Ride Calendar


Broken clouds



  • 11:48 AM
  • 10:41 PM
  • Max : 24°F
  • Min : 20°F
  • 48
  • 1029
  • W 9.22 mph

    If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.

    BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.

    Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List

     June 2017 

    • ThuJun. 012017
      Thursday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. north Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Thursday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Thursday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the workday at a relaxed pace. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

      Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

      Level C+ and B, 13-14 and 14-16 mph, 20-30+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 

      Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Note that there aren't any bathroom facilities. We offer 2 paces on a variety of routes on relatively lightly traveled roads. Most will have some hills. Distance will vary with the pace and available daylight. Please bring a rear light for use at dusk, and preferably a front light too. Will regroup as needed, but please be prepared to maintain the ride's advertised pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride for possible changes or cancellations (rain cancels), and if a certain pace is not available.

      Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level B-/C+ and B, 13.5 -14.5 mph, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride Cue sheets will not be available. This year we will have 2 different paced groups. Chris will lead a B pace ride at 14.5 - 15.5 mph and Joe will lead the traditional pace at 13.5 -14.5 mph.

      "C"vilized Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level C, 10-13 mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:01 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      A slower "C" level version of the Thursday night hill ride, we start just after the B-/C+ group and climb the hills of Gladwyne.

    • FriJun. 022017
      Friday Morning Ride: Bartram's Mile Bike Trail and Walk Across the Pratt Bridge (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D, 10 mph, 15 miles. Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, #1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      I am going to ride Friday morning, 8 am, Cosmic Cafe. I want to go to the Bartram Mile Bike Trail, then cycle over the Passyunk Bridge, breakfast at the Penrose Dinner, and then explore cycling/ walking over the Pratt Bridge.

      Friday Frolic w/Linda. Hennings Market in Harleysville, with Outer Loop to Souderton

      Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 55 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/10710241.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Pretty loop through Montgomery County (West Point, Harleysville, Souderton). Indoor food Stop at Hennings Market in Harleysville at mile 21. From Hennings, we will continue for another 12 miles on an outer loop (north of Rte 63) toward Souderton. From Souderton, the outer loop returns to Harleysville at mile 33. From Harleysville, we'll return to the start via Skippack and Evansburg. Wawa stop available if needed at mile 38. Total climbing 2550 feet. We still stop to regroup as needed. No one dropped, but we will try to maintain the advertised pace. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    • SatJun. 032017
      CANCELLED CANCELLED Kayuh Pedalers: Kayuh Bicycle & Café’s 5th year anniversary ride (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D,C-, 10-25 mph, 15-20 miles. Kayuh Bicycle and Cafe, 19th and W Girard Ave.. The ride leaves at 8:00 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231

      Details will be forthcoming on starting time and length of ride . Contact Me @ email below or www.Kayuhbicycles.com, for more details.

      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Level A-, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 8:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 8:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      Annual Trek to Mount Gretna - Yes, Ride is ON

      Level B/B-, 14-14.5, 15+ mph, 78/48 miles. Shady Maple Farm Market on PA-23 in Goodville, Lancaster Co. (PA Turnpike West to Morgantown/Exit 298. Take PA-10 South for 1 mile to PA-23 West. Right at PA-23. Straight on 23 West for 8 miles, then turn left into Shady Maple parking lot. The ride leaves at 8:15 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1284741.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Beautiful ride through Lancaster and Lebanon Counties for an al fresco lunch at the historic Jigger Shop in the town of Mount Gretna, based on Dave Ziccardi's classic route. Moderately to dramatically rolling terrain with a few flat and sustained climbing sections on the way out. After the short climb out of Mount Gretna, the way back will be noticeably easier and will include a brief water stop. Stock up on fresh produce, Amish goodies, and baked goods after the ride. Anyone wanting to ride a slower pace and/or do fewer miles can opt for a self-guided (after mile 21.3), less hilly 48 mile route which skips Mt. Gretna. We will start PROMPTLY AT 8:30 (no exceptions), so please plan to arrive by 8:15. If you get ahead or fall behind you will need to be able to follow the cue sheet. If it's your first time doing this ride, please contact leader by evening of Friday, June 3 with questions re. driving directions or parking. Bad weather, including extreme heat, will cancel. A go/no-go message will be added to this listing by 6:30 a.m. if the weather is questionable. HEAT ADVISORY: Although this route is LOVELY, we will have limited amounts of shade. Please bring (and consume) plenty of fluids and electrolyte snacks, and please remember the sunblock. NOTE: special thanks to club member Charlie Brandt for recently rechecking the roads. There is one bridge which is out, but we can detour around this. PARKING: Please park in the rear lot behind Shady Maple, near the white fence. PRE- and POST-RIDE FOOD at Shady Maple: the Shady Maple Smorgasbord is open for breakfast at 6:00pm. After the ride, stock up on Amish goodies in the market before heading home.

      River Wards Cafe

      Level D, 10 mph, 20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Nice easy ride up Delaware Ave to the River Wards Cafe, close to Richmond St and Allegheny Ave. After a coffee, we will ride the length of Allegheny Ave, visiting St. James the Less Cemetery and Laurel Hill Cemetery.

      Toss of the dice-NEW START TIME

      Level C+, 13-14.5 mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:15 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/21746536.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with, but not limited to, the following destinations: 1. Ambler 2. Whole Foods North Wales 3. Wegman's King of Prussia 4. Whole Foods Devon 5. Ridley Creek State Park area. BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Nobody is dropped. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Indication that cue sheets and/or GPS navigational information will be available no later than 24 hours prior to departure

    • SunJun. 042017
      PRE-PICNIC RAMBLE: Blue Bell Park to Devon Whole Foods, then, return to Blue Bell Park for our ANNUAL PICNIC. CO-LEADER WELCOME

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, 48 miles. Blue Bell Park, West Walnut Lane near the circle at Park Line Drive. The ride leaves at 7:50 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/21066882.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Rolling-to-hilly, but scenic, loop from Blue Bell Park to the Whole Foods Market in Devon for a snack break. From Devon, we return to Blue Bell Park for BCP's annual Members' Picnic. At mile 20, there is a porta-potty stop if needed at the Willows Park. Food stop at Whole Foods in Devon at mile 23 (~half-way). Outbound to Devon via the Manayunk Bridge Trail, Bala Cynwyd and Bryn Mawr. Return to Blue Bell Park via Wayne, Conshohocken, and Chestnut Hill. On the return, there's another bathroom stop if needed at mile 39. Total elevation gain is 2934 ft. Assemble for the ride at 7:50, in order to leave promptly at 8:00. Plan is to return before noon, to help with setting up for the picnic.

