled! We will ride at a C+ pace (about 13mph). No one will be dropped. If you'd like, you can crank up the pace down to the Navy Yard if you want to put on some extra miles - and then circle back to the group. We will be stopping now and then - and with several hundred port-o-potties along the way there will be plenty of places to take bathroom breaks. I'm not sure what the security rules will be, so don't bring backpacks or big saddle bags on your bike. Email me or call if you have questions. Be at my house by 7:00am so that we can leave promptly at 7:15. We will be back at my house before noon. You must wear a helmet. Bring money for snacks, water and a spare tube or two - and know how to fix a flat. Rain, or the threat of rain cancels the ride. Call me if you're not sure.

    Sly Fox Festival and Goat Race

    Level B, 15+/- mph, 52 miles. Wilson Farm Park located at 500 Lee Road, Chesterbrook, PA (parking lot next to Basketball courts). The ride leaves at 9:30 am. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4581308.
    Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

    Rolling to hilly route through scenic Chester County, crossing the Schuylkill River, French and Pickering Creeks on our way to the Sly Fox Bock Festival & Goat Race at mile 42. Quick Wawa stop at mile 19. Total elevation gain of ~3500 feet, but we will stop to regroup as needed. No one dropped, but we will try to maintain around 15mph average, as advertised

    Sunny Sunday D Ride

    Level D, 10-12 mph, 16-20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Dennis M. Schilling, , 215-677-0291

    Entry level ride for those new to group riding or looking to improve fitness for higher-level rides. Safety and equipment instruction provided as needed. Helmet, tube for tire and water required. Snack recommended. Route will be in the Fairmount Park area, tailored based on the abilities of the group, and will regroup as needed. Adverse weather (precipitation, excessive cold) generally cancels, so check the website in advance.

    Sunday C Spinoff

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Ben Sears, , 215-844-3784

    A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch stop. All welcome.

  • MonMay. 052014
    "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA

    Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923 

    Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Seven different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

  • TueMay. 062014
    Ride yer Bike Tuesdays

    Level C+ and B, 13.5 +/- and 15.5 +/- mph, 35-50 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4525891.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out some new routes. Today we'll ride to Wegman's in Warrington. The C+ group will enjoy a sit down lunch stop, the B group a quick rest stop. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the average pace. Will usually have a sit-down lunch stop. Check with ride leaders if forecast is iffy.

    Tuesday Morning Ramble

    Level C, 12.5 mph, 35 miles. Meet at Whites Road Park between Broad St and Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Walt Spadt, , 215-855-8480

    Forecast looks good; 56 degrees with 4 mph winds at the start. Will post cancellation by 8:00 if weather forecast changes for the worst. We'll try for Green Lane Park.

    Teusday night Bulldog ride

    Level B, 16 to 17 mph, 30 -35 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677

    Ride thru the park towards Ambler. Depending on daylight available will either turn left at Stenton and pick up the bike path at Conshohocken or cross Stenton and continue for another 2 to 3miles No cue sheet. No rest stops

    Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:10 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the last Tuesday each month), this leader leads the "Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party" instead.

  • WedMay. 072014
    Wednesday Phoenixville Dog Ride

    Level C+/B-, 13 mph, 25-32 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

    Join us every Wednesday evening for beautiful rides on low traffic roads. The route lengths will increase as daylight increases. The rolling terrain of Chester County provides an excellent mid-week workout. No one is dropped, but please be prepared to average 13 mph on rolling terrain. Rest rooms and fresh water are available at the starting location.

    NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-Level Rides

    Level C+, B-, B/B+, A, 12-20 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, John A. Dwyer, , 215 901-5810 , Tae Kwak , 267-788-4221 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Ride, Wednesday Evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 10-22 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:10 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

    Wednesday Evening--Moon reflexion off the River Ride

    Level D+ C-, 9-12 mph, 14 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:20 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

    Relaxing no stress ride from Conshohocken to Manayunk. Light dinner break in a café. Bring extra tube, front and rear lights, helmet, $ for break. Dress properly for cool or warm weather. Ride will follow the SRT. Have water to drink. Lively conversation welcomed. No politics, except if it relates to biking. Ride starts in Conshohocken at the parking lot section of Jacobs Engineering nearest the river.

  • ThuMay. 082014
    Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

    Level C/C+ and B-, 13-14 and 14-15 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 and Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Note, no bathroom facilities. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Thursday Night Hill Ride

    Level C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 25-30 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014

    A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the posted pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride.

    Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Ride, Thursday Evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 10-22 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:10 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

  • FriMay. 092014
    Friday's Alternative Thursday AM Hill Ride (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B/B-, 14.0-14.5 mph, 41 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:40 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

    Assemble at 7:40 am to depart at 7:50 am SHARP! This route involves some backtracking, but minimal breaking on downhills. We will climb Umbria, River Road, Manor Road, Oak Street, Jones Road, Gypsy/Hollow, Barren Hill, then back over Umbria and into Manayunk for our only rest stop (at mile 35) for coffee (it's all about the coffee). Regrouping if necessary, but riders are expected to be able to do the advertised pace (which is what our computers should read as "average" at the finish).

