Ride Calendar


Broken clouds



  • 12:12 PM
  • 10:14 PM
  • Max : 44°F
  • Min : 40°F
  • 50
  • 1007
  • WNW 20.71 mph

    If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.

    BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.

    Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List

     January 2020 

    • WedJan. 012020
      New Year's Day Hot Soup Ride - UDHS to Montgomeryville Wegman's - Co-Leader(s) Welcome

      Level B-/C+: 13.5-14.5mph, 50 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/6661522.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Pretty and scenic Montgomery County loop from Upper Dublin High School to celebrate the start of 2020 with friends, and to enjoy some hot soup for lunch at the Wegman's food court in Montgomeryville. Outbound via Ambler, Gwynedd, and Lansdale. Return via part of the 202 Parkway trail, Warrington, and Maple Glen. On the outbound, there is a small Wawa at mile 20 in North Wales, if a rest break is needed. Lunch stop is at mile 29. On the return, if another rest stop is needed, we come close to a couple of Wawas at mile 41 (Warrington) and/or mile 45 (Horsham). Plan is to return before 3:00pm. CO-LEADER(S) WELCOME - if you would like to lead a group at an alternative pace, thank you! Please contact LMc to have your name and pace added to this listing.

      Ride to the Mummer's Parade

      Level D: 9-13mph, 14-24 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 11:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

      OWLS paced ride to go to view the Mummers' Parade. We will time our ride to arrive at the Kimmel Center to watch the String Bands marching. Kimmel Center is open for the public to get warm and to get light refreshments. Please wear clothing appropriate for the weather. Bring helmet (required by the club), water, $ for mid-ride snack. You will have the option to take the train back to the start of the ride. Please have adequate lights front and back as it gets dark early.

    • FriJan. 032020
      Friday Frolic w/Linda. BRUNO'S to OAKS

      Level B-: 14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The ride leaves at 9:45 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29147802.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      FOR JAN. 3: Easy, flat ride from Bruno's to & from Oaks for a coffee & snack break, out & back on the SRT, due to the weather forecast. Forecast calls for a chance of rain or drizzle...if it starts to rain while we're heading out to Oaks on the SRT, we'll turn around right away and return to Bruno's. There are several places where we can stop in Oaks for a snack - Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Wawa, etc. If we need to cut it short and turn around earlier, there is a cafe in Conshohocken on the SRT. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    • SatJan. 042020
      Philadelphia Diner Rides - Diner @Manayunk (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The theme for January's Saturday rides will be Philadelphia Diners. We will take a circuitous route to get to there and back to the start so as to cover the stated miles. This week's destination is the Diner @Manayunk. If KYW is reporting it is raining, snowing or icy road conditions outside their studio, one hour prior ride start time, ride cancels.

      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Levels A: 18mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 9:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 9:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      HOT SOUP RIDE - FWSP & UDHS to WARRINGTON - 2 Leaders, 2 Paces. Ride is still ON, with weather-related adjustments, as needed

      Levels B: 15mph, B-: 14mph, 50 or 40 miles. Meet at Ft. Washington State Park Hawk Watch Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/2067941.
      Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Stephen A. Muth, , 215-692-3585 

      Pretty loop through Montgomery County and Lower Bucks for some soothing hot soup on a winter's day. From Ft. Washington State Park (50 miles), we head north toward Ft. Washington and Upper Dublin High School, then, to Ambler, Springhouse, Doylestown, and Warrington. On the outbound, we have a brief stop at Del Val College Market at mile 18.5 for bathroom and snack. We will ride alongside the peaceful Neshaminy Creek. Lunch stop in Warrington is at mile 31. After lunch, return via Horsham and Maple Glen. Short-cut option (40-miles): Both the outbound and return segments pass Upper Dublin High School on Loch Alsh. Starting and finishing at UDHS will shave off ~10 miles. The riders leaving FWSP at 9:30 should arrive at UDHS by ~9:45. TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES: Steve Muth will lead a 15mph group, starting from UDHS, and finishing at FWSP. Linda will lead a a 14mph pace. WEATHER WATCH: Ride is still *ON*, but, we may need to shorten the route, if the weather deteriorates.