      Kayuh 5th year anniversary ride

      Level D, 10-15 mph, 10-15 miles. Kayuh bycicle Shop, 19th &Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231

      PLEASE NOTE CHANGES: Join us for the 5th year anniversary ride of Kayuh bicycle & coffee shop. Meet at Kayuh at 9:30am for light refreshments then leave for Horticultural gardens at 10am. Ride about 1.5 hours. Then back to the shop for a party. Helmet and water required, Bicycle Club Philadelphia rules apply. 18 years and older.

      Tandem Ride to the BCP Picnic

      Level Tandem, 11 mph, 25 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The tandem ride leaves at 10:30 am. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leaders: Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and LINDA FREIMARK, , 215-853-8900 

      A nice ride to the BCP picnic at Blue Bell Park. There's no way to avoid some hills, but I've tried to make the route as flat as possible, with only two serious hills. Ride will travel through Flourtown, North HILLS, Glenside, and Chestnut HILL. 15 miles there, 10 miles return, with a screaming descent on the return trip. We will pass the famous Glenside sink hole that was on the national news.

      BCP Annual Picnic Ride from Lansdowne, Delaware County

      Level D+, 9-13 mph, 35 miles. Lansdowne Train Station Inbound side parking lot. The ride leaves at 11:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

      An OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced, but hillier, ride to the Annual BCP club picnic in Blue Bell Park in Philadelphia. We will regroup as needed at tops of hills. The reward is a nice picnic. The return trip will be flatter going through West Philadelphia to get back to Lansdowne, There is the option of taking the train back to Lansdowne. Bring water, extra tube, sun screen, dress for summer conditions. You will be notified of changes to schedule or due to bad weather if you preregister

      Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride

      Level D, 10-12 mph, 16-20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Dennis M. Schilling, , 215-677-0291

      Ride to the Club Picnic at Blue Bell park. Ride will regroup as needed and no one is left behind. You will need a helmet, tube for your tire, a snack and water. Adverse weather (low temp, rain) cancels, but check with the ride leader if in question.

      Sunny Sunday C Spinoff - To The Picnic

      Level C, 11-12 ish mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
      Leader: Ben Sears, , 215-844-3784

      A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the parking garage sign. This ride will go indirectly to the Picnic.

    • MonJun. 052017
      Monday "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA ( No Rides on Holidays that Fall on a Monday)

      Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 , Michael Lefkowitz , 610-687-2923 and Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256 

      Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Eight different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout the summer. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the work day, at a relaxed pace.n We'll cycle on peaceful roads in Eastern Montgomery County. We'll be meeting in the small parking lot next to the ball field, and across the street from the high school. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Occasionally, this Monday night ride from UDHS may be cancelled, if there is a special Tailgate event at the COS ride in Wayne on the same date.

    • TueJun. 062017
      Ride Yer Bike Tuesday

      Level C+ and B/B+, 13.5 +/- and 16.5 +/- mph, 35-50 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 

      Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out new routes. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the posted pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Often will have a sit-down lunch stop. Check back a few days prior to the ride for an updated listing with ride details: destination, distance, terrain and whether both paces are offered. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels). Cue sheets will not be available.

      Tuesday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. North Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Tuesday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Tuesday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Bulldog Ride

      Level B/B-, 15 mph, 30-37 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      Ride north towards Ambler riding through Schuylkill Park to Stenton Rd. How far out we go depends on daylight available. No cue sheet. No rest stops. Will regroup to let the ride leader catch up.

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Enjoy a friendly, non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty residential neighborhoods. Occasionally, we'll ride on park trails. Please bring LIGHTS in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the LAST Tuesday each month), there is no Delightful, Delicious D ride - this leader leads the "Ride to the Monthly Newsletter Mailing Party" instead, from Glenside Library to Center City.

    • WedJun. 072017
      Flourtown Multi-Level Group Rides

      Level C thru A-, 13-19 mph, 20-40 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578

      Multi-level group rides every Wednesday 6pm April thru September. See weekly ride description for more details

      Phoenixville Dog Ride

      Level B-/C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 24-36 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
      Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

      These are beautiful rides on low-traffic roads. No one dropped, regroup as necessary, but please be prepared to ride the advertised pace on rolling to hilly terrain. Precipitation cancels.

      Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Ride, Wednesday Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-11 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the day's stresses at a relaxed pace. Non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty, residential neighborhoods. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

    • ThuJun. 082017
      Thursday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. north Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Thursday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Thursday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the workday at a relaxed pace. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

      Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

      Level C+ and B, 13-14 and 14-16 mph, 20-30+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 

      Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Note that there aren't any bathroom facilities. We offer 2 paces on a variety of routes on relatively lightly traveled roads. Most will have some hills. Distance will vary with the pace and available daylight. Please bring a rear light for use at dusk, and preferably a front light too. Will regroup as needed, but please be prepared to maintain the ride's advertised pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride for possible changes or cancellations (rain cancels), and if a certain pace is not available.

      Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level B-/C+ and B, 13.5 -14.5 mph, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride Cue sheets will not be available. This year we will have 2 different paced groups. Chris will lead a B pace ride at 14.5 - 15.5 mph and Joe will lead the traditional pace at 13.5 -14.5 mph.