    Friday Frolic w/Linda. Fort Washington State Park to Collegeville Wegman's. START TIME POSTPONED TIL 10:00AM, DUE TO EARLY AM FOG

    Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 49 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park Hawk Watch Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1958000.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    For 5/9: Pretty route from the HAWK WATCH of Ft. Washington State Park to the food court of Wegman's in Collegeville for lunch at mile 24. Outbound via Ambler and Eagleville, return via the Schuylkill River Trail and Norristown Farm Park. Optional convenience store rest stop on the return at mile 41. Total elevation gain 2440 ft. Most of the climbing is in the first half of the ride. We will stop to regroup as needed. No one dropped, but we will try to maintain at least 13mph average, as advertised. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. Scheduled for virtually every Friday throughout the year, with a few exceptions here & there. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

  • SatMay. 102014
    Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

    Level B+, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles back parking lot, Narberth, PA. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
    Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537 and Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 

    Great roads with low traffic. Narberth through Bryn Mawr and out to Waynesborough Country Club. Then south to Ridley Creek State Park. Back through Villanova (and Gladwyne if the group wants more hills). No one gets dropped. Speed determined by the group. Bring a snack for brief mid-ride break. Rain cancels. Consider the on-line route approximate. Leave at 8:05AM.

    Saturday B/B+ ride from the Art Museum

    Level B/B+, 16-17 mph, 50 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:45 am. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3685101.
    Leader: Andy Karpinski, , 484-222-0379

    We are a friendly B ride that stops at traffic lights and does not drop riders who can ride the advertised pace. Our rolling speed on flat terrain is 18-20 mph. The ride is on! No lunch stop - 1 quick water stop around Ambler.


    Level C, 12 mph, 60 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

    Out the Mainline to Ardmore for a coffee, then over to South Bryn Mawr Ave via Railroad Ave. Then it is up Darby Paoli Rd to Malvern, PA. Lunch at Wegmans. Return by the new section of the Chester Valley Trail to King of Prussia, then some how getting over to the Schuylkill River Trail home. Hilly out, flat back! over paved rail trails! All day ride. Rain, one hour prior to start cancels.

    Lionville and Downingtown

    Level B-, 14 ish mph, 65 miles. Valley Forge National Park visitors center lower lot. Main entrance Rt 23, Y right at bottom to parking lot.. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256

    A small tour of the western burbs with a whole lotta creek road (and a few hills), AND a peek at the new Chester Valley Trail (12 miles guaranteed flat as a pancake). 2 full service rest stops (food, H2O, indoor potty).

    Saturday C/C+ Ride

    Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 48 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
    Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953

    Frequently we ride the Ambler ride. We'll keep a steady pace and effort but, as necessary, will wait to regroup. There will be some hills to climb on the ride and in order for the average speed to be 13-14 mph sometimes we will be going faster than 14 mph. Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8:00 AM or over 50% forecast for rain between 8:00 and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information. Cue sheets are available for the ride to Toto's and the ride to North Wales in the BCP cue sheet library

  • SunMay. 112014
    Tabora Metric (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B, 15+/- mph, 63 miles. Lookout Park located at 1565 River Road New Hope, PA 18938 (between Lurgan Road and Brownsburg Road East). The ride leaves at 8:00 am. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4646425.
    Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

    Hilly to rolling metric to Tabora Farm and Orchard on mostly low traffic roads through New Hope, Lumberville, Tinicum and Dublin. Will head back through Doylestown and Pineville . Total elevation gain ~3500 feet. Many hills mostly on the way out but will regroup as needed and no one dropped. Couple of quick rest stops along the way if needed Bring $ for food @ mile 36.

    The St. Peter's Village Bakery Ride on Mother's Day Morning

    Level B/B- / C+, 12-14 mph, 56 miles. Valley Forge National Park: Visitor center, lower parking lot (NOT BETZWOOD!). The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leaders: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405 and Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 

    PLEASE, MOM, WE CAN EXPLAIN! A Mother's Day ride to St. Peter's Village in Chester County. Two quick rest stops and an optional sit down lunch break at St. Peter's Bakery. The bakery is one of our favorite lunch stops. Dining on fabulous sandwiches, noshing yummy pastries, sitting on the deck overlooking French Creek... This is why we ride! - Linda has graciously volunteered to lead the "slower" group. - If all goes well, we should be back in Valley Forge by 2:00. - PS: Please note time change for the start.

    Mother's Day Impromptu

    Level C, 12.5 mph, 40 miles. Meet at Whites Road Park between Broad St and Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Walt Spadt, , 215-855-8480

    Forecast does not look good for Tuesday's ride this week, so I'm doing Sunday instead. PLEASE let me know if you're coming because I will no doubt leave earlier if no one is interested. The warmth of the day may require our first ice cream stop. Bring healthy snack in case we don't. If required, I will cancel by 8:00.

    Sunny Sunday D ride

    Level D, 8-12 mph, 16-20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader: Christopher Allan Shelton, , 484-557-8627

    Short introductory ride for those new to riding or looking to improve riding skills and fitness for the C rides. Ride will be in the Fairmount Park area, will regroup as needed and be tailored to the abilities of participates. You will need a helmet, water, and a tube for your tire. A snack is strongly recommended, as we may not stop for food. Safety and equipment instruction provided as needed. Rain at the start cancels.

    Sunday C Spinoff

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

    A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch stop. All welcome.

  • MonMay. 122014
    Monday's Ramble

    Level C, 12.5 mph, 40 miles. Meet at Whites Road Park between Broad St and Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Walt Spadt, , 215-855-8480

    Forecast does not look good for Tuesday's ride this week, so I'm doing Monday instead. PLEASE let me know if you're coming because I will no doubt leave earlier if no one is interested. The warmth of the day may require our first ice cream stop. Bring healthy snack in case we don't. If required, I will cancel by 8:00.