      HOT SOUP RIDE - UDHS (2nd meeting point) to WARRINGTON - 2 LEADERS, 2 PACES

      Levels B: 15mph, B-: 14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:45 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/2067941.
      Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Stephen A. Muth, , 215-692-3585 

      Pretty loop through Montgomery County and Lower Bucks for some soothing hot soup on a winter's day. From Ft. Washington State Park (50 miles), we head north toward Ft. Washington and Upper Dublin High School (40 miles), then, to Ambler, Springhouse, Doylestown, and Warrington. On the outbound, we have a brief stop at Del Val College Market at mile 18.5 for bathroom and snack. We will ride alongside the peaceful Neshaminy Creek. Lunch stop in Warrington is at mile 31. After lunch, return via Horsham and Maple Glen. Short-cut option (40-miles): Both the outbound and return segments pass Upper Dublin High School on Loch Alsh. Starting and finishing at UDHS will shave off ~10 miles. The riders leaving FWSP at 9:30 should arrive at UDHS by ~9:45. TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES: Steve Muth will lead a 15mph group, starting from UDHS, and finishing at FWSP. Linda will lead a a 14mph pace. WEATHER WATCH: Leaders are keeping an eye on the weather forecast. If weather conditions dictate, we can either modify the route, adjust the starting time, or cancel, if needed.

      CANCELLED Toss of the dice

      Level C+: 12-14mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with various destinations: BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. We will regroup as necessary and wait at turns within ride level expectations. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time.

    • SunJan. 052020
      SCU/BCP Hike the Wiss

      Hike Moderate Pace on Moderate Trails, 6.5 miles. Meet at Mt Airy Ave. Trailhead. The hike leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Linda Mueller, , 215-646-5718

      Join BCP/SCU for a hike in the area between Mt Airy Ave and Valley Green Inn on both sides of the creek. We'll be starting at Mt. Airy Ave entrance to the park and will hike approx. 6.5 mi on moderate - hilly terrain with a pace of 2 - 2.5 mph. Please wear hiking shoes or sneakers with good tread. The trails have been very muddy; hiking poles help with stability. If ice or snow, ice trekkers are highly recommended. Bring water and a snack. There will be a bathroom break at Valley Green. Please note that friendly four-legged friends are welcome but must remain leashed during the hike. Hope to see you on the hike as we watch the season change to winter in the Wissahickon!

      G.R.I.T. Ride to Princeton

      Level B-: 14mph, 51 miles. Meet at Washington Crossing parking lot on New Jersey side of Delaware located on River Dr . The ride leaves at 9:45 am. The on-line route map is Princeton51v2(30-21)GRIT.
      Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

      Grind the gravel all the way to Princeton on the Delaware & Raritan Canal Towpaths. Lunch Stop at D'Angelo Italian Market before returning back on Raritan Canal Towpath through Mercer Meadows on the LHT. Route will cover 21 road miles and 30 gravel road and trail miles.

      For the Hill of It

      Level C: 12mph, 24 miles. Meet at Cadence Cycling and Cafe 201 S. 25th St Philadelphia. The ride leaves at 11:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://www.strava.com/routes/23231098.
      Leader: Rob Gusky, , 920-573-5128

      Burn some holiday calories thanks to geology and the formation of some hills along the west bank of the Schuylkill on the way to Gladwynne and back

      Kayuh Pedalers: Winter Urban Weekly Sunday Rides

      Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Kayuh Bicycles & Cafe 19th St. & Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 11:30 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231

      These weekly rides the distance and route will depend on the weather. If the streets are safe I plan to ride.You MUST BE DRESSED FOR THE COLD, or I will not let you ride. If there is no ride because of snow I will go X-C Skiing, join me. Watch for up-dates. Helmet, extra tube and water a must. A light riding snack suggested. Mid-week update on rides @ Facebook: Kayuh Pedalers. STREET PARKING: S. College St between 20th & 19th

      Sunny Sunday D Ride

      Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
      Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

      OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride for any age or experience of riders through Fairmount Park and beyond depending on the the assembled group. Bring extra tube, dress for the weather, water, and $ for mid-ride snack stop. Riders must wear helmet (required by the club). We will ride in cold weather as long as there is no snow or ice on the road.


      Level C: 11.5-12mph, 24 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leader: Michael Fuller, , 610-551-8256

      Winding Way to Wyncote. A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Brrrrrring ur gloves n boots. C u at noon by the Italian Fountain for a 12:15 start.

