If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.
BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.
Standard Listing Calendar | Grouped List
April 2024
- April 15:00AM
Mon April 1, 2024 - Italian Fountain Century
Levels C: 12mph, D: 10mph, 100 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 5:00 am. One time only, the 24th running of the 23rd annual Italian Fountain Century, Leap Year Edition first half clockwise, second half counter. Cash prize for slowest ride (must finish on 4/1 to qualify). Dizziness treatment by your own provider at your own expense. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 110:00AM
Mon April 1, 2024 - CANCELLED Monday D Ride to Conshy
Levels C-: 11mph, D: 10.5mph, 26 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. D Ride, 10.5 mph, April 1st/ Day of all Fools, I think. In honor of this day, I feel foolish as I have no new idea for a different coffee stop in Conshy 😕.So….we can meet in front of Nutie’s and decide from there, OR go back to Feine, OR ….?? (tricycle closed mondays). Good news: SRT all open now so can go that way or Umbria! One more April Fool point: it may rain and this whole thing may be cancelled- so, pay attention Friends🙂 Leaders; Diana D, 215-680-2322 and Steve P., 215-852-9093 Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093 - April 210:00AM
Tue April 2, 2024 - CANCELLED Tuesday Ride to Lower Merion
Level C- through D: 10.5mph, 20-30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. This is a generic description of the ride which will go to one of three destinations every Tuesday:GET Cafe in Narberth; Farmers’ Market in Ardmore or Spread Bagelry in Wynnewood. Some climbing of 800 to 1000 feet. First part of ride will generally mean a climb into Fairmount Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge up to Chamounix. And then proceed up Bryn Mawr Avenue. and on to our final destination of Narberth, Ardmore or Wynnewood. On an ad hoc basis we may include new destinations and advance notice will be provided along with details. Always a fun group of friendly people so come on out! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745- 1
- April 49:30AM
Thu April 4, 2024 - Thursday Morning Hill Ride -new 9:30 start time!
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input. PLEASE NOTE NEW 9:30 AM START TIME!! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174 - April 46:00PM
Thu April 4, 2024 - CANCELLED B minus Hill Ride Wet & Miserable
Level B-: 14-14.5mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at nearby bar - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is First ride of season.
Leader: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 - April 59:59AM
Fri April 5, 2024 - Friday Frolic w/Linda. April 5 - Joining Forces with the Ride Yer Bike Tuesday on Friday Groups - Please refer to the 10am listing below. Revised Route for 4/5: UDHS to Cabin Shop Cafe at Valley Forge.
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 44 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:59 am. For April 5 - Friday Frolic will join forces with the Ride Yer Bike Tuesday groups, moved to Friday, due to rainy weather early in the week. Please refer to the 10am Ride Yer Bike listing. Revised Route for 4/5: UDHS to the Cabin Shop Cafe in Valley Forge. Return on the SRT. Route was revised, to due reports of storm damage & flooding on the CVT. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46037199.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 510:00AM
Fri April 5, 2024 - Rescheduled D Ride to Conshy
Levels C-: 11mph, D: 10.5mph, 26 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Friday April 5th, rescheduled D ride, 10.5 mph to 4th st Deli in Conshy. After days of rain let’s get zooming! (sort of). Meet at 10:00, usual place, old and new folks, different stories? Leaders: Diana D. 215-680-2322 and Steve P. 215-852-9093. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093- 4
- April 510:00AM
Fri April 5, 2024 - Ride Yer Bike Tuesday - Now on Friday Due to the Weather
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B/B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 43.9 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Lunch stop: Tous Des Jour Cafe at mile 22.5. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:30 in May & Sept., 9:00 June-Aug., and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 1st and 3rd Tues. start from UDHS, 2nd Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell, 4th Tues. from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues Ad-Hoc location & Memorial/Labor Day weeks we'll ride on Wed. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is UDHS to Tous Des Jours Cafe.