      "C"vilized Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level C, 10-13 mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:01 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      A slower "C" level version of the Thursday night hill ride, we start just after the B-/C+ group and climb the hills of Gladwyne.

    • FriJun. 092017
      Friday Afternoon Frolic w/Linda. Centre Square Park to Kimberton

      Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 54 miles. Centre Square Park, Yost Rd near Dekalb Pike/202. The park is behind the large school & church (St. Helena's) on the corner of 202 and Yost.. The ride leaves at 12:45 pm. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/20230395.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      For June 9: Leader has to work in the morning (need $$ to buy a new bike), so this ride will leave at 12:45pm. From Centre Square/Whitpain, we'll ride through Norristown Farm Park on our way to the flat Schuylkill River Trail to Phoenixville. Ride through Royersford, then cross the river into Chester County - Spring City, Birchrunville, and Kimberton. From Kimberton, we return toward Valley Forge, the flat Schuylkill River Trail, and Norristown Farm Park. On the outbound, we have a quick rest stop at Wawa at mile 22. Rest Stop at Kimberton Whole Foods at mile 34. Total elevation gain is 2738 feet. Please click on the route map link to view the course and the elevation profile. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. Scheduled for virtually every Friday throughout the year, with a few exceptions here & there. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    • SatJun. 102017
      Early Bird Beat the Heat Ride to Coffee in Devon

      Level B/B-, 14.75-15.25 mph, 50 +/- miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:45 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

      Assemble at 7:45. we willl leave at 7:50 SHARP! Ride through Belmont, Wynwood, Merion, Darby, Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Radnor, Devon, Wayne, Gulph Mills, Conshohocken, Manayunk, etc., returning via Manayunk Bridge and Bala Cynwyd. Many hills, including 10 (or so) relatively long ones. One 30-minute coffee stop in Devon (Pour Richards) at mile 26 or so. (It's all about the coffee.) Will regroup at top of long hills as needed, but riders are expected to achieve advertised pace (which is what our computers read as "average" at the finish). PLEASE PREREGISTER: It saves time and increases substantially my ability to read the important info on the sign-in sheet.

      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Level A-, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 8:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 8:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      Black River

      Level B/B-, 13.5 mph, 70 miles. CVS parking lot at Cherry St. & SR 29 in Lamberville, NJ.. The ride leaves at 8:45 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/9888193.
      Leader: David C. Ziccardi, , 267-230-8995

      A jammin' old Edo route through some lesser-ridden parts of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties to lunch al fresco at the Oldwick Store at mile 34. Return past Round Valley Reservoir, through Quakertown and eventually down Upper Creek and Lower Creek Roads. No other stops planned because there really isn't anywhere else to stop, so bring portable nutrition. ~3,700' of climbing. This ride will start on time, so please arrive at least 15 min. prior to the scheduled start time. Bad weather, including excessive heat, cancels. Check this listing by 6:45 a.m. the morning of the ride for a go/no-go message if the weather is questionable.

      Strawberry Ride

      Level C, 11/12 mph, 29 miles. Christ Lutheran Church 325 Covered Bridge Rd, Oley, PA. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/8542524; https://ridewithgps.com/routes/14484695 (to Boone Homestead.
      Leader: Steve Trobovic, , 610-710-1810

      Christ Lutheran Church in Oley has scheduled their Strawberry Festival for Saturday June 10th, 10am to 2pm. I plan to lead/co-lead a ride from the church parking lot starting at 9:00.There are two routes. Both are about 29 miles. Elevation gain is about the same 1450' One travels around the valley. The other goes to the Boone Homestead. Both routes return to the church for strawberry shortcake and other gastronomical treats. Riders can make their choice of which route to follow. Guest ride leaders and sweeps are welcome to weigh-in. I will have a few cue sheets available for co-leaders. Leader's cell: 484-719-7044 (day of ride). This is a multi-club event. It has been ongoing for a number of years. All are welcome. A good time will be had by all.

      Ridley Creek State Park (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D, 10 mph, 45 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      We will go out the way to Havertown, then crossing West Chester Pike at Larence Rd to a secret road to the Wawa on Sproul Rd. Then we will take Cedar Grove Rd which is a narrow, winedy, hilly road needing caussion and skill. We will enter Rudely Creek State Park off of Gradyville a departure from previous rides to this park. Bring or buy a lunch at the WAWA for our stop in the park. Return via Rose Tree CrumRidley and Lansdowne.

      CANCELLED Toss of the dice

      Level C+, 13-14.5 mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with, but not limited to, the following destinations: 1. Ambler 2. Whole Foods North Wales 3. Wegman's King of Prussia 4. Whole Foods Devon 5. Ridley Creek State Park area. BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Nobody is dropped. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Indication that cue sheets and/or GPS navigational information will be available no later than 24 hours prior to departure

    • SunJun. 112017
      Kayuh Pedalers Summer Rides

      Level D, 10-20 mph, 20-25 miles. Kayuh Bicycle and Cafe, 19th & W Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231

      Kayuh Pedalers' Rides will continue through the Summer. The ride distance & destination will be decided on day of the ride & will be determined on the temperature & riders that show up Any changes to start time or destination update will be listed. BCP rules apply, that includes Helmet & water. No helmet, No ride!

      Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride

      Level D, 10 mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jeffrey Dubb, , 215-327-4579

      Introductory ride for those new to riding or looking to improve riding skills and fitness for the C rides. Ride will be in the Fairmount Park area, will regroup as needed and be tailored to the abilities of those participating. You will need a helmet, water, and a tube for your tire. A snack is strongly recommended, as we may not stop for food. Safety and equipment instruction provided as needed. Rain one hour to the start time, cancels.

      Sunny Sunday C Spinoff

      Level C, 11-12 ish mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the parking garage sign.