      Sunday Afternoon (Post-Hike) Winter Ramble - Bruno's to Oaks, via SRT

      Level B-: 14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The ride leaves at 1:15 pm. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29147802.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      For Jan. 5: Easy, mostly flat out & back route to Oaks (almost Collegeville) on the Schuylkill River Trail, for a quick coffee break. We have a choice of places to stop in Oaks - Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Wawa, etc. Plan is to return in time for the start of the Eagles game. Total elevation gain is 1491 ft. A little bit of climbing, when riding away from the SRT, but, the SRT is flat. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic loop, usually thru Montgomery Co. or Lower Bucks, with brief rest stop. Unless otherwise stated, meet most Sundays at Bruno's (finishing point for many of the Sunday AM Wissahickon hikes). Occasionally meet at another location in Chestnut Hill. Plan to return by 5:00pm. Please bring LIGHTS. Specific details posted for week. Every Sunday throughout winter (during hiking season), weather permitting, EXCEPT 2nd Sun in Feb. If weather is not bike-friendly, this ride may be replaced by snow activity. Keep moving throughout winter - maintain base fitness level for the return of spring cycling in March.

    • MonJan. 062020
      City Coffee Monday Ride - Port Richmond (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 20 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      This Monday we will cycle to Port Richmond, the River Wards Coffee Shop. What better way to start the new year. Rain, snow, icy road conditions being reported outside the KYW studio, cancels.

    • TueJan. 072020
      Suzy-Jo Donut Tuesday Ride (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 26 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Tuesdays are Suzy-Jo Donut day at the Cafe at Riverbend without needing to go on to Bridgeport, PA. This morning's route will go straight out Kelly Dr, then take Umbia St see the Manayunk Canal Tow Path has been muddy with squirely tire tracks. We will rejoin the Schuylkill River Trail to the Cafe at Riverbend. Then a straight shot back over the SRT and up Shawmont. Rain, snow, icy roads being reported by KYW, outside their studio one hour prior to start, cancels.

      Tuesday Morning Coffee Run

      Level C-: 11mph, 20 miles. Meet at VFNHP visitor center main parking lot. The ride leaves at 10:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Steve Trobovic, , 610-710-1810

      Show and Go: The ride is on for anyone who shows up at the start. We ride the SRT to RiverBend Cafe' in Conshohocken to meet up with Philly folks for coffee and doughnuts. An additional seven mile loop to Plymouth Meeting is optional.

    • FriJan. 102020
      Friday Frolic w/Linda. Wentz Run Park to Cup'A Jo Cafe in Harleysville

      Level B-: 14mph, 47 miles. Meet at Wentz Run Park, Wentz Rd & Anvil Lane . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31720285.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      For Jan. 10: Scenic loop from Wentz Run Park in Blue Bell to the coffee shop next to Indian Valley Bike Works in Harleysville ("Cup'A Jo Cafe'). Outbound via West Point and Lederach, return via Evansburg and East Norriton. Food stop at Cup'A Jo Cafe is at Mile 25. Total climbing is 2697 ft with rolling terrain. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

      Ride to somewhere

      Level B-: 14mph, 40+/- miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

      Maybe to Conshy, Manayunk, Blue Bell, or all of the above. Lunch stop somewhere. Some hills, regroup as needed. Riders should be able to keep the advertised average pace. Faster on flats, slower on hills. Bring plenty to drink and an on bike snack. Dress in layers so that you can remove clothing as the day warms up. Rain cancels.

    • SatJan. 112020
      Philadelphia Dinner Rides - Penrose Diner

      Level D: 10mph, 25 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The theme for January's Saturday rides will be Philadelphia Diners. We will take a circuitous route to get to them and back to the start so as to cover 30 miles. This week's destination is the Pennrose Diner. We will go down to the airport and walk over the George C. Platt Memorial Bridge on the south side walk.

      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Levels A: 18mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 9:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 9:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      UDHS to the Carversville Store - 2 Leaders, 2 Paces (ad-hoc ride)

      Levels B-/C+: 13-14mph, 50 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/23617136.
      Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 

      Take advantage of the warm temperature on Saturday with this pretty loop through Montgomery and Bucks Counties, from Upper Dublin High School to the Carversville Store. We pass through Spring House, New Britain, Doylestown, Maple Glen, and Ambler. We'll also cross the Neshaminy Creek. Before lunch, we'll have a quick porta-potty and snack break in a park at Mile 15. Lunch stop in Carversville is at the mid-way point. Total climbing 2139 ft. Rolling terrain, but no severe climbs. Elliot will lead at a 14 - 14.5 pace. Linda will lead at 13.0 to 14mph, or, sweep. Rain cancels. If weather is questionable, Leaders will post a weather-related update.

      Toss of the dice

      Level C+: 12-14mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. The on-line route map is Wegmans KoP.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with various destinations: BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. We will regroup as necessary and wait at turns within ride level expectations. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time.