Leaders: Doug Smithman, , 267-566-2898, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 - April 68:00AM
Sat April 6, 2024 - Nortwest Schuylkill River Trailsl Summit
Level D: 9mph, 7 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Lets cycle to Venice Island, you say where is that? That is the island created by the Manayunk Canal, Canal St and Main St, Manayunk. Across from the Trek Bicycle Shop. There will we will attend the Northwest Schuylkill River Trails Summit, 8:30 pm to 1 pm in the community theater on the island. For those coming from far and wide, there is plenty of parking. Check this out. https://bit.ly/49LJsDg. If that doesn't work go to the Greater Bicycle Coalition web site. Listing this ride to encourage attendees. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 69:15AM
Sat April 6, 2024 - Toss of the Dice 2.0
Level B: 15mph, 58 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Friendly ride departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at 915am. Nice weather forecast, so we will head out to Lansdale. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Lansdale March 2024.
Leader: Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 - April 69:30AM
Sat April 6, 2024 - It Is What It Is - Phoenixville - 55 Miles
Level B-: 14mph Meet at Cynwyd Heritage Trail Head Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Various friendly rides departing FROM THE CYNWYD HERITAGE TRAIL HEAD PARKING LOT (TRAIN STATION - Bala Cynwyd) at specified time and ranging 30 - 65 miles (Off Season) 40 – 85 miles (In Season) with occasional century rides. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. CHECK DAILY RIDE LISTING for latest route information, details, etc. PREREGISTRATION IS OPTIONAL, BUT PLEASE KNOW THESE BENEFITS OF PREREGISTRATION: 1. UP-TO-MINUTE SCHEDULING CHANGES DUE TO WEATHER OR OTHER REASON. 2. YOU WILL KNOW WHERE I AM AS I WILL ADD THOSE WHO PREREGISTER TO MY LIVETRACK. 3. YOUR EMERGENCY INFORMATION WILL ALWAYS BE LEGIBLE. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Bala to Phoenixville .
Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010 - April 69:30PM
Sat April 6, 2024 - Saturday D Hill ride from Media
Level D: 9-12mph, 18 miles. Meet at Septa Regional Rail Station in Media. The ride leaves at 9:30 pm. Casual paced but hilly ride from the Media Train Station to Aston for a stop a diner for a brunch. Steep Hills going and more moderate hills returning to Media. Even though the route is about 18 miles, it will feel like 25 miles. Please wear helmet(required by the club.). Please bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, water, proper dress for the weather, sun screen, $ for mid-ride stop. A train leaves from 30th Street Station at 8:54 to arrive in time for a 9:30 start. There is no bathroom at the start, but there is a WaWa not too far away if a bathroom is needed. There is parking at the train station if you drive to the start. There are return trains at 1:52, 2:52, and 4:52 PM.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338 - April 78:55AM
Sun April 7, 2024 - Early Bird Ride to Coffee in Bala Cynwyd: Sunday Edition (ad-hoc ride)
Level C+: 13.5mph, 42 +/- miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:55 am. Assemble at 8:55. Depart at 9:00 SHARP! Start with typical ride toward Devon, riding through West Fairmount Park, Wynnwood, Kerakung, Havertown, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr, but then continuing on Ithan Avenue through Villanova, and getting to Bala Starbucks via Williamson Road and climb up McClenaghan Mill Road. At mile 26 or so, 35 minute coffee stop at Starbucks (it's all about the coffee), then down and up the Bala Cynwyd Heritage Trail and finishing with optional East Fairmount Park Loops. Approx. 2,200 feet of climbing. Will regroup as necessary, but riders are expected to achieve posted speed (i.e., slower going up and faster going down, but an avg. of 13.5 mph over the course of the ride). :) Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808 - April 710:00AM
Sun April 7, 2024 - Opa! (ad-hoc ride) leaving at 10AM
Levels B-/C+: 12.5mph, C+: 13mph, 42 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. In honor of Greek Independence Day, we are riding to a Greek pizza joint in Wayne. We plan on being back in plenty of time to go to the Greek festival on the parkway and maybe catch part of the Greek parade. Riders must be able to keep the advertised pace, which is the average pace That your devices will show at the end of the ride. Almost 2300 feet of climbing. Tubeless riders take note… Since we need to be back by a certain time, we will not wait more than 10 minutes if you get a flat. Opa! Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Wayne’s world.
