Pre-register Instructions



How to pre-register

If you are like me, you've probably waited dozens of times before a ride to fill out a sheet with your name, cell phone number and emergency contact number. That's all changed.
Now you have the option to sign up online. It all starts with the ride listing. Some rides will have a link to "Preregister". Clicking Preregister will take you to a form asking for the usual information: name, cell phone, emergency contact.

Submit the information and you'll see the rides you've signed up for and the contact information you entered.

The next time you pre-register, we'll show your contact information and rides. Changing or deleting are easy.

If you change computers, just give us an e-mail address. We'll match it to what you gave us before.

You may also add and remove riders, allowing family members to use the same computer. To do so each family member must agree to the ride wavier and enter their own unique contact information. If they already have an existing account, we can link accounts through email verification. (Note: Must not use the same email or cell phone number with other accounts). 

On a multiple account you can check "preregister all" to add all family members to a single ride when preregistering. However system will only do so if enough spots are available and ride is not multi level, otherwise system will only preregister the active rider.

To change the active rider account simply click on name of rider to switch.

The night before the ride, we'll shut down pre-registration to allow time
for the ride leader to print out the sheet. On the day of the ride, the ride
leader will have your contact information. 

To get started, look for a "preregister" link on the calendar. (Not all rides accept early sign up. Early sign in is at the option of the ride leader.) Fill out the
form. And check to make sure you've signed up for the right ride. It's OK to change your mind.

Ride Leaders

When you submit or edit a ride, you will have the option to allow preregistration for that ride or not allow preregistration. Near the bottom of the form is a checkbox. Checking that checkbox
is your way to indicate that you wish to allow preregistration.

Once the checkbox is checked, boxes to enter a date and time will appear. This date and time is the deadline date and time that you are willing to allow people to preregister for this ride.
(You want to stop preregistration with enough time before the ride to allow yourself time to print the sign-in sheet.) Once the deadline passes, people will no longer be able to preregister for the ride.

When preregistration is allowed, there will be a link on the ride’s listing that people can use to preregister for that ride. That link will go away after the deadline is passed. Prior to the ride, the ride leader will have another link allowing them to print a sign-in sheet containing the names and contact information of the preregistered riders with additional space for other riders.
Note: Ride leaders will have to be logged in to be able to see this link.

Send comments and suggestions to the webmaster