    • MonJun. 122017
      Monday "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA ( No Rides on Holidays that Fall on a Monday)

      Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 , Michael Lefkowitz , 610-687-2923 and Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256 

      Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Eight different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout the summer. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the work day, at a relaxed pace.n We'll cycle on peaceful roads in Eastern Montgomery County. We'll be meeting in the small parking lot next to the ball field, and across the street from the high school. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Occasionally, this Monday night ride from UDHS may be cancelled, if there is a special Tailgate event at the COS ride in Wayne on the same date.

    • TueJun. 132017
      Suziejoe's Donuts at Riverbend Cafe (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D, 10 mph, 25 miles. Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, #1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      A Tuesday morning ride to the Riverbend Cafe at the Riverbend Bicycle Shop, Schulkill River Trail, Spring Mill. Tuesdays are Suziejoe's Donut day without needing to go on to Bridgeport, PA. Ride to eat donuts!

      Ride Yer Bike Tuesday

      Level C+ and B/B+, 13.5+/- and 16 +/- mph, 45 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/22074163.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 

      Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out new routes. Today we'll ride to West Point (Pizza Time Saloon) via Tabora's in Chalfont. Expect a relatively tame route (with the exception of two hills: Iron Hill and Callowhill as we approach Tabora's), scenic, low traffic roads and great company. ,Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the posted pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels).

      Tuesday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. North Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Tuesday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Tuesday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Bulldog Ride

      Level B/B-, 15 mph, 30-37 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      Ride north towards Ambler riding through Schuylkill Park to Stenton Rd. How far out we go depends on daylight available. No cue sheet. No rest stops. Will regroup to let the ride leader catch up.

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Enjoy a friendly, non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty residential neighborhoods. Occasionally, we'll ride on park trails. Please bring LIGHTS in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the LAST Tuesday each month), there is no Delightful, Delicious D ride - this leader leads the "Ride to the Monthly Newsletter Mailing Party" instead, from Glenside Library to Center City.

    • WedJun. 142017
      Flourtown Multi-Level Group Rides

      Level C thru A-, 13-19 mph, 20-40 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578

      Multi-level group rides every Wednesday 6pm April thru September. See weekly ride description for more details

      Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Evening Ride, Wednesday Edition - Ride to the BCP Board Meeting tonight in Roxborough,

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-11 mph, 14-24 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      6/14 - SPECIAL EDITION: Ride to the BCP Board Meeting at the Roxborough YMCA. Please bring a lock and LIGHTS for the return trip. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the day's stresses at a relaxed pace. Non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty, residential neighborhoods. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

      Phoenixville Dog Ride

      Level B-/C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 34 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/9133500.
      Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

      These are beautiful rides on low-traffic roads. No one dropped, regroup as necessary, but please be prepared to ride the advertised pace on rolling to hilly terrain. Precipitation cancels.

    • ThuJun. 152017
      Thursday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. north Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Thursday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Thursday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the workday at a relaxed pace. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

      Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

      Level C+ and B, 13-14 and 14-16 mph, 20-30+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 

      Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Note that there aren't any bathroom facilities. We offer 2 paces on a variety of routes on relatively lightly traveled roads. Most will have some hills. Distance will vary with the pace and available daylight. Please bring a rear light for use at dusk, and preferably a front light too. Will regroup as needed, but please be prepared to maintain the ride's advertised pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride for possible changes or cancellations (rain cancels), and if a certain pace is not available.

      Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level B-/C+ and B, 13.5 -14.5 mph, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride Cue sheets will not be available. This year we will have 2 different paced groups. Chris will lead a B pace ride at 14.5 - 15.5 mph and Joe will lead the traditional pace at 13.5 -14.5 mph.

      "C"vilized Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level C, 10-13 mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:01 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 and Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 

      A slower "C" level version of the Thursday night hill ride, we start just after the B-/C+ group and climb the hills of Gladwyne.

    • FriJun. 162017
      Chestnut Hill Farmers' Market (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D, 10 mph, 25 miles. Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leaders: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 and Michael J Olszewski, , 215-932-8586 

      There is a bakery in the Chestnut Hill Farmers' Market in Chestnut Hill, Phila, only on Fridays. A wonderful reason to ride up the hill! Rain one hour before start time cancels.

      Friday Frolic w/Linda. Centre Square Park to Kimberton

      Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 54 miles. Centre Square Park, Yost Rd near Dekalb Pike/202. The park is behind the large school & church (St. Helena's) on the corner of 202 and Yost.. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/20230395.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      From Centre Square/Whitpain, we'll ride through Norristown Farm Park on our way to the flat Schuylkill River Trail to Phoenixville. Ride through Royersford, then cross the river into Chester County - Spring City, Birchrunville, and Kimberton. From Kimberton, we return toward Valley Forge, the flat Schuylkill River Trail, and Norristown Farm Park. On the outbound, we have a quick rest stop at Wawa at mile 22. Rest Stop at Kimberton Whole Foods at mile 34. Total elevation gain is 2738 feet. Please click on the route map link to view the course and the elevation profile. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. Scheduled for virtually every Friday throughout the year, with a few exceptions here & there. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    • SatJun. 172017
      Early Bird Ride to Coffee in Flourtown via Upper Dublin (ad-hoc ride)

      Level B/B-, 14.75-15.25 mph, 48 +/- miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 7:45 am.
      Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

      Assemble at 7:45. We willl leave at 7:50 SHARP! Ride through East Falls, Mount Airy, Chestnut Hill, Wyndmor, Fort Washington, Upper Dublin, Oreland, Whitemarsh, Ambler, Manayunk, and Bala Cynwyd. Many hills, but no killers. Thirty minute coffee stop at Starbucks in Flourtown at mile 30 or so. (It's all about the coffee.) Will regroup at top of long hills if necessary, but riders are expected to do the advertised pace (which is what our computers should read as "average" at the finish). Partial cue sheet showing turns, but not milage. PLEASE PREREGISTER: it saves time and improves substantially my ability to read your emergency information (and it does not matter if you do not show up since we will not be waiting for anyone beyond posted start time).

      Flourtown (or Upper Dublin High School) to Frenchtown -- 100 (or 88) miles.