    "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA

    Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923 

    Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Seven different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

  • TueMay. 132014
    Ride yer Bike Tuesdays

    Level C+ and B, 13.5 +/- and 15.5 +/- mph, 41 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4686845.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Convoluted loop along (mostly) familiar roads as we wind our way to a choice of rest stops – bagel, pizza, Italian deli and Mike Vick-supporting Subway. Will regroup as needed but must be able to maintain the average pace. Forecast is iffy so check with ride leaders for possible delayed start or cancellation.

    Teusday night Bulldog ride

    Level B, 16 to 17 mph, 30 -35 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677

    Ride thru the park towards Ambler. Depending on daylight available will either turn left at Stenton and pick up the bike path at Conshohocken or cross Stenton and continue for another 2 to 3miles No cue sheet. No rest stops

    Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the last Tuesday each month), this leader leads the "Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party" instead.

  • WedMay. 142014
    Wednesday Phoenixville Dog Ride

    Level C+/B-, 13 mph, 25-32 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

    Join us every Wednesday evening for beautiful rides on low traffic roads. The route lengths will increase as daylight increases. The rolling terrain of Chester County provides an excellent mid-week workout. No one is dropped, but please be prepared to average 13 mph on rolling terrain. Rest rooms and fresh water are available at the starting location.

    Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Ride, Wed Eve Edition. DEFERRED for May 14 - Leader is at BCP Board Meeting

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 10-22 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

    NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-Level Rides

    Level C+, B-, B/B+, A, 12-20 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, John A. Dwyer, , 215 901-5810 , Tae Kwak , 267-788-4221 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Wednesday Evening--Moon reflexion off the River Ride

    Level D+ C-, 9-12 mph, 14 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:20 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

    Relaxing no stress ride from Conshohocken to Manayunk. Light dinner break in a café. Bring extra tube, front and rear lights, helmet, $ for break. Dress properly for cool or warm weather. Ride will follow the SRT. Have water to drink. Lively conversation welcomed. No politics, except if it relates to biking. Ride starts in Conshohocken at the parking lot section of Jacobs Engineering nearest the river.

  • ThuMay. 152014
    Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 10-20 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

    Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

    Level C/C+ and B-, 13-14 and 14-15 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 and Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Note, no bathroom facilities. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Thursday Night Hill Ride

    Level C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 25-30 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014

    A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the posted pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride.

  • FriMay. 162014
    Friday Frolic w/Linda. For May 16: SHORT BIKE RIDE or WALK/HIKE in VALLEY GREEN, depending on the weather.

    Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 45-50, +/- miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The ride leaves at 9:45 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    For May 16: We'll meet at Bruno's. Depending on the weather, we can either walk/hike in Valley Green along the Wissahickon, or, take a short bike ride. If it begins to rain, we will immediately turn around and return to Bruno's. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

  • SatMay. 172014
    Convoluted Early Bird Ride to Coffee in Manyunk (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B/B-, 14.5-15.0 mph, 47 +/- miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:40 am.
    Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

    Assemble at 7:40. We willl leave at 7:50 SHARP! Ride through East Falls, Mount Airy, Chestnut Hill, Wyndmor, Fort Washington, Upper Dublin, Oreland, Whitemarsh, Ambler, and Manyunk. Many hills, but no killers. One quick comfort stop at mile 18, and long coffee stop in Manyunk at mile 40 or so. (it's all about the coffee.) Riders doing advertised pace (which is what our computers should read as "average" at the finish) will not be dropped. Partial cue sheet showing turns, but not milage.. .

    Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

    Level B+, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles back parking lot, Narberth, PA. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
    Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537 and Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 

    Great roads with low traffic. Narberth through Bryn Mawr and out to Waynesborough Country Club. Then south to Ridley Creek State Park. Back through Villanova (and Gladwyne if the group wants more hills). No one gets dropped. Speed determined by the group. Bring a snack for brief mid-ride break. Rain cancels. Consider the on-line route approximate. Leave at 8:05AM.

    Different Spin on Hunterdon & Warren Counties, NJ - Two Leaders, Two Paces

    Level C+/B-, B/B+, 14, 15 mph, 81 miles. D & R trailhead parking lot next to the Bridge Cafe in Frenchtown, NJ. (Bridge St next to the river.). The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4465757.
    Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 

    This challenging, but invigorating and scenic adventure ride is based on popular routes used by the Central Bucks Bike Club, Princeton Freewheelers, and the 2012 Ride of Dreams for NBW. Cycle on some very pretty roads (mostly quiet & peaceful, too) in Hunterdon and Warren Counties. From Frenchtown, cycle along the Nishisakawick Creek and the Raritan River** (**2-mile stretch along the river with hard-packed fine gravel - bike-able). Cycle past Sky Manor Airport and Spruce Run Reservoir. Formidable amount of climbing, most (but not all) in the first half of the ride. Total elevation gain is 4300 feet. Please click on the map link to view the elevation profile. The first rest stop is at mile 26, before climbing farther north into Warren County. Sit-down lunch stop at mile 46. The return (southbound) route will be less challenging. Optional convenience store stop on the return at mile 62, in the town of Alpha. In addition to quaint small towns, you’ll see wide-open green countryside. Please bring plenty of fluids, energy snacks, and sunblock. We will stop to regroup as needed, e.g., at major turns, tops of climbs. Bringing a CUE SHEET CLIP is highly recommended, in order to keep your cue sheet handy. (Please contact the Leader for info on where to get a cue sheet clip.) No one dropped, but we will try to maintain the advertised pace. This ride will leave promptly, so please arrive at least 15 mins early. Rain cancels. An update will be posted in the event of questionable weather. The scenery on this ride is breathtaking – well worth the early wake-up call and the drive. Daniel O. has graciously offered to lead at a faster pace, so a choice of two pace groups will be available. Thank you, Daniel!

