Welcome to BCP Safety Issues
This page contains links to to items related to bicycling safety. If there are additional items that you feel should be added to this page feel free to send them to the webmaster

Safety Rules for BCP Group Rides
- Helmet required.
- No earphones allowed.
- Calling Clear is Now Prohibited. (Each rider is personally responsible for verifying that the way is indeed clear.)
- Follow the Pa. Vehicular Law - a bike is a vehicle.
- Use hand signals to indicate stops and turns.
- Callout road hazzards.
- Always ride on the right as required by law.
- Each rider assumes his or her own risk on all rides.
- Always notify the ride leader when leaving the group.
- Ride safely. Be predictable and courteous to all road users
Emergency First Aid for Cyclists Useful information that cyclists should know if there is first-aid is required while on a ride. This link was submtted by Jeff Diacik.
Same Roads Same Rules Same Rights This brochure was prepared by AAA. It contains a number of tips that useful when riding your bike in traffic. This link was submtted by Jeff Diacik.
Safety and Group Riding This BCP brochure is particularly useful for new riders but contains information which will benefit all riders. It is in pdf format. See the links below if you do not have an Acrobat Reader.
Share the Road and Ride Safely This was originally prepared as a set of guidelines for riders in the Scenic Schuylkill Century but contains useful reminders for all bicycle riders. It is also in pdf format.
Coordinated Emergency Response to a Serious Accident on a Group Ride. See "What To Do In Case of a Serious Accident on a Group Ride" on the Ride Leader Info Page of the BCP web site.
Some Safety Tips www.bicyclesafe.com
League Of American Bicyclists Website Section on Resources for Better and Safer Cycling: Making Biking Better
Bicycling Street Smarts This is a link to a booklet called Bicycling Street Smarts by John S. Allen. This link was submitted by Christine Martha.
Urban Cycling Safety - A Complete Guide to Cycling Safely in the City This web site contains ten core rules and some videos about biking safety. This link was submitted by Carolyn Nichols.
The Ultimate Bike Safety Guide This site contains links to sites that are concerned with Bicycling and the Law, Bike Safety for Kids, and Bicycle Safety Advocacy Groups. This link was submitted by Kathleen Bednar.
Do's and Don'ts of Bicycle Safety. Five basic suggestions for Cycling Safety. (Caution: Also contains advertising)
Commuting By Bike: Safety Guide & Tips. As the name suggests this site contains safety information for bicycle commuters as well as those who do bicycle tours. This link was submitted by Julie Loomis.
Healthy Cycling Beginner’s Guide for cyclist including safety information and links for school children and adults. This link was submitted by Derrick Lopez.
Avoiding Injuries on Your Bike Commute Guide for cyclist including safety information. This link was submitted by Bridget and Bella Wertz. (Caution: Also contains advertising)
Indego Riding Tips Riding tips from Indego bike share. Whether you’ve been cycling for years or this is your first time on a bike since middle school, taking these few steps will help make your Indego experience even better. This link was submitted by Howie Wiener.
Definitive Rules of the Road for Urban Cyclists A Masterclass for Safe Bike Riding on City Streets from CityLab. This link was submitted by Rose Cheney.
Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual This one is released by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. This link was submitted by Leland Mayne who is the President of the Neighborhood Bike Works. It is entitled Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual. It has a forward which provides Sections of Pennsylvania Law which pertain to pedalcycles (a/k/a bicycles) and then it incorporates the article by John S. Allen. To read Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual Or Download.
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