      Philly Wandrers - Hill Challenge #2 (2000' Climbing)

      Level C: 12mph, 31 miles. Meet at Cadence Cycling and Cafe 201 S. 25th St Philadelphia. The ride leaves at 11:00 am. The on-line route map is https://www.strava.com/routes/23216969.
      Leader: Rob Gusky, , 920-573-5128

      Are you up for a challenge? We continue our hill training to better appreciate how geological forces have conspired to put a smile on our faces as we ride out to Conshohocken!

    • SunJan. 122020
      Hike the "WIss"

      Hike Moderate Pace on Moderate Trails, 7 - 8.123 miles. Meet at Valley Green Inn. The hike leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Richard W. Terry, , 215-675-1536

      Let's hike a couple of hills to get the heart going and then wonder the back woods and maybe see a deer. O and hopefully burn off some of the holiday goodies that we have been consuming. Please park in the upper lot & wear appropiate footwear. Well behaved dogs are welcome over the owners.

      G.R.I.T. Ride to Seisholtzville

      Level B-: 13mph, 48 miles. Meet at Green Lane Park (Parking lot located @ intersection of Deep Creek Rd & Snyder Rd). The ride leaves at 9:45 am. The on-line route map is GreenLaneGRIT(14-34).
      Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

      Hillier ride as we climb our way up the gravel and paved roads to Seisholtzville for Rest-stop at Tamato's Deli (Mile 27) before returning. Route will cover 34 road miles and 14 gravel road and trail miles with over 4000 ft of elevation gain.

      CANCELLED Kayuh Pedalers: Winter Urban Weekly Sunday Rides

      Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Kayuh Bicycles & Cafe 19th St. & Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 11:30 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231


      Sunny Sunday D Ride

      Level D: 10mph, 12-20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Steve Trobovic, , 610-710-1810

      OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) pace ride for all ages. Will explore Fairmount Park and beyond with a Rest Stop about 1/2 way. Please bring water, proper dress for cooler weather, $ for mid ride rest stop, and helmet (required by club) Good conversation, jokes are welcomed, but no politics. There might be a hill or two to help improve riding strength and endurance. Resting at top of hills to catch breath will help recover from the extra effort.

      Sunny Sunday C Spin-off

      Level C: 12mph, 31 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953

      C. A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the parking garage sign.

      Sunday Afternoon (Post-Hike) Winter Ramble - Bruno's to Oaks, via SRT

      Level B-: 14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The ride leaves at 1:15 pm. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29147802.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      For Jan. 12: Easy, mostly flat out & back route to Oaks (almost Collegeville) on the Schuylkill River Trail, for a quick coffee break. We have a choice of places to stop in Oaks - Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Wawa, etc. Plan is to return in time for the start of the Eagles game. Total elevation gain is 1491 ft. A little bit of climbing, when riding away from the SRT, but, the SRT is flat. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic loop, usually thru Montgomery Co. or Lower Bucks, with brief rest stop. Unless otherwise stated, meet most Sundays at Bruno's (finishing point for many of the Sunday AM Wissahickon hikes). Occasionally meet at another location in Chestnut Hill. Plan to return by 5:00pm. Please bring LIGHTS. Specific details posted for week. Every Sunday throughout winter (during hiking season), weather permitting, EXCEPT 2nd Sun in Feb. If weather is not bike-friendly, this ride may be replaced by snow activity. Keep moving throughout winter - maintain base fitness level for the return of spring cycling in March.

    • MonJan. 132020
      City Coffee Monday Ride - Cobb's Creek (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 17 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      There is new half mile of bike trail at the southern end of the Cobbs Creek Park Trail. We will be cycling out Pine St to 63rd, going south on to Cobb's Creek Trail to the end. Return on Spruce, St and coffee at Jessabels on S 45th St. If KYW is reporting that it raining, snowing or icy road conditions outside their studio, the ride cancels.

    • TueJan. 142020
      Panera Bread Tuesday's Donut Ride - Whitemarsh Shopping Center (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The Cafe at Riverbend is no longer open for us to cycle there for Suzy-Jo Donuts without going on to Bridgeport. Besides, when we did, they were sold out. So up to the ridge we must go, Paner Bread, Whitemarsh Shopping Center, Butler and Ridge Pikes, Plymouth Meeting. Shall we go over to REI since we will be up the hill anyway! If KYW is reporting that it is raining, snowing or icy road conditions outside their studio, one hour prior to start time, ride cancels.