    Saturday B/B+ ride from the Art Museum

    Level B/B+, 16-17 mph, 50-75 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:45 am.
    Leader: Michael  Fox, , 215-605-1783

    We are a friendly B ride that stops at traffic lights and does not drop riders who can ride the advertised pace. Our rolling speed on flat terrain is 18-20 mph. Bring $ for a snack near the midpoint.

    Hills from Philly

    Level A, 12-13 mph, 61 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256

    As the title says: hills. 18 of them. 61 miles. This is an "A" level ride. Meet at the Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. Q sheets will be provided. If you can make an average of 12-13 mph, you will not be dropped. This is a quick pace.

    Saturday C/C+ Ride

    Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 48 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
    Leader: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014

    Frequently we ride the Ambler ride. We'll keep a steady pace and effort but, as necessary, will wait to regroup. There will be some hills to climb on the ride and in order for the average speed to be 13-14 mph sometimes we will be going faster than 14 mph. Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8:00 AM or over 50% forecast for rain between 8:00 and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information. Cue sheets are available for the ride to Toto's and the ride to North Wales in the BCP cue sheet library

    Chester Valley Trail

    Level D, 10 mph, 40 miles. Elm Street Station of the Manayunk/Norristown Regional Rail Line. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

    I have an old rag tagged, falling apart Greater Philadelphia Bicycle Map, Official Map of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia which shows the future and competed portions of the Chester Valley Tail. Well, those future sections have been completed, the map must be 20 years old! So let's see reality and ride it from King of Prussia to Exton and back? Thanks to the Bicycle Coalition, Chester County Planning commission, all the municipalities this trail traverses, and the many, many volunteer advocates who have persevered over these 20 years, finally these sections have been completed. This is a very important bike trail because it is envisioned to go to Downingtown and Coatesville! I see it going farther West to Lancaster! Imagine cyclists being able to bicycle form CC Phila, to the Pennsylvanian Dutch Country on a bike trail. Just as you can imgine cycling to head warters of the Schuylkill River above Pottsville on the Schuylkill River Trail. If this isn't reason enough to join the Bicycle Coalition, then I don't what is! I am starting this ride at the Elm Street Station of the Manayunk/Norristown Regenal Rail lline becuase the ride would be too long form Philly. Catch the Train Number 202 on the Saturday schedule.

  • SunMay. 182014
    Bagels in Doylestown the Convoluted Way (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B-ish, 16-ish mph, 50 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 8:45 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4718392.
    Leader: Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881

    Out through Ambler then up through Chalfont/Colmar towards outskirts of Peace Valley Park then head east into Doylestown. Brief stop at Bagel Barrel for snack and bathroom break. Return is the (mostly) traditional route. Regroup as necessary. No one dropped but please be prepared to maintain the average pace. Bring smiles and positive attitudes. Ride leader only one who gets to be miserable SOB. Please consider pre-registering.

    Different Spin on Cumberland County/South Jersey Bay & Belleplain State Forest - Two Leaders, Two Paces

    Level C+/B-, & B/B+, 14, 15+ mph, 81 miles. Maurice River Township Elementary School, Port Elizabeth, NJ, on NJ-47 This school is south of Milville. . The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4752169.
    Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 

    This mostly flat ride along the Delaware Bay is based on a route by Tom Hammell of the Princeton Freewheelers, and author of the book “Road Biking in New Jersey”, as well as roads used by the Shore Cycle Club. Cycle through quaint small towns in Cumberland County, NJ, across placid lakes, rivers and ponds, past beaches and a wildlife refuge filled with waterfowl, and the East Point Lighthouse. Pass the tranquil Lake Nummy in Belleplain State Forest. Total elevation gain is only 574 feet. In lieu of hills, we should expect headwinds. We will have long continuous stretches without slowing or stopping. We have Wawa rest stops at mile 20 and mile 43, as well as a sit-down lunch stop at mile 61. Please bring plenty of fluids, energy snacks, and sunblock. Bringing a CUE SHEET CLIP is highly recommended, in order to keep your cue sheet handy. (Please contact the Leader for info on where to get a cue sheet clip.) Please email the Leader for directions to the starting point by Saturday evening. An update will be posted Saturday evening, if the weather is questionable. This ride will depart promptly, so please arrive at least 15 mins early. Daniel O. has graciously offered to lead at a faster pace, so a choice of two pace groups will be available. Thank you, Daniel!

    Bill Cotton Memorial Queen City Ride

    Level ALL, 11/12 mph, 35 miles. Pottstown Trail head. See:http://www.schuylkillrivertrail.com/index.php?/trail_head/pottstown_riverfront. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Steve Trobovic, , 610-710-1810

    We're doing this ride as a homage to Bill Cotton, a good friend and riding buddy. When Bill and I explored the development of the SRT, he always enjoyed stopping at the Queen City Diner in West Reading. The "Queen" will also be our food stop. This is the second year for this ride, and it is a route that can be enjoyed by all. Trail surface: crushed stone, some sections are paved. The plan is to ride as a group. But, copies of Bill's cue sheet will be available. Optional rest stop, half way, in Birdsboro. Tires 28mm+ would be best. Bring locks and money. Leader: Steve Trobovic, , 610-687-9229.

    Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride

    Level D, 10 mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

    Entry level ride for those new to group riding or looking to improve fitness for higher-level rides. Safety and equipment instruction provided as needed. Helmet, tube for tire and water required. Snack recommended. Route will be in the Fairmount Park area, tailored based on the abilities of the group, and will regroup as needed. Rain one hour before ride start cancels.

    Sunday C Spinoff

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953

    A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch stop. All welcome.

  • MonMay. 192014
    "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA

    Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923 

    Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Seven different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

  • TueMay. 202014
    Ride yer Bike Tuesdays

    Level C+ and B, 13.5 +/- and 15.5 +/- mph, 35-50 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out some new routes. Check back a few days prior to the ride for an updated listing for the ride's details: destination, distance, terrain and whether both paces will be offered. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the average pace. Will usually have a sit-down lunch stop. Check with ride leaders if forecast is iffy.

    Tuesday Morning Ramble

    Level C, 12.5 mph, 35 miles. Meet at Whites Road Park between Broad St and Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
    Leader: Walt Spadt, , 215-855-8480

    Weather's looking good so far for a trip around northern Montgomery/Bucks County. Come out and join some of the regulars. Even though we won't be doing Squirrel Hill this week, please consider your early season conditioning when coming on this ride, i.e.average speed and distance. If I need to cancel I will do so by 8:00.Thanks. Hope to see some of you.

    Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the last Tuesday each month), this leader leads the "Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party" instead.

    Teusday night Bulldog ride

    Level B, 16 to 17 mph, 30 -35 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677

    Ride thru the park towards Ambler. Depending on daylight available will either turn left at Stenton and pick up the bike path at Conshohocken or cross Stenton and continue for another 2 to 3miles No cue sheet. No rest stops

  • WedMay. 212014
    SPECIAL EVENT: Ride to the RIDE OF SILENCE a (cancel our ride or not decision will be made at Jacobs - very iffy forecast)

    Level C to B-, 13-16 mph, 25 + miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2328335.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 

    Join us as we to ride to The Ride of Silence in Philadelphia - an 8 mile, 11 mph, silent ride that honors those injured or killed while riding their bikes - http://www.rideofsilence.org/main.php. The ceremony begins at 6:45, and the ride at 7:00. We'll ride in on the flat Schuylkill River Trail and then hit some hills on the roads in Manayunk. Front and rear lights required, as we will be returning after sunset. Please arrive ready to leave at 5:45, as we must leave on time.

    Wednesday Phoenixville Dog Ride

    Level C+/B-, 13 mph, 25-32 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

    Join us every Wednesday evening for beautiful rides on low traffic roads. The route lengths will increase as daylight increases. The rolling terrain of Chester County provides an excellent mid-week workout. No one is dropped, but please be prepared to average 13 mph on rolling terrain. Rest rooms and fresh water are available at the starting location.

    Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C - Wed. Edition - DEFERRED FOR 5/21, DUE TO SPECIAL EVENT RIDE (TO THE RIDE OF SILENCE), AT 5:45 (SEE ABOVE.) THIS "D" RIDE WILL RESUME 5/28

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 10-22 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

    NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-Level Rides (no A or B/B+ pace tonight)

    Level C+, B-, B/B+, A, 12-20 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, John A. Dwyer, , 215 901-5810 , Tae Kwak , 267-788-4221 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

  • ThuMay. 222014
    Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Thurs Eve Edition CANCELLED - Heavy rain

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 10-20 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    CANCELLED for 5/22. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

    CANCELLED Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

    Level C/C+ and B-, 13-14 and 14-15 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 and Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Note, no bathroom facilities. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    CANCELLED Thursday Night Hill Ride

    Level C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 25-30 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014

    A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the posted pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride.

  • FriMay. 232014

    Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 41 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4782599.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    FLOURTOWN TO SKIPPACK on 5/23: Pretty route through Montgomery County, passing through Ambler, West Point and Worcester, on the way to Skippack. Quick restroom break at Fischers Park at mile 16. Wawa rest stop at mile 24. Total elevation 1946 feet - mostly rolling terrain. Regroup as needed. No one dropped, but we will try to maintain at least 13 mph, as advertised. Earlier start time today - Leader needs to be back by noon. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    Explore the SRT from Norristown to Reading

    Level D+C-, 10-14 mph, 90 miles. Elm Street Station in Norristown. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

    The ride will gather at the Elm Street Station. Bring helmet, water, spare tube, $ for rest stops, dress for current weather conditions. Bring sunscreen. We will stop at the Peanut Bar in Reading for our late lunch stop. No one dropped. The ride has some hill climbing (but each uphill has a down hill), crush stone trails, on that have been OK for road bikes with appropriate tires, roads with traffic. There is a train from center city that will be in Norristown around 8:18.

  • SatMay. 242014
    Flemish Twist

    Level B+, 16.5 mph, 124 miles. Cavallo Park, Mt Hope St, Lambertville, NJ 08530. The ride leaves at 7:45 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4334581.
    Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

    In tribute to Ronde Van Vlaanderen lets ride a double metric through the low counties of NJ to Flanders staying along river and creek roads. Ride leaves from Lambertville and passes Round Valley Reservoir mostly following South Raritan River and Tanners Brook to Flanders. Return goes through Hacklbarney State Park than following Lamington and Raritan River to up and over Sourland Mountain back to Lambertville. Two short rest stops in Whitehouse (mile 28) and Raritan (mile 90) with longer food stop in Flanders (mile 60). Around 6500ft of elevation gain and will regroup as needed but will not drop below a 15mph avg. Ride goes rain or shine.