      Level C+/B-, B/B+, 13-14, 15+ mph, 100 (or 88) miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park, Flourtown Picnic Area. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1323339.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scenic ride (based on Mike Fuller's original route) through Bucks County on some lovely, pristine back roads, as well as riding south on mostly flat River Rd (NJ-29) in Hunterdon County, NJ, from Frenchtown to Lambertville. We cross the river at Tinicum-Frenchtown, and return to PA over the Lambertville-New Hope Bridge. We will stop to regroup at hills, traffic signals. Total climbing is 5400'. The route includes four rest stops, but please bring energy snacks with you. Also, using a cue sheet clip is highly recommended, in order to plan ahead for your next turn. PARKING at FWSP: Please Park in the auxiliary/overflow lot on West Mill Rd - single-lane driveway with grass on both sides for cars. SHORT-CUT OPTION: this route will pass Upper Dublin High School on both the outbound and return -- door-to-door service. Starting/finishing from UDHS will shave off ~12 miles total (88-mile version). If you'd like to join us from UDHS, meeting ~8:35-8:40, please contact the Leader. CO-LEADER WELCOME - it you would like to lead this ride at an alternative speed, thank you - please contact the Leader.

      CANCELLED Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Level A-, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 8:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 8:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      CANCELLED Saturday Morning D ride

      Level D+, 9-13 mph, 24-40 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/22202254.
      Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

      OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) pace ride extending the range of the typical D ride. It will be hillier and longer, but will lead to nice locations further out of and through the city into the suburbs. Please bring water, helmet (required), $ for mid ride snack or meal, sunscreen, dress properly for weather. Preregistered riders will be notified if there is a cancellation.

      CANCELLED CANCELLED Toss of the dice

      Level C+, 13-14.5 mph, 53 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/16620282.
      Leader: Eugene Sobel, , 215-964-4884

      Friendly C+ ride. Today, we'll be headed to Whole Foods in North Wales, a distance of 53 miles. BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Nobody is dropped. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Indication that cue sheets and/or GPS navigational information will be available no later than 24 hours prior to departure

    • SunJun. 182017
      Father's Day Special/Bucks County Metric CO-LEADER WELCOME

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, 67 miles. New Hope-Solebury High School, Bridge St (PA-179), in New Hope. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/8635796.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scenic loop around Bucks County. Part of the route will circle around picturesque Lake Nockamixon. Pretty countryside and quaint towns. There are rest stops at mile 16 (Wawa) and mile 38 (Turkey Hill). On the return, we have an optional stop if needed at the Carversville Store at mile 56. Cue sheets will be provided. Total elevation gain 4180 feet. This ride leaves early, in order to return in time for Father's Day festivities. Leader's Dad will be 92 in September - gotta make the most of Father's Day! CO-LEADER WELCOME: If you would like to lead this ride at an alternative pace, THANK YOU! Please contact LMc.

      Kayuh Pedalers Summer Rides

      Level D, 10-20 mph, 20-25 miles. Kayuh Bicycle and Cafe, 19th & W Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231

      Kayuh Pedalers' Rides will continue through the Summer. The ride distance & destination will be decided on day of the ride & will be determined on the temperature & riders that show up Any changes to start time or destination update will be listed. BCP rules apply, that includes Helmet & water. No helmet, No ride!

      Tossing the dice on a Sunday (ad-hoc ride)

      Level C+, 14ish mph, 50-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/16620282.
      Leader: Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917

      Friendly C+ ride. Heading to North Wales. Bring money for lunch. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Nobody is dropped. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time.

      Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride

      Level D, 10 mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Introductory ride for those new to riding or looking to improve riding skills and fitness for the C rides. Ride will be in the Fairmount Park area, will regroup as needed and be tailored to the abilities of those participating. You will need a helmet, water, and a tube for your tire. A snack is strongly recommended, as we may not stop for food. Safety and equipment instruction provided as needed. Rain one hour to the start time, cancels.

      Sunny Sunday C Spinoff

      Level C, 11-12 ish mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
      Leader: Michael J Olszewski, , 215-932-8586

      A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the parking garage sign.

    • MonJun. 192017
      CANCELLED Monday "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA ( No Rides on Holidays that Fall on a Monday)

      Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 , Michael Lefkowitz , 610-687-2923 and Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256 

      Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Eight different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout the summer. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the work day, at a relaxed pace.n We'll cycle on peaceful roads in Eastern Montgomery County. We'll be meeting in the small parking lot next to the ball field, and across the street from the high school. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Occasionally, this Monday night ride from UDHS may be cancelled, if there is a special Tailgate event at the COS ride in Wayne on the same date.

    • TueJun. 202017
      Ride Yer Bike Tuesday

      Level C+ and B/B+, 13.5 +/- and 16 +/- mph, 45 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/16679006.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 

      Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out new routes. Today we'll ride to the Italian Market in Skippack, with a rest stop en route at Fischers Park. Mostly rolling hills, nothing steep. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the posted pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels).

      Tuesday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. North Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Tuesday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Tuesday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Bulldog Ride

      Level B/B-, 15 mph, 30-37 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      Ride north towards Ambler riding through Schuylkill Park to Stenton Rd. How far out we go depends on daylight available. No cue sheet. No rest stops. Will regroup to let the ride leader catch up.

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Enjoy a friendly, non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty residential neighborhoods. Occasionally, we'll ride on park trails. Please bring LIGHTS in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the LAST Tuesday each month), there is no Delightful, Delicious D ride - this leader leads the "Ride to the Monthly Newsletter Mailing Party" instead, from Glenside Library to Center City.