      Members' Seminar: "Bike Tech 101 - Getting the Most from Your Gadgets"

      Meet at Keswick Cycle, 408 N. Easton Rd, Glenside. The event starts at 6:30 pm.
      Organizer: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Social and educational gathering, designed to help us learn how to derive maximum benefits and functional use from the technological gadgets and gizmos on our bikes. Experts from Garmin and Wahoo Fitness will be on hand to show us how to pre-program our devices to their fullest capacity, and to answer our FAQs. Light refreshments will be served. If you are free this evening, we would love your company! Your RSVP's are highly appreciated, in order for us (BCP & SCU) to plan appropriately for the correct amount of refreshments (and seating). Thank you! On-street, free parking is available. There is also a parking lot on the opposite side of Easton Rd, behind the Keswick Theatre. PUBLIC TRANSIT: Septa's 22 Bus runs along Easton Rd, in front of the bike shop. The Glenside train station is a couple of blocks south of the bike shop, on Easton Rd.

    • WedJan. 152020
      UDHS to Del Val Market

      Level B/B-: 15mph, 41 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is UDHS to DelVal.
      Leader: Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905

      Non hammer ride to Del Val Market at about mile 25 with 202 trail included.

      UDHS to Del Val Market

      Level B/B-: 15mph, 41 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is UDHS to DelVal.
      Leader: Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905

      Non hammer ride to Del Val Market at about mile 25 with 202 trail included.

    • ThuJan. 162020
      CANCELLED Ride Thursdays!

      Level B-/C+: 13.5-14mph, 36 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/2281515.
      Leader: Cassandra hogue, , 484-868-6236

      Weather looks mild for January, so lets get out for a short , scenic and easy ride to Skippack. Mid point stop at Wawa, no drops. Check back here for late changes due to weather. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/2281515

    • FriJan. 172020
      Friday Frolic w/Linda. Hot Coffee on a Cold Morning

      Level B-: 14mph, 23 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/1972167.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      For Jan. 17: Short, but pretty, ride from Glenside to Conshohocken/Plymouth Meeting, for some hot coffee at Panera. Total climbing 1091 ft. Ride through Erdenheim, Wyndmoor, Whitemarsh, Flourtown. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    • SatJan. 182020
      Philadelphia Diner Rides - Mayfair Diner

      Level D: 10mph, 35 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The theme for January's Saturday rides will be Philadelphia Diners. We will take a circuitous route to get to them and back to the start so as to cover 30 miles. This week's destination is the Mayfair Diner in the Greater Northeast. We will cycle thru the River Wards of Philadelphia up to Mayfair and return via Huntingdon Park Avenue and the Kelly Dr bike path.

      Philadelphia Diner Rides - Mayfair Diner

      Level D: 10mph, 35 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The theme for January's Saturday rides will be Philadelphia Diners. We will take a circuitous route to get to them and back to the start so as to cover 30 miles. This week's destination is the Mayfair Diner in the Greater Northeast. We will cycle thru the River Wards to Mayfair and return over Huntingdon Park Avenue and Kelly Dr.

      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Levels A: 18mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 9:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 9:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      CANCELLED Toss of the dice

      Level C+: 12-14mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with various destinations: BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. We will regroup as necessary and wait at turns within ride level expectations. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time.

      ANNUAL TRAVELOGUE MEETING - Indoor Social Event, NOT a ride.

      Meet at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. The event starts at 6:30 pm.
      Organizers: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862, Chuck Herbert, , 267-228-1230 and Vince Calkins, ,  

      MEMBERS’ TRAVELOGUE MEETING. ALL members are warmly welcome to attend this social gathering -- a presentation by several club members about their cycling tours & trips. We'll share photos and memories of bike trips, from around the USA and far corners of the world. These bike trip photos are scenic, intriguing, entertaining, and sometimes hilarious. If you have photos & stories of bike journeys you’d like to share with your cycling pals, please contact Linda McGrane by Saturday, January 11 Chuck Herbert and Vince Calkins will be the Technical Coordinators for this event. We will be in a newer building at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy - the Cherokee Middle School, 8000 Cherokee St. There is a large, off-street parking lot outside of this building. PUBLIC TRANSIT: SCHA is 2 blocks from the St. Martin train station on Willow Grove Ave near Seminole St. REFRESHMENTS will be served. Meet & Greet social with refreshments will begin at 6:15 pm. Program begins at 6:30. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are available to volunteer to help with this event (for set-up or clean-up), please contact Linda ASAP. Thank you for volunteering! If you are able to help with SET-UP, please arrive by 5:15 to 5:30pm - there is a lot to set-up in the room. If you are planning to join us at this event, please use the "Preregistration" link here to RSVP, so that we can plan the correct amount of refreshments. Hope to see you at the Travelogue!