    CANCELLED Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

    Level B+, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles back parking lot, Narberth, PA. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
    Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537 and Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 

    Great roads with low traffic. Narberth through Bryn Mawr and out to Waynesborough Country Club. Then south to Ridley Creek State Park. Back through Villanova (and Gladwyne if the group wants more hills). No one gets dropped. Speed determined by the group. Bring a snack for brief mid-ride break. Rain cancels. Consider the on-line route approximate. Leave at 8:05AM.

    Ride to Reading--explore the SRT

    Level D+ C-, 9-12 mph, 90 miles. Elm Street Septa Regional Rail in Norristown. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

    Explore the northern reaches of the SRT from Norristown to Reading. The group will reform frequently. The path is crushed stone further north, with some low traffic road. Any type of bike would be suitable for the conditions. We will stop at the Peanut Bar in Reading for 1/2 meal and stops along the way for breakfast and bathroom breaks. Bring plenty of water, $ for meals, extra tubes, helmet, front and rear lights, and dressing appropriately for possible heat. We will meet at the Elm Street Station of Septa Regional Rail. There is parking at that lot.

    Mostly Flat Century+ on Maryland's Eastern Shore (w/short-cut options available)

    Level B-, 14-15 mph, 109 miles. Main parking lot of Washington College, on MD-213 in Chestertown, MD.. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4784571.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Century trek on mostly flat-to-gently-rolling roads from Chestertown, MD, north to Chesapeake City (along the C & D Canal), across the Mason Dixon line to Middletown and Odessa, DE, then returning to Maryland's Eastern Shore. Cycle mostly on lightly traveled roads with wide shoulders. Total elevation gain is 2164 feet. We'll pass through charming small towns, and cross the scenic Sassafras and Bohemia Rivers. Rest stops available at mile 19 (Galena), 39 (Chesapeake City), 51 (Wawa in Middletown, DE), 61 (Wawa north of Odessa). On the return, we can stop in Galena again at mile 88. Stop to regroup as needed. No one dropped, but we will try to maintain at least 14mph, as advertised. SHORT-CUT OPTION: On the return, staying straight on 213 South directly to Chestertown will shave off several miles. Please note: in lieu of hill-climbing, we'll have HEADWINDS for part of the route. Please bring sunblock, due to minimal shade. Please allow at least 90 mins drive time from Philadelphia (I-95S to DE-1, DE-299W to US-301S into MD. US-301 to MD-291 to MD-213) . Ride will depart promptly at 8:30.

    Sex on the Beach! THE RIDE IS A GO FOR TODAY

    Level B, 16.7 mph, 69 miles. Maurice Twsp. Elem. Sch. in Port Elizabeth, NJ. The ride leaves at 8:45 am.
    Leader: David C. Ziccardi, , 267-230-8995

    GRAB YOUR BIKE. IT'S ON! Don't be fiooled by the cheap (and butchered) immitation of this ride that was led last weekend. Annual trek to peep at horseshoe crabs engaged in their prehistoric mating ritual. Then it's on to the nearly forgotten town of Fortescue, NJ. Return through a nature preserve and historic Mauricetown, with its restored 19th century sea captains' houses. Terrain is nearly as flat as it gets, but don't let that fool you. The nature of the route allows you to pedal long distances without stopping or coasting. One quick water stop at mile 23 and a lunch counter lunch at friendly Higbee's at mile 48. Cue sheets will be provided for those who want to set their own paces. Email for directions to the start by noon on Friday. This ride will start on time so plan your arrival accordingly (i.e., at least 15 min. before the scheduled start time), factoring in time for any needed restroom visit as there are none at the start. Check this listing for a gon'no-go messageby 6:30 a.m. if the weather is questionable. Fresh, local strawberries should be available for purchase up the road from the start/finish.

    Saturday B/B+ ride from the Art Museum

    Level B/B+, 16-17 mph, 80 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:45 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4531016.
    Leader: Raymond P Wynman, , 215-816-6211

    We are a friendly B ride that stops at traffic lights and does not drop riders who can ride the advertised pace. Our rolling speed on flat terrain is 18-20 mph. Bring $ for a snack. There is going to be two snack stops.

    Saturday C/C+ Ride - to Malvern

    Level C/C+, 13-14 mph, 55 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1436835.
    Leader: Bill Wright, , 610-592-4477

    We are going to Malvern this week. Very similar to the Devon Ride, but a little longer and a different lunch stop. We'll keep a steady pace and effort but, as necessary, will wait to regroup. There will be some hills to climb on the ride and in order for the average speed to be 13-15 mph sometimes we will be going faster than 15 mph. Bring money for a snack. Wet roads or rain at 8:00 AM or over 50% forecast for rain between 8:00 and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information. Cue sheets are available for the ride.

    Mountain Biking: Pennypack Edition

    Level C, 5-7 mph, +/- 10 miles. Lorimer Park Parking Lot (off Moredon Rd). The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Laura Kelly, , 303-521-2633

    Meet at the parking lot just off the Pennypack Trail in Lorimer Park (off Moredon Rd). If you are coming from Pine Rd, the parking lot will be on your left (before the trail crossing). If you are coming from Huntingdon Pike, the parking lot will be on your right (after the trail crossing). Want to try out mountain biking but have been intimidated by the reputation of the Wissahickon? Dusting off your mountain bike for the first time in a while? Just want to go off-road with other really cool people? This is the ride for you. We will explore Lorimer Park’s wide off-road trails to get our legs warmed up before heading over to Pennypack for some time on the singletrack. This is a Beginner/No Judgments/No Drop ride. We will regroup as needed. This ride is designed to build confidence and skills or a gentle re-entry into mountain biking. We will be doing two or three loops on various trails. Total mileage depends on the group. Muddy trail conditions, rain at 8:00 AM or an over 50% forecast for rain between 8:00am and noon cancels the ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information. Required: Mountain bike with knobby tires (please, no hybrids; your call for cyclocross bikes); a way to fix problems trailside (spare tube(s), pump, patches, multi-tool or allen wrench and chain tool); snacks; trail permit; a sense of humor Optional but recommended: Pre-register so we know to look for you