    • WedJun. 212017
      CANCELLED Flourtown Multi-Level Group Rides

      Level C thru A-, 13-19 mph, 20-40 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578

      Multi-level group rides every Wednesday 6pm April thru September. See weekly ride description for more details

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Wednesday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-11 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the day's stresses at a relaxed pace. Non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty, residential neighborhoods. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

      Phoenixville Dog Ride

      Level B-/C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 33.3 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/19409700.
      Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

      These are beautiful rides on low-traffic roads. No one dropped, regroup as necessary, but please be prepared to ride the advertised pace on rolling to hilly terrain. This week's route takes us up Mt Misery via Paul Lemen, then up Yellow Springs and Valley Hill, with a creeky return along the Pickering. Precipitation cancels.

      Wednesday Night Hills

      Level C, 23 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      Preview the Thursday night hill route, C pace, this is in addition to, not a replacement of, the regular "C"vilized Thursday night ride led tomorrow by Jim Kahn.

    • ThuJun. 222017
      Thursday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. north Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Thursday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Thursday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the workday at a relaxed pace. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

      Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

      Level C+ and B, 13-14 and 14-16 mph, 20-30+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 and Katie Eberhart, , 215-868-5425 

      Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Note that there aren't any bathroom facilities. We offer 2 paces on a variety of routes on relatively lightly traveled roads. Most will have some hills. Distance will vary with the pace and available daylight. Please bring a rear light for use at dusk, and preferably a front light too. Will regroup as needed, but please be prepared to maintain the ride's advertised pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride for possible changes or cancellations (rain cancels), and if a certain pace is not available.

      Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level B-/C+ and B, 13.5 -14.5 mph, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride Cue sheets will not be available. This year we will have 2 different paced groups. Chris will lead a B pace ride at 14.5 - 15.5 mph and Joe will lead the traditional pace at 13.5 -14.5 mph.

      "C"vilized Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level C, 10-13 mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:01 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487

      A slower "C" level version of the Thursday night hill ride, we start just after the B-/C+ group and climb the hills of Gladwyne.

    • FriJun. 232017

      Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, ~45-ish miles. Silver Lake Park Nature Center, Bath Rd in Bristol. The ride leaves at 10:30 am. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      CANCELLED FOR 6/23, due to weather: New meeting point. New route in progress. Will reschedule, ASAP.

      BCP DISPLAY TENT/MEMBERS APPRECIATION NIGHT at Friday Night Races at the Velodrome (SOCIAL event, NOT a ride) CANCELLED/POSTPONED, due to threat of thunderstorms tonight. WILL RESCHEDULE.

      Level ALL are welcome Valley Preferred Cycling Center (the Velodrome), 1151 Mosser Road, Breinigsville, PA 18031 (Trexlertown). The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. The on-line route map is http://thevelodrome.com/us/directions/.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      CANCELLED/POSTPONED, due to threat of thunderstorms tonight. WILL RESCHEDULE. BCP will have a display tent in the plaza of the Valley Preferred Cycling Center (aka, the Velodrome) in Trexlertown, during the Friday Night Races, sponsored by Bicycling Magazine. Gates open for Happy Hour at 6:00pm, but the ACTUAL RACES DO NOT BEGIN UNTIL 7:30pm, allowing you plenty of time to get there after work. BCP will be exhibiting here to promote our club's membership benefits & perks, as well as rides and upcoming events. MEMBERS APPRECIATION: Stay tuned for updates, re. special promotion for members. The racing program for 6/23 includes the UCI Festival of Speed with sprint matches. The live band "Hard Bargain!" will be performing in the plaza, and there will be family- and kid-friendly entertainment. General Admission tickets are $6/person. Every seat has a great view of the track. In addition to the Breakaway Cafe, there is a souvenir booth, where visitors can purchase Velodrome merchandise. There are also other exhibitors in the plaza, where you can participate in raffle drawings.. Come join us for an exciting evening! DRIVING to TREXLERTOWN: Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike (I-476 North), or, PA-309 North, to I-78/US-22 West. Driving directions and racing & venue details are available here: www.thevelodrome.com. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are able to volunteer at the BCP tent, either for set-up (~5:15), or for staffing the booth and greeting visitors, or, for packing up at loading the van at the end of the evening, THANK YOU for your help. Please contact Linda, re. volunteering.

    • SatJun. 242017
      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Level A-, 16-17 mph, 40-55 miles. Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 8:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 8:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      Fairmount Park breakfast ride

      Level C-, 10 mph, 18-20 miles. Meet at 22nd and Spring Garden Sts. The ride leaves at 8:55 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Owen Sindler, , 215-990-3207

      Join me for some riding in the Park with a few climbs included and a stop for breakfast at the end of the ride at Cosmic Cafe. Please be ready to sign in by 8:55. We will spin off from 22nd and Spring Garden.

      Toss of the dice

      Level C+, 13-14.5 mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with, but not limited to, the following destinations: 1. Ambler 2. Whole Foods North Wales 3. Wegman's King of Prussia 4. Whole Foods Devon 5. Ridley Creek State Park area. BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Nobody is dropped. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Indication that cue sheets and/or GPS navigational information will be available no later than 24 hours prior to departure

    • SunJun. 252017
      Kayuh Pedalers Summer Rides

      Level D, 10-20 mph, 20-25 miles. Kayuh Bicycle and Cafe, 19th & W Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231

      Kayuh Pedalers' Rides will continue through the Summer. The ride distance & destination will be decided on day of the ride & will be determined on the temperature & riders that show up Any changes to start time or destination update will be listed. BCP rules apply, that includes Helmet & water. No helmet, No ride!

      Upper Dublin to Del Val (ad-hoc ride)

      Level Tandem, 12-13 mph, 34 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/21620153.
      Leaders: Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and LINDA FREIMARK, , 215-853-8900 

      Easy paced ride to the Del Val Market. Mostly on back roads with some time on the 202 and Horsham Powerline trails.

      Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride

      Level D, 10 mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Introductory ride for those new to riding or looking to improve riding skills and fitness for the C rides. Ride will be in the Fairmount Park area, will regroup as needed and be tailored to the abilities of those participating. You will need a helmet, water, and a tube for your tire. A snack is strongly recommended, as we may not stop for food. Safety and equipment instruction provided as needed. Rain one hour to the start time, cancels.