    • SunJan. 192020
      Hike the Wissahickon with BCP/SCU

      Hike Moderate Pace on Moderate Trails, 6-7 miles. Meet at White trail trailhead/entrance, W. Horrter St & Park Line Drive. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
      Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Debbie Hoellein, , 215-833-5545 

      Come join SCU/BCP for a moderately paced six to seven-mile hike at 9:30 am in the Wissahickon Gorge. There are 36 miles of hiking trails in the gorge and over the course of the fall, winter, and early spring we'll discover many of them. This hike is open to hikers of all levels including new members and beginners. If you are not up to doing the full hike there will be places to bail out and head back to the trailhead. Please bring water and wear layers appropriate for the weather. If there is snow or ice on the ground, please make sure that you have microspikes or ice cleats. The distance of the hike may be adjusted, based on the conditions and speed of the group. Well-behaved dogs are always welcome, but must be leashed at all times. Entrance to the White Trail at W. Horrter St and Park Line Drive is: - 40.036437, -75.198212.

      CANCELLED G.R.I.T. Ride around Tinicum

      Level B-: 12-13mph, 45 miles. Meet at Hansell Park. The ride leaves at 9:45 am. The on-line route map is TinicumGRIT45(15-30).
      Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

      Will ride out to the gravel and dirt hills of Tinicum township before returning back along the Delaware River Canal. Coffee stop at Brig O' Doon. Route will cover 30 road miles and 15 gravel road and trail miles. Bring your 29er, CX, Gravel or equip your road bike with wider tires as we mashup rides across various asphalt, gravel and sometimes dirt terrains. Expect a good challenge as we grind gravel trails and hit a few climbs with great company for no other purpose than to have fun and put in a few unpaved miles.

      Kayuh Pedalers: Winter Rides Canceled!

      Level D: 10mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Kayuh Bicycles & Cafe 19th St. & Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 11:30 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231


      Sunny Sunday D Ride

      Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride for any age or experience of riders through Fairmount Park and beyond depending on the the assembled group. Bring extra tube, dress for the weather, water, and $ for mid-ride snack stop. Riders must wear helmet (required by the club). If KYW is saying it is raining, snowing, or icy road conditions outside their studio, one hour before start time, ride cancels.

      Sunny Sunday C Spin-off

      Level C: 12mph, 20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487

      A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Given cold and windy conditions we will keep it short and ride a direct route to and from Delancey Bagel in Wynnewood.

      Sunday Afternoon (Post-Hike) Winter Ramble Ride (General description -- specific details will be posted for each Sunday)

      Level B-: 14mph, 35-40 miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The ride leaves at 1:20 pm. Cue sheets will be available.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      Scenic loop, usually thru Montgomery Co. or Lower Bucks, with brief rest stop. Unless otherwise stated, meet most Sundays at Bruno's (finishing point for many of the Sunday AM Wissahickon hikes). Occasionally meet at another location in Chestnut Hill. Plan to return by 5:00pm. Please bring LIGHTS. Specific details posted for week. Every Sunday throughout winter (during hiking season), weather permitting, EXCEPT 2nd Sun in Feb. If weather is not bike-friendly, this ride may be replaced by snow activity. Keep moving throughout winter - maintain base fitness level for the return of spring cycling in March.

    • MonJan. 202020
      December 30th Birthday Ride Rescheduled - Trenton (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 75 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The December 30th birthday ride was a washout. I will try for riding it on Martin Luther King Jr. Monday Holiday. Come ride my age in miles and a few others who have birthdays in December and January. The route is up the PA side of the Delaware River and down to NJ side. Coffee stop, 13 miles into the ride, Dunkin Donuts, State Rd and Linden Ave, a small lunch at Ben's Morrisville Deli, and a second lunch at a hoagie shop in Bordentown, NJ. There will be multiple age appropriate milage stops to catch a train back to Philadelphia if your age celebration is less than 75! If KYW is reporting that it is raining, snowing or icy road conditions outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels.

    • WedJan. 222020
      (Not So ) Early Bird Ride to Coffee in Devon: Very Cold, But Sunny Edition (ad-hoc ride)

      Levels B/B-: 14.5-15mph, 40 +/- miles. Meet at Manayunk Theater Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808

      Assemble at 10:00. We willl leave at 10:05 SHARP! Ride through Bala Cynwyd, Wynnewood, Havertown, Haverford, Merion, Bryn Mawr, Villanova, Radnor, Devon, Wayne, Gulph Mills, Conshohocken, Manayunk, etc. Many hills, including 12 (or so) relatively long ones. One 35-minute coffee stop in Devon (Pour Richards) at mile 20 or so. (It's all about the coffee.) Will regroup at top of long hills as needed, but riders are expected to achieve advertised pace (which is what our computers read as "average" at the finish). PLEASE PREREGISTER: It saves time; and increases substantially my ability to read the important info on the sign-in sheet; and it does not matter if you do not show up since we will not wait beyond the scheduled start time. AND NOTE: No ride if no one preregisters. P.S. My on-ride phone number is: 215-837-2808.