Leaders: Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917 and Rob Weber, , 610-889-2255 - April 712:00PM
Sun April 7, 2024 - Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Casual paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond for riders new to biking or returning to biking after a layoff. Please wear helmet(required by the club.) Please bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, water, sunscreen, proper dress for the weather, and $ for mid-ride snack stop.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338 - April 712:15PM
Sun April 7, 2024 - Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels B- through C: 14mph, C+/C: 13mph, C: 12mph Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Some climbing is required.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 , Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953 and Eugene Sobel, , 215-964-4884 - April 71:50PM
Sun April 7, 2024 - Sunday PM Early Spring Quick Spin: Warrington to Doylestown (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 25.6 miles. Meet at Lions Pride Park, 3129 Bradley Rd near Folly Rd, Warrington. The ride leaves at 1:50 pm. Pretty and scenic meander for a Sunday afternoon - this ride is a follow-up (or add-on/sequel) to a morning ride led by Katie, leaving from and returning to the same meeting point. This afternoon ride will take us from Warrington to Doylestown for a quick snack break at Mile 15. Both outbound and return will include part of the 202 Parkway Trail, as well as quiet residential streets. Scenery also includes the Neshaminy Creek and part of the Del Val University campus. Total elevation gain is 1313 ft (averaging 51 ft/mile). Mostly gently rolling. One moderate climb before the rest stop, but no extreme climbs. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46054932.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 75:00PM
Sun April 7, 2024 - BCP Travelogue via Zoom - The Gulf Coast with Royer Smith
Meet at online - Zoom. The event starts at 5:00 pm. Join longtime BCP member Royer Smith as he tells us about his 700-mile February 2024 bike trip along the Gulf Coast. Hear about good riding, good food, and good weather. See his article about the trip in the April edition of the QR. Join us on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81027913557?pwd=VBu7ll4SLv8tF30XfLUtgebXaTFrNO.1 Additional information: Zoom link to Royer's Travelogue Meeting.
Organizer: Royer Smith, , - April 810:00AM
Mon April 8, 2024 - Monday Morning Ride to Spring Mill/Conshohocken
Levels C-: 11mph, D: 9mph, 24 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. The Manayunk Canal Tow Path is open. Hopefully there will be a few dry days to give the tow path time to dry out. Since Tricycles Cafe is only open Wednesday through Sunday, 8am to 4pm, we will discover where the Bridge Coffee Knuck is in the old Lee Tire Plant, and since I am the only Monday morning rider who knows how to find it, Diana and Steve is allowing me to co-lead this morning's ride. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037, Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093 - April 86:00PM
Mon April 8, 2024 - CHURCH OF THE SAVIOUR (COS) MULTI-LEVEL RIDES (for all riders)
Level A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Monday night rides for everyone. April 8, 2023 to Sept. 23, 2024 🚴🏻🚴♂️🚴♀️🚴🏾♀️🚴♂️ Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. 🚴♂️🚴♀️Rides leave at 6:00 pm sharp🚴♂️🚴♀️🚴🏾♀️ Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley (100+ riders). 7 different groups from our "Hybrid Bike" group (8-10 mph, 15 miles ) to our A group ( 18-20 mph, 30-40 miles). Rides finish by sunset (Hybrid group finishes at 7:30). 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻🚴♂️ Cross listed with SCU. Register here or there so we can get a count. 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻 Ride leaders often post their routes on the SCU Meetup or BCP website. 🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻 Post-ride socials at the Great American Pub in Wayne, and two "tailgate" nights in the COS lot with free pizza. Experienced ride leaders and sweep riders; no one gets lost! 🚴🏻🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️ No rides on Monday holidays. Look at the ride listings for updates when weather is questionable. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030- 1
- April 910:00AM
Tue April 9, 2024 - Tuesday Ride to Lower Merion
Level C- through D: 10.5mph, 20-30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. This is a generic description of the ride which will go to one of three destinations every Tuesday:GET Cafe in Narberth; Farmers’ Market in Ardmore or Spread Bagelry in Wynnewood. Some climbing of 800 to 1000 feet. First part of ride will generally mean a climb into Fairmount Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge up to Chamounix. And then proceed up Bryn Mawr Avenue. and on to our final destination of Narberth, Ardmore or Wynnewood. On an ad hoc basis we may include new destinations and advance notice will be provided along with details. Always a fun group of friendly people so come on out! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745- 1
- April 910:00AM
Tue April 9, 2024 - Ride Yer Bike Tuesday
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B/B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 40-48 miles. Meet at Centre Square Park (please park near the bathrooms). The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Lunch stops may be sit down, takeout, or in a park. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:30 in May & Sept., 9:00 June-Aug., and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 1st and 3rd Tues. start from UDHS, 2nd Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell, 4th Tues. from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues Ad-Hoc location & Memorial/Labor Day weeks we'll ride on Wed. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Doug Smithman, , 267-566-2898, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358- 1