      Sunny Sunday C Spinoff

      Level C, 11-12 ish mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
      Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953

      A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles, usually with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the parking garage sign.

    • MonJun. 262017
      Monday "COS" Multi-Level Group Rides in Wayne, PA ( No Rides on Holidays that Fall on a Monday)

      Level D thru A, 10-20 mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leaders: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578, John W. Moser, , 610-630-8078 , Michael Lefkowitz , 610-687-2923 and Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256 

      Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley ( over 100 riders). Eight different ride groups to choose from including a "hybrid" group. See weekly ride section for additional details

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout the summer. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the work day, at a relaxed pace.n We'll cycle on peaceful roads in Eastern Montgomery County. We'll be meeting in the small parking lot next to the ball field, and across the street from the high school. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Occasionally, this Monday night ride from UDHS may be cancelled, if there is a special Tailgate event at the COS ride in Wayne on the same date.

    • TueJun. 272017
      Riverbend Cafe via Penn Valley and Mt Pleasant Rd (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D, 10 mph, 35 miles. Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Suzzie Joe's donuts awaits us at the Riverbend Cafe and Bicycle Shop. But first we will cycle Penn Valley and up Mt Pleasant Rd. Out of a valley and Mt in the name of a road does mean hills. Don't dispair, the return route is over the SRT.

      Ride Yer Bike Tuesday

      Level C+ and B, 13.5 +/- and 15.5 +/- mph, 45 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/22503998.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 

      Bring yer bike and sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out new routes. Today we'll ride to the Bagel Barrel in Doylestown following a park pit stop en route. Expect an easy ride for the area (not a lot of hills, nothing tough), low trafficked roads and great company. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to maintain the posted pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels).

      Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, ~25-28 miles. Liberty Bell Bicycles on Frankford Ave in Mayfair. The ride leaves at 5:00 pm.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Ride to the monthly newsletter mailing party, to help the newsletter mailing crew at Tom Witt's office. Please bring LOCKS and LIGHTS for the return trip.

      Tuesday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. North Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Tuesday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Tuesday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Bulldog Ride

      Level B/B-, 15 mph, 30-37 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Bruce Taubman, , 856-392-9677 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      Ride north towards Ambler riding through Schuylkill Park to Stenton Rd. How far out we go depends on daylight available. No cue sheet. No rest stops. Will regroup to let the ride leader catch up.

      Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Tuesday Evening Edition DEFERRED to 6/27, due to the Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party at 5:00pm

      Level D/D+/C-, 8-11 mph, 12-25 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      DEFERRED to 6/27, due to the Ride to the Newsletter Mailing Party at 5:00pm. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. We'll be meeting in the parking lot adjacent to the library. Enjoy a friendly, non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty residential neighborhoods. Occasionally, we'll ride on park trails. Please bring LIGHTS in case we are delayed on our return. This ride is scheduled for 3/4 Tuesdays each month, however, one Tuesday a month (usually, the LAST Tuesday each month), there is no Delightful, Delicious D ride - this leader leads the "Ride to the Monthly Newsletter Mailing Party" instead, from Glenside Library to Center City.

      Monthly QR Mailing Party

      Level All Meet at Cozen O'Connor, 1650 Market St.. The ride leaves at 6:30 pm.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      All welcome to help mail the newsletter, snacks and good company guaranteed along with some light work.

    • WedJun. 282017
      Wednesday Morning Frolic - Whole Foods Double-Header

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, 40 miles. Jenkintown Whole Foods Market, on The Fairway, ~1 mile east of Old York Rd/611. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/22424218.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Wednesday's weather forecast is fantastic! This is a pretty loop from the Whole Foods Market in Jenkintown to the Whole Foods in Plymouth Meeting. Outbound via Abington, Oreland, and Blue Bell. Rest stop at the Whole Foods in Plymouth Meeting at the half-way mark (mile 20). Return via Spring Mill, Flourtown, and Glenside. Only one rest stop is planned. Total elevation gain is 1875 ft, per RidewithGPS.com. Mostly rolling terrain - tallest climb is 380 ft. Leader needs to return by 12 noon.

      Flourtown Multi-Level Group Rides

      Level C thru A-, 13-19 mph, 20-40 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Thomas G. Madle, , 215-233-2578

      Multi-level group rides every Wednesday 6pm April thru September. See weekly ride description for more details

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Wednesday Evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-11 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the day's stresses at a relaxed pace. Non-competitive ride on quiet roads through pretty, residential neighborhoods. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Paced Rides" listed above. We'll meet in the rear of the parking lot, near the Giant Market. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Cue sheets will not be available. Please note: One Wednesday per month (usually the second Wednesday), Linda cannot lead this ride, due to the BCP Board meeting. Linda will try to arrange another leader for this ride on Board meeting nights.

      Phoenixville Dog Ride Metric Century - Lights Required

      Level B-/C+, 13.5-14.5 mph, 63 miles. Meet at Reynolds Dog Park, Longford Rd, Oaks, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/22102674.
      Leader: Rick Christie, , 610-787-1985

      This is a special day/night ride, starting at 6:00, and ending approximately 2 hours after sunset. This is a beautiful ride past Green Lane and back on low-traffic roads. No one dropped, regroup as necessary, but please be prepared to ride the advertised pace on rolling to hilly terrain. Precipitation cancels.

    • ThuJun. 292017
      Thursday Night from North Penn High School

      Level C+/B-, 13-15 mph, daylight miles. north Penn High School - meet behind the school near the bus depot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jay Sitkin, , 267-664-0939

      Thursday evening C+/B- ride from North Penn High School. We will meet at 6pm every Thursday evening through the end of September. The rides will begin the season at 13-14mph and increase to occasional 15-16mph rides as the season slowly progresses. The riding distance is determined by the amount of sunlight. Come on out and discover new roads and routes. We never repeat a route during a single season.

      Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition

      Level D/D+/C-, 9-12 mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the stresses of the workday, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Pedal away the stresses of the workday at a relaxed pace. We'll be meeting in the same parking lot as the "Multi-Level Conshohocken Rides". We'll start by riding on the Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, the Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill with Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring lights in case we return close to dark.

      CANCELLED Conshohocken Multi-Level Rides

      Level C+ and B, 13-14 and 14-16 mph, 20-30+ miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246 and Peter Velletri, , 610-420-6838 

      Meet at 5:45 for a prompt start. Note that there aren't any bathroom facilities. We offer 2 paces on a variety of routes on relatively lightly traveled roads. Most will have some hills. Distance will vary with the pace and available daylight. Please bring a rear light for use at dusk, and preferably a front light too. Will regroup as needed, but please be prepared to maintain the ride's advertised pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws. Check day of the ride for possible changes or cancellations (rain cancels), and if a certain pace is not available.

      Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level B-/C+ and B, 13.5 -14.5 mph, 25-35 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leaders: Joseph Lubeck, , 610-291-3014 and Chris McEntee, , (484) 483-5822 

      A moderately hilly ride conquering 3 Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride and we should be nearing 30 miles by July. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. 50% chance of rain between 6:00 and 8:00 cancels the ride Cue sheets will not be available. This year we will have 2 different paced groups. Chris will lead a B pace ride at 14.5 - 15.5 mph and Joe will lead the traditional pace at 13.5 -14.5 mph.

      "C"vilized Thursday Night Hill Ride

      Level C, 10-13 mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:01 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      A slower "C" level version of the Thursday night hill ride, we start just after the B-/C+ group and climb the hills of Gladwyne.

    • FriJun. 302017
      MEMBERS ONLY! - Multi-Level, Multi-Distance One Way Ride to Ocean City,NJ from either Flourtown, Moorestown or Hammonton

      Level C+ thru A, 13-20 mph, 45,65,85 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 7:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1359057.
      Leaders: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149, Philip Hoke, , 610-804-3322 , Howard Hochheiser , 215-913-3246 and Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 

      NOTE: YOU MUST BE A BCP MEMBER TO DO THIS RIDE! Join us on Friday June 30th at the following locations for our 7th annual multi-level, multi-distance 1-day bike ride to Ocean City, NJ: Start Location #1 (85 mile ride). Flourtown, PA: Flourtown Shopping Center at 7:00am (1842 Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown, PA, 19031). Start Location #2 (65 mile ride). Moorestown,NJ: Moorestown Friends Meeting House at 8:30 am (118 E Main St., Moorestown, NJ, 08057).: Start Location #3 (45 mile ride). Hammonton,NJ: Silver Coin Diner at 12:30 pm (20 South White Horse Pike (RT30), Hammonton,NJ, 08037). The only required cost to do this ride is a $5 "sag" fee. Two additional separate $5 fees cover round trip luggage transportation and use of shower facilities at Luray Manor. The required sag fee covers the cost of gas for the sag vehicle plus beverages and snacks for the riders. The sag vehicle will follow the group from Flourtown and provide bananas, oranges, watermelon, water/gatorade and sag support in the event of a mechanical failure. All riders should be capable of riding the various distances at one of the following paces: 18-20 mph (Phil Hoke, Samer Eid; Ride Leaders from Flourtown); 17-18mph (Elliot Titcher; Ride Leader, from Flourtown); 15-16 mph (Howard Hochheiser, Ride Leader from Moorestown, NJ; John Moser, Ride Leader from Flourtown ) or 13-15 mph (Linda McGrane, Ride Leader from Flourtown). You must arrange for your own transportation back to the start location. Some riders sleep over in Ocean City and ride back the next day (Saturday July 1st) while others return to Phila 30th street station via the Atlantic City New Jersey Transit train leaving from Atlantic City or Absecon,NJ. The Atlantic City and Absecon, NJ train stations are 15 miles from Ocean City and bikes are allowed on that train line anytime. Other riders have their friends, family or spouses meet them in Ocean City so it's a good idea to check with the other riders to see if you might be able to get a return ride back to Philly. I will have a list of riders with contact information. If you are a rider and can provide a ride back to Philly for one other rider plus their bike please let me know. Contact me, Tom Madle (the organizer), to pre-register for the ride and for additional information. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER BY CONTACTING TOM SINCE THERE IS A 40 RIDER LIMIT. The only MANDATORY cost to do this ride is the 5$ sag fee but you will have to bring money for lunch and rest stop snacks and the luggage and shower fees (if needed). Lunch is at the Silver Coin Diner in Hammonton. Rest stops, in addition to the Hammonton lunch stop, are in Moorestown and Mays Landing,NJ. Shower facilities (soap, towels, and shower) are also available at the end of the ride at Luray Manor (7th St. and Central Ave.) for an additional $5 fee. You may also check availability for over-night accommodations at The Blue Water Inn and Glen-Nor, which we've used in the past. Luray Manor does not have rooms available this weekend. We have a 40 rider limit. We expect to have 3 ride groups: a 13-15mph, 15-17mph and 18-20 mph group. Severe weather conditions (predicted heavy consistent rain or wind storm) will cancel the ride.

      Friday Frolic w/Linda. This is the generic description. NO FROLICKING on 6/30 - Leader will be part of the Multi-Distance Ocean City ride listed above. Please join us for the Ocean City event, if you can. The "regular" Friday Frolic will resume next we

      Level B-/C+, 13-15 mph, 45-50, +/- miles. Various starting points -- please check the daily . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      CANCELLED for June 30, due to the special Ocean City ride listed above. The "local" Friday Frolic will resume next week. Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. We'll explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Depending on the destination, starting point may be in Conshohocken, Flourtown, Jenkintown, Wayne, Valley Forge, etc. Please check the daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map will be provided for each ride. Scheduled for virtually every Friday throughout the year, with a few exceptions here & there. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk (on foot). As long as we are enjoying outdoor physical exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

     June, 2017

    RSVP - BCP Picnic