      Ride to Tabora's Bakery

      Level B-/C+: 14mph, 43 +/- miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/26763885?beta=false.
      Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

      Lunch stop at the bakery. Should be a sunny day with low winds. Regroup as needed. Riders should be able to keep the average pace. Faster on flats, slower on hills. Potty stops on the way out and back. There may not be bathrooms available at the bakery. Dress in layers so you can shed clothes as the day warms up.

    • ThuJan. 232020
      Pauline Deli - Norristown (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 35 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      It is going to be warmer this Thursday. Let's ride to Pauline's Deli for breakfast or lunch, your choice. Straight line up the Schuylkill River Trail and back. If KYW is reporting that it is raining, snowing, or icy road conditions outside their studio, ride cancels.

    • FriJan. 242020
      Hinge - Port Richmond (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 15 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Hinge restaurant servers a wonderful breakfast. Enjoy this short ride and fine food. If KYW is reporting that it is raining, snowing, or icy road conditions outside their studio, ride cancels. Note start time.

      Friday Frolic w/Linda. UDHS to Cup o' Joe Cafe in Harleysville -- TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES

      Levels B: 15mph, B-/C+: 13-14.5mph, 45+/- miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31798936.
      Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808 

      FOR JAN. 24: Pretty loop from Upper Dublin High School to Cup o' Joe Cafe in Harleysville, nex to the Indian Valley Bikeworks bike shop. Mostly upper Montgomery County, with a little bit of Bucks. Pass the Little Neshaminy Creek. Outbound via Horsham Power Line Trail, Wrenfield, Colmar, and Hatfield. Return from Harleysville via Quarry Rd, West Point, and Ambler. On the outbound, we have a mega-Wawa stop at mile 16 for quick bathroom and snack break. Lunch stop in Harleysville is at mile 26. Total climbing is 2057 ft. CO-LEADER(S) WELCOME: Coffee brings out the best of us....Jeff Braff will lead at a 15mph pace. Linda will lead at 13-14.5, unless another leader would like to add another speed group. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

    • SatJan. 252020
      Philadelphia Diner Rides - Oregon Diner

      Level D: 10mph, 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      The theme for January's Saturday rides will be Philadelphia Diners. We will take a circuitous route to get to them and back to the start so as to cover 30 miles. This week's destination is the Oregon Diner. We will go down to the Navy Yard and ride around before going to the diner.

      Main Line Cycles Brisk Ride

      Levels A: 18mph, 40-55 miles. Meet at Main Line Cycles front of shop 919 Montgomery Ave. The ride leaves at 9:05 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1940076.
      Leaders: Jeff Diacik, , 215-783-8537, Derek Barnes, , 610-246-3917 and Shahar Shiff, , 215-776-3963 

      Great roads with low traffic. We have a few routes that bring us out around or through Ridley Creek State Park. Average speed will be 16-17 mph, but note that these routes include over 4000' of climbing. Bring a snack for a brief mid-ride break. Consider the on-line routes approximate. Leave by 9:05 AM. Rain cancels.

      Toss of the dice

      Level C+: 12-14mph, 45-60 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am.
      Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010

      Friendly C+ ride with various destinations: BE SURE TO CHECK THE DAILY RIDE CALENDAR FOR RIDE LEADER AND DESTINATION INFORMATION. Bring money for lunch. We will regroup as necessary and wait at turns within ride level expectations. YOU MUST CARRY A SPARE TUBE. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time.

    • SunJan. 262020
      Hike the Wissahickon

      Hike Moderate Pace on Moderate Trails, 6.5-7.5 miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The hike leaves at 9:30 am.
      Leaders: Debbie Hoellein, , 215-833-5545 and James R. McClory, , (609) 513-1714 

      Please join us on a hike in the beautiful Wissahickon Gorge. We'll be hiking mostly on trails with some flat options. Hiking boots or shoes are recommended. Well behaved dogs are welcome, but they must remain leashed at all times. Bring water and a snack.