  • SunMay. 252014
    Black River Run (ad-hoc ride)

    Level C+/B-, 14+/- mph, 71 miles. CVS Pharmacy Parking lot located at 299 N Main St, Lambertville, NJ. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4732358.
    Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

    Scenic mostly rolling ride on low traffic roads leaving Lambertville and heading through Flemington and Whitehouse Station to first rest stop at Oldwick General Store. Will continue to Potterville and follow roads along the Black and Raritan rivers down to Neshanic Station and second rest stop at La Strada Cafe before peaceful return back to Lambertville. Few Climbs but nothing major will regroup as needed. No one dropped but will try to maintain advertised pace

    Sunday Morning Ramble

    Level C, 12.5 mph, 40 miles. Meet at Whites Road Park between Broad St and Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale. The ride leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leader: Walt Spadt, , 215-855-8480

    We'll ride northern Montgomery and/or Bucks County. Will cancel by 7:30 if necessary. Bring snack because we may not find food stop.

    Sunny D ride

    Level D, 8-11 mph, 12-28 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
    Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

    Relaxing ride through Fairmount Park and beyond, depending on the experience of the riders and the heat. Bring extra tube, water, helmet, $ for mid ride break. Dress appropriately for the weather. Bring smiles or an occasional joke. No one will be dropped.

    Sunday C Spinoff

    Level C, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
    Leader: Sam Wiley, , 215-514-4242

    A friendly C ride which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch stop. All welcome.

  • MonMay. 262014
    Memorial Day Mix 'n Match

    Level B+ thru C, 13-14 mph, 40 miles. Narberth Park in Narberth, PA. The ride leaves at 8:45 am. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Richard L. Wagner, , 267-738-6405

    The annual event in which riders are encouraged to wear your most outrageous cycling kit (clothing). Break out that jersey that hasn't seen daylight since 1970. Don those ugly shorts (NO seethroughem's, please!). Mismatched sox, shoes, helmets?!?, etc. The uglier, the better. AND, prizes will be awarded to the best of the worst. - Oh yea, about the ride: We will ride the main line hills of suburban Philadelphia, with an outdoor food stop planned for the Wegman's in K of P. PS: The start in Narberth Park is near the basketball courts, at the bathrooms on Haverford Ave.

    Memorial Day Ramble

    Level C, 12.5 mph, 40 miles. Meet at Whites Road Park between Broad St and Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale. The ride leaves at 9:30 am.
    Leader: Walt Spadt, , 215-855-8480

    We'll ride northern Montgomery and/or Bucks County. Will cancel by 7:30 if necessary. Bring snack because we may not find food stop.

    No COS Rides Today - COS Closed for Memorial Day Holiday

    Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 and Michael Lefkowitz, , 610-687-2923 

    No COS rides on Memorial Day. COS is closed for the holiday. See you next Monday!

    Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Special Holiday Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll find some quiet roads to explore in the nearby neighborhoods. We'll be meeting in the parking lot across from the high school. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return.

  • TueMay. 272014
    Ride yer Bike Tuesdays

    Level C+ and B, 13.5 +/- and 15.5 +/- mph, 35-50 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4814146.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 

    Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out some new routes. Today we'll ride to Skippack. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the average pace. Daniel will lead the faster group today. Will usually have a sit-down lunch stop. Check with ride leaders if forecast is iffy.

    Ride to the Monthly Newsletter Mailing Party

    Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, 29 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 5:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2100051.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Ride to and from the monthly Quick Release mailing party downtown at Cozen O'Connor @ 1900 Market St, to help Tom Witt and his crew with preparing to mail the new issue of the newsletter. Part of the route will include the Schuylkill River Trail along Kelly Drive, and some Center City streets with bike lanes. Please bring LOCKS, and LIGHTS for the return trip..

    Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Edition - DEFERRED FOR 5/27, due to the RIDE TO THE NEWSLETTER MAILING PARTY at 5:00pm (SEE ABOVE)

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the last Tuesday each month), this leader leads the "Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party" instead.

    Teusday night Bulldog ride

    Level B, 16 to 17 mph, 30 -35 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677

    Ride thru the park towards Ambler. Depending on daylight available will either turn left at Stenton and pick up the bike path at Conshohocken or cross Stenton and continue for another 2 to 3miles No cue sheet. No rest stops

    Monthly QR Mailing Party

    Level All Meet at Cozen O'Connor, 1650 Market St.. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
    Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

    All welcome to help mail the newsletter, snacks and good company guaranteed along with some light work.

  • WedMay. 282014
    Wednesday Phoenixville Dog Ride

    Level C+/B-, 13 mph, 25-32 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
    Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

    Join us every Wednesday evening for beautiful rides on low traffic roads. The route lengths will increase as daylight increases. The rolling terrain of Chester County provides an excellent mid-week workout. No one is dropped, but please be prepared to average 13 mph on rolling terrain. Rest rooms and fresh water are available at the starting location.

    Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Wednesday Evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 10-22 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

    CANCELLED NW Philly/Flourtown Multi-Level Rides (no B/ B+ tonight, nor B-)

    Level C+, B-, B/B+, A, 12-20 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, John A. Dwyer, , 215 901-5810 , Tae Kwak , 267-788-4221 and Howard Haber, , 610-715-2881 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Wednesday Evening--Moon reflexion off the River Ride--Ride Cancelled

    Level D+ C-, 9 - 12 mph, 14 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:20 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

    Relaxing no stress ride from Conshohocken to Manayunk. Light dinner break in a café. Bring extra tube, front and rear lights, helmet, $ for break. Dress properly for cool or warm weather. Ride will follow the SRT. Have water to drink. Lively conversation welcomed. No politics, except if it relates to biking. Ride starts in Conshohocken at the parking lot section of Jacobs Engineering nearest the river.

  • ThuMay. 292014
    Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

    Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 10-20 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

    Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

    Level C/C+ and B-, 13-14 and 14-15 mph, 20-35+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 and Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578 

    Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Rain cancels. Note, no bathroom facilities. Check this listing for updates should one or more paces not be available any given week. See Weekly Rides for detailed description.

    Thursday Night Hill Ride

    Level C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 25-30 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014

    A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the posted pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride.

  • FriMay. 302014
    Minimal Breaking Hill Ride (ad-hoc ride)

    Level B/B-, 14.0-14.5 mph, 41 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
    Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

    Assemble at 7:30 am to depart at 7:40 am SHARP! This route involves some backtracking, but minimal breaking on downhills. We will climb Umbria, River Road, Manor Road, Oak Street, Jones Road, Gypsy/Hollow, Barren Hill, then back over Umbria and into Manayunk for our only rest stop (at mile 35) for coffee (it's all about the coffee). Regrouping if necessary, but riders are expected to be able to do the advertised pace (which is what our computers should read as "average" at the finish).

    Friday Frolic w/Linda. Flourtown to Montgomeryville Wegman's

    Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 47 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 9:45 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4387053.
    Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

    for 5/30: Pretty route from the Flourtown picnic area of Ft. Washington State Park to the food court of Wegman's in Montgomeryville for lunch. Outbound via Ambler, North Wales and Lansdale, return via Spring House and Oreland. Total elevation gain is not too severe: 1918 feet. Indoor lunch stop is at the halfway mark. After lunch, part of the return trip will be on the 202 Parkway. We will stop to regroup as needed. No one dropped, but we will try to maintain at least 13 mph average, as advertised. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on virtually every Friday, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

  • SatMay. 312014
    Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

    Level B+, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles back parking lot, Narberth, PA. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
    Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537 and Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 

    Great roads with low traffic. Narberth through Bryn Mawr and out to Waynesborough Country Club. Then south to Ridley Creek State Park. Back through Villanova (and Gladwyne if the group wants more hills). No one gets dropped. Speed determined by the group. Bring a snack for brief mid-ride break. Rain cancels. Consider the on-line route approximate. Leave at 8:05AM.

    Ride to Carversville Day (everything but the kitchen sink ride #1)(see shorter ride leaving from Upper Dublin HS)

    Level C+, B-, B, B+, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17 mph, 62 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 8:25 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4004643 (updated about noon Fri).
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 

    Please enter the park using the right hand side entrance (not the main parking lot entrance) and park on the grass. First in a series of 4 rides leading up to the 3nd Annual Kitchen Sink Century in late Sept./early Oct. (combines some of my favorite rides, including this, into a century). This is our annual ride to Carversville Day, a fun, low-key small town festival. Expect scenic, low trafficked roads, mostly rolling hills (relatively flat for the area) and great company. Quick rest stops on the way our and return. Will regroup as need (but please be able to maintain the advertised pace). Riders ahead of the group are on their own ride. Will hook up with a shorter version (51 miles) leaving from Upper Dublin HS (see separate listing). Ride leaders - Monica Coleman: 13/14, Howard Hochheiser: 14/15, Rick Simon: 15/16, Daniel Operacz: 16/17

    Saturday B/B+ ride from the Art Museum

    Level B/B+, 16-17 mph, 50-75 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:45 am.
    Leader:  Show and Go, ,

    We are a friendly B ride that stops at traffic lights and does not drop riders who can ride the advertised pace. Our rolling speed on flat terrain is 18-20 mph. Bring $ for a snack near the midpoint.

    Ride to Carversville Day (see longer ride leaving from Flourtown)

    Level C+, B-, B and B+, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, and 16-17 mph, 51 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4397900 (updated at noon Fri).
    Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 

    This is our annual ride to Carversville Day, a fun, low-key small town festival. See longer ride leaving from Flourtown for details.

    Saturday B-/C+ Ride - Valley Forge/KOP

    Level B-/C+, 15-16 mph, 57 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2524019.
    Leader: Bill Wright, , 610-592-4477

    We are going to Valley Forge & KOP today!!!!! Note this ride is approximately 57 miles and 4,200 ft of elevation, so leave yourselves a little more time in the afternoon to run those errands afterwards. We'll keep a steady pace and effort but, as necessary, will wait to regroup. There will be some hills to climb on the ride and in order for the average speed to be 15-16 mph sometimes we will be going faster than 16 mph. This ride is more for a C+ to B- group, so if you are concerned about keeping place, please contact me for details. Bring money for a snack. We stop at a Weagmans around MIle 33. Wet roads or rain at 8:00 AM or over 50% forecast for rain between 8:00 and noon cancel ride. Check the web site for up-to-date information.

 May, 2014

RSVP - BCP Picnic