- April 96:00PM
Tue April 9, 2024 - Bulldog Ride
Level B+: 16.5mph, 27-30 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. This will be a B ride from the bulldog, following the normal short tuesday route. out to Henry avenue, willow grove and a left on Stenton. Should be a great night for a ride! Please bring lights Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Kevin Cunningham, , 215-514-0903 - April 1010:00AM
Wed April 10, 2024 - Merchantville, NJ Train Station Cafe (ad-hoc ride)
Level D: 9mph, 25 miles. Meet at 9th and Locust Sts, PATCO Highspeed Line elevator . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. We will meet by 10 am at the 9th & 10th St station of the PATCO Highspeed Line to get easily accros the Ben Franklin Bridge instead of carrying our bikes down the three flights of steps of the north walkway. Bring $1.40 or your PATCO senior pass. We will cycle to the historic Merchantville Train Station Cafe for coffee. We will cycle up to the Tacony Palmyra Bridge and walk over the bridge. Cycling back to the start over the Delaware River Trail. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride is canceled. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 106:00PM
Wed April 10, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious D (and D+/C-) Wednesday Evening Ride
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. PROPOSED ROUTE for 4/10: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37455617 Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). Once a month, this ride may need to meet earlier in afternoon, due to BCP Board meeting in evening. In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30). Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37455617.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 119:30AM
Thu April 11, 2024 - Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input. PLEASE NOTE NEW 9:30 START TIME!! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174 - April 116:00PM
Thu April 11, 2024 - CANCELLED B minus Hill Ride
Level B-: 14-14.5mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at nearby bar - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is 1st Hill Ride.
Leader: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 - April 1210:00AM
Fri April 12, 2024 - CANCELLED Exploring the Future Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails
Level D: 9mph, 30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. We will explore the future Pedestrian & Bicycle trails on the drawing boards in real time. We will take a look at the Christian St to Crescent section of the Schuylkill Banks Trail, Wissahickon Gateway, Ivy Ridge Trail, Cynwyd Extension/Cynwyd ( City Ave to 53rd Street), Cynwyd Spur, and walk over the Mule Bridge. This could be tedious because there will be starting and stopping at these unfinished trails but well worth your effort because they might not be finished in my lifetime, but you will be able to say, " I saw the vision!" If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 1212:00PM
Fri April 12, 2024 - Friday Afternoon Frolic w/Linda - Laurel Beech Park to Audubon/Trooper Wawa
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Laurel Beech Park. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. For April 12: Afternoon ride, since the morning rain is forecast to clear out of the area by noon. Easy ride from Wyndmoor to the Wawa in Audubon/Trooper, via the SRT. Outbound to access the SRT via Chestnut Hill. After our break at Wawa at the half-way point, we'll explore a little bit around West Norriton, before getting back on the SRT. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42018283.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 139:15AM
Sat April 13, 2024 - CANCELLED Lunch ride to one of the best keep secrets in Ambler "The Pizza Box "
Level C/C-: 12mph, 45-50 miles. Meet at Cadence Cycle Shop 3740 Main St. Philadelphia , Pa 19127. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Lets take a ride out to the Pizza Box which features such gourmet Hollywood Pizzas : The Big Cheese, Stallone, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Al Capone, just to name a few. Route will include a few of our standard climbs most notably the ride up Rittenhouse Ave to Wayne Ave. The return route will be back to the SRT and returning to our starting point. the ride will be cancelled Iif KYW is reporting rain outside of their studio 1 hour prior to our departure Please note the start time of 9:15 am Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206 - April 139:15AM
Sat April 13, 2024 - CANCELLED Toss of the Dice 2.0
Level B: 15mph, 35-80 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Various friendly rides per DAILY RIDE CALENDAR departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at specified time and ranging 35-80 miles. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 - April 139:30AM
Sat April 13, 2024 - It Is What It Is - Buttery - The New Way - 40 miles
Level B-: 14mph Meet at Cynwyd Heritage Trail Head Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Various friendly rides departing FROM THE CYNWYD HERITAGE TRAIL HEAD PARKING LOT (TRAIN STATION - Bala Cynwyd) at specified time and ranging 30 - 65 miles (Off Season) 40 – 85 miles (In Season) with occasional century rides. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. CHECK DAILY RIDE LISTING for latest route information, details, etc. PREREGISTRATION IS OPTIONAL, BUT PLEASE KNOW THESE BENEFITS OF PREREGISTRATION: 1. UP-TO-MINUTE SCHEDULING CHANGES DUE TO WEATHER OR OTHER REASON. 2. YOU WILL KNOW WHERE I AM AS I WILL ADD THOSE WHO PREREGISTER TO MY LIVETRACK. 3. YOUR EMERGENCY INFORMATION WILL ALWAYS BE LEGIBLE. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Buttery - The New Way.
Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010 - April 1310:00AM
Sat April 13, 2024 - Ride Series for New & Returning Riders - Ride 1 to Conshohoken
Level D: 10.5mph, 20 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Join us for any or all of BCP's Spring Saturday SRT Series of Progressive Rides for new and returning riders. Open to everyone. The first ride in our series is out to the Tricycle Café and Bike shop along the SRT in Conshohocken. It is an easy, mostly flat 20 miles through Manayunk and beyond. This ride is mostly on trails, but has some riding on streets to get through Manayunk to the paved SRT at Shawmont. The four rides are 20, 30, 50 and 62.5 mi. Riders who finish the whole series will get a certificate from BCP, as will riders who finish the 50-mile ride or the 62.5 mile (100 km) ride. This is a prefect series to start riding with a group or to explore the SRT beyond Manayunk. NOTE: If there are more than 12 riders we will break into separate groups, each with an experienced ride leader and sweep. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46036798.
Leader: Chuck Herbert, , 267-228-1230 - April 132:00PM
Sat April 13, 2024 - Hatboro to Doylestown Afternoon Meander (after the Hatboro Earth Day Celebration) (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 35 miles. Meet at Pennypack Community Center. The ride leaves at 2:00 pm. Pretty and scenic meander from the Pennypack Community Center in Hatboro, the site of an Earth Day Celebration here this morning (10am to 2pm at the Pennypack Community Center on Spring Ave in Hatboro), winding north to Doylestown for a quick pit stop at Starbucks in D'town at Mile 18. Outbound via Warminster and Warrington, return via Folly Rd and the Horsham Power Line Trail. Total elevation 1755 ft, averaging a modest 50 ft/mile, with no extreme climbs. Scenery includes neighborhood parks, the Neshaminy Creek, and charming Doylestown, all in bloom. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46157335.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 148:30AM
Sun April 14, 2024 - Dice on a Sunday
Level B: 15mph, 65 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Friendly ride out to Phoenixville, with a stop for pastries. Meet at the Italian fountain behind the art museum. We will regroup as needed for riders keeping posted pace. The on-line route map is Phoenixville.
Leader: Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 - April 149:00AM
Sun April 14, 2024 - Spring Day in Spring House (ad-hoc ride)
Levels B-/C+: 13mph, 48 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. We're heading north to Spring House with a lunch stop at Whole Foods. 2,300 feet of climbing over 48 miles (not so bad!). Key is that you can keep the pace, as we don't want to send you home on the train. Bring a tire tube (even if tubeless). Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Whole Foods Spring House.