      G.R.I.T. Ride around Tinicum

      Level B-: 12-13mph, 45 miles. Meet at Hansell Park. The ride leaves at 9:45 am. The on-line route map is TinicumGRIT45(15-30).
      Leader: Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358

      Will ride out to the gravel and dirt hills of Tinicum township before returning back along the Delaware River Canal. Coffee stop at Brig O' Doon. Route will cover 30 road miles and 15 gravel road and trail miles. Bring your 29er, CX, Gravel or equip your road bike with wider tires as we mashup rides across various asphalt, gravel and sometimes dirt terrains. Expect a good challenge as we grind gravel trails and hit a few climbs with great company for no other purpose than to have fun and put in a few unpaved miles.

      Kayuh Pedalers: Winter Rides Canceled!

      Level D: 10mph, 15-25 miles. Meet at Kayuh Bicycles & Cafe 19th St. & Girard Ave. The ride leaves at 11:30 am.
      Leader: Thomas Haney, , 267-259-5231


      Sunny Sunday D Ride

      Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
      Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338

      OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride for any age or experience of riders through Fairmount Park and beyond depending on the the assembled group. Bring extra tube, dress for the weather, water, and $ for mid-ride snack stop. Riders must wear helmet (required by the club). If KYW is saying it is raining, snowing, or icy road conditions outside their studio, one hour before start time, ride cancels.

      Sunny Sunday C Spin-off

      Level C: 12mph, 31 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578

      C. A true C ride that cheerfully waits to regroup. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the parking garage sign.

      Sunday Afternoon (Post-Hike) Winter Ramble - Bruno's to Oaks, via SRT

      Level B-: 14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Bruno's, Northwestern and Germantown Aves. The ride leaves at 1:15 pm. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29147802.
      Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862

      For Jan. 26: Easy, mostly flat out & back route to Oaks (almost Collegeville) on the Schuylkill River Trail, for a quick coffee break. We have a choice of places to stop in Oaks - Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Wawa, etc. Plan is to return before 5:00pm. Total elevation gain is 1491 ft. A little bit of climbing, when riding away from the SRT, but, the SRT is flat. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic loop, usually thru Montgomery Co. or Lower Bucks, with brief rest stop. Unless otherwise stated, meet most Sundays at Bruno's (finishing point for many of the Sunday AM Wissahickon hikes). Occasionally meet at another location in Chestnut Hill. Plan to return by 5:00pm. Please bring LIGHTS. Specific details posted for week. Every Sunday throughout winter (during hiking season), weather permitting, EXCEPT 2nd Sun in Feb. If weather is not bike-friendly, this ride may be replaced by snow activity. Keep moving throughout winter - maintain base fitness level for the return of spring cycling in March.

    • MonJan. 272020
      City Coffee Monday - Chestnut Hill Farmers Market (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 20 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      We will go all the way up to the Chestnut Hill Farmers Market for our morning cup of coffee in the city. There is definitely one steep hill and many other hills but as proverbial saying goes, it is all down hill on the way back. If KYW is reporting that it is raining, snowing or icy road conditions outside their studio, one hour to start, ride cancels.

    • TueJan. 282020
      Conshohocken - Nudy's Cafe (ad-hoc ride)

      Level D: 10mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037

      Sorry that there is no more Suzy-Jo donut day at Riverbend Cafe since had closed. We'll try going to the new place in town, Nudy's Cafe. Up off the river bank on Fayette St. If KYW is reporting that it is raining, snowing or icy road conditions outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels.

    • WedJan. 292020
      Ride to Wegman's in Warrington

      Level B: 14mph, 40-45 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
      Leader: Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149

      Rest stops to and from and lunch at Wegman's. Slower on hills, faster on flats. Riders should be able to maintain the average pace. Dress in layers so you can remove clothes as the day warms up. Bring an on bike snack and plenty to drink. Rain cancels.

    • FriJan. 312020
      Friday Frolic w/Linda. UDHS to 'Feine Cafe in Skippack - TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES

      Levels B: 15mph, B-/C+: 13.5-14.5mph, 45 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31836466.
      Leaders: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808 

      For Jan. 31: Pretty loop from Upper Dublin High School to Skippack for COFFEE at Feine Cafe. Outbound via Gwynedd, Centre Squarte, Whitpain. Return via Evansburg. On the outbound, there are a couple of parks with bathroom facilities for a quick rest stop, if needed - Centre Square Park at mile 14, and/or Heebner Park at mile 19. Please bring a snack bar, for the quick potty stop. Lunch stop at Feine Cafe is at mile 28. Total climbing 2500ft. TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES: Coffee brings out the best of us....Jeff Braff will lead at a 15mph pace. Linda will lead at 13.5 to 14.9, unless another Leader would like to lead a third pace group. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.

     January, 2020

    RSVP - BCP Picnic