Leaders: Rob Weber, , 610-889-2255 and Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917 - April 1412:00PM
Sun April 14, 2024 - Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Casual paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond for riders that are new to group biking, or returning to riding after a break, or just want a fun ride with no pressure. There might be a hill or two to help with physical conditioning, but we will regroup to catch our breaths. Please wear helmet(required by the club.). Please bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, proper dress for the weather, water, sunscreen, and $ for mid ride snack stop.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338 - April 1412:15PM
Sun April 14, 2024 - Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels B- through C: 14mph, C+/C: 13mph, C: 12mph Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Some climbing is required.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 , Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953 and Eugene Sobel, , 215-964-4884 - April 143:00PM
Sun April 14, 2024 - Sunday Afternoon Spring Quick Spin: Lukens Park in Horsham to Lansdale (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 28 miles. Meet at Lukens Park. The ride leaves at 3:00 pm. Scenic loop through Montgomery County, from Horsham to Lansdale for a quick coffee/snack/restroom break at Starbucks. This afternoon Quick Spin is a follow-up (or sequel/addition) to a morning ride led by Doug & Cassandra, which leaves from & returns to the same meeting point (Lukens Park). This afternoon loop uses the Jarrett Rd trail on the outbound, and the Lansdale Liberty Bell Trail and Horsham Power Line Trail on the return. We'll also be using quiet, residential neighborhood roads and sreets. Brief stop at Starbucks in Lansdale at the half-way point. Total elevation gain 1227 ft, averaging a modest 44 ft/mile. No extreme climbing. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46170165.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 1510:00AM
Mon April 15, 2024 - Conshohocken - a different route
Levels D: 10-11mph, 28 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Kelly drive- through the Wissahickon- through Mt. Airy and Chestnut hill- coffee at bruno’s- out Baring hill- river road- SRT- through the cemetery- to Kelly drive- A few hills but a nice scenic ride! Join us! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093 and Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 - April 156:00PM
Mon April 15, 2024 - • CHURCH OF THE SAVOIR (COS) MULTI-LEVEL RIDES (for all riders)
Level A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Monday night rides for everyone. April 8, 2023 to Sept. 23, 2024 🚴🏻🚴♂️🚴♀️🚴🏾♀️🚴♂️ Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. 🚴♂️🚴♀️Rides leave at 6:00 pm sharp🚴♂️🚴♀️🚴🏾♀️ Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley (100+ riders). 7 different groups from our "Hybrid Bike" group (8-10 mph, 15 miles ) to our A group ( 18-20 mph, 30-40 miles). Rides finish by sunset (Hybrid group finishes at 7:30). 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻🚴♂️ Cross listed with SCU. Register here or there so we can get a count. 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻 Ride leaders often post their routes on the SCU Meetup or BCP website. 🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻🚴🏾♀️🚴🏻 Post-ride socials at the Great American Pub in Wayne, and two "tailgate" nights in the COS lot with free pizza. Experienced ride leaders and sweep riders; no one gets lost! 🚴🏻🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️ No rides on Monday holidays. Look at the ride listings for updates when weather is questionable. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030- 1
- April 169:30AM
Tue April 16, 2024 - Ride Yer Bike Tuesday - Update 9:30 Start
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B/B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 40-48 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Lunch stops may be sit down, takeout, or in a park. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:30 in May & Sept., 9:00 June-Aug., and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 1st and 3rd Tues. start from UDHS, 2nd Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell, 4th Tues. from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues Ad-Hoc location & Memorial/Labor Day weeks we'll ride on Wed. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is RYBT to Biscotti and Backyard Beans.
Leaders: Doug Smithman, , 267-566-2898, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358- 1
- April 1610:00AM
Tue April 16, 2024 - Tuesday Ride to Lower Merion
Level C- through D: 10.5mph, 20-30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. This is a generic description of the ride which will go to one of three destinations every Tuesday:GET Cafe in Narberth; Farmers’ Market in Ardmore or Spread Bagelry in Wynnewood. Some climbing of 800 to 1000 feet. First part of ride will generally mean a climb into Fairmount Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge up to Chamounix. And then proceed up Bryn Mawr Avenue. and on to our final destination of Narberth, Ardmore or Wynnewood. On an ad hoc basis we may include new destinations and advance notice will be provided along with details. Always a fun group of friendly people so come on out! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745- 2
- April 1610:00AM
Tue April 16, 2024 - Tandem Tuesday
Level Tandem: 13mph, 38 miles. Meet at Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The tandem ride leaves at 10:00 am. Tandem ride with singles welcome. We will take the SRT/Perkiomen Trail north from the start to Schwenksville where we leave the trail to follow rural roads to Royersford and then back on the SRT to VFNP Betzwood. Note that the PT and SRT have about 14 miles of gravel riding. It is mostly hard packed fine gravel suitable for 28mm or larger tires. The total climb is 1664 feet. Lunch stop at an outdoor café in Royersford (mile 26). Bring snacks, water, and money for rest stops and lunch. Ride will leave promptly at the posted ride time. No drops Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35963264.
Leader: Manny Menendez, , 610-291-0625 - April 166:00PM
Tue April 16, 2024 - Impromptu Bulldog Ride
Level B: 15mph, 28 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Celebrating the arrival of Spring with an evening ride from the Bulldog statue. We will try to keep things moving, aiming for a 15-16 mph average. It will be getting dark as we return to the city so please BRING LIGHTS. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Spring Bulldog.
Leader: Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 - April 166:00PM
Tue April 16, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, 12-30 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. *SUGGESTED* ROUTE for 4/16: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36008965 Riders at tonight's ride are welcome to suggest adjustments to this route, or, a different destination. Democracy on wheels! Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36008965.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 1710:00AM
Wed April 17, 2024 - Little Susie’s for Hand Pies
Level D: 9-11mph, 17 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Let’s take a shorter Wednesday ride for a round trip tour of the outskirts of Center City. Following (mostly) bike lanes, the SRT, and the Delaware River Trail, we will head down through South Philly, then up the Delaware River to the Near North East to Little Susie’s at Lehigh and Belgrade for coffee, hand pies or bagels. The return will follow the Lehigh Ave. bike lane back to Fairmount Park and Kelly Drive. If KYW says it’s raining one hour before the start, ride will cancel. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Mary Jo Harris, , 215-760-4641 - April 176:00PM
Wed April 17, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious Duo Wednesday Evening Rides, D > C+/B-
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. **SUGGESTED** route for 4/17: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46256393 This is a 20-mile loop, with a brief restroom stop at Mile 14. Short-cut options are available. We will adjust the route, based on riders' preferences - democracy on wheels! Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30). Two Leaders, for two groups, as needed: Tom Madle will lead the D/D+/C- group, and Linda will lead the C/C+/B- group. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46256393.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 189:30AM
Thu April 18, 2024 - Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input. PLEASE NOTE NEW 9:30 START TIME!! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174 - April 186:00PM
Thu April 18, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Scheduled for most Thursday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away work stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Start by riding on Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill w/Plymouth Meeting . For more variety, we can also add the Chester Valley Trail into the mix - the CVT connects with the SRT at Norristown/Bridgeport. As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Our mileage will be determined by how much evening light we have. Occasionally, this ride may meet earlier in afternoon, due to other event in evening. In mid-September, ride will depart at 5:45 or 5:30, due to earlier sunset. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 186:00PM
Thu April 18, 2024 - B minus Hill Ride
Level B-: 14-14.5mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at Parks on Tap, Azalea Garden. Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is First Ride of Season.
Leader: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 - April 199:30AM
Fri April 19, 2024 - Friday Frolic w/Linda. For 4/19: Friday Frolic Joining Forces with 9:15am SCU Ride from UDHS
Level B-: 14mph, 45-50, +/- miles. Start location to be determined. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. 4/19: Friday Frolic is joining the multi-level SCU ride leaving from Upper Dublin High School at 9:15, heading to the Meadowlark Barkery & Cafe in Hartsville, via Covered Bridge Park. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing. Cue sheets will be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 1910:00AM
Fri April 19, 2024 - Exploring the Future Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails
Level D: 8mph, 30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. We will explore the future Pedestrian & Bicycle trails on the drawing boards in real time. We will take a look at the Christian St to Crescent section of the Schuylkill Banks Trail, Wissahickon Gateway, Ivy Ridge Trail, Cynwyd Extension/Cynwyd ( City Ave to 53rd Street), Cynwyd Spur, and walk over the Mule Bridge. This could be tedious because there will be starting and stopping at these unfinished trails but well worth your effort because they might not be finished in my lifetime, but you will be able to say, " I saw the vision!" If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Cue sheets will not be available. Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 208:30AM
Sat April 20, 2024 - Toss of the Dice 2.0
Level B: 15mph, 64 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Friendly ride departing from the parking attendant booth. Note the EARLIER START TIME! We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. This week we will stop in Paoli and meander through White Horse and Ridley Creek State Park. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Elpis Mk3.
Leader: Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 - April 209:15AM
Sat April 20, 2024 - Let’s take a ride to one of the best secrets in Ambler the “Pizza Box’’
Level C/C-: 12mph, 45-50 miles. Meet at Cadence Cycle Shop 3740 Main St. Philadelphia , Pa 19127. The ride leaves at 9:15 am. Rescheduled from 4/13/24 Lets take a ride out to the Pizza Box which features such gourmet Hollywood Pizzas : The Big Cheese, Stallone, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Al Capone, just to name a few. Route will include a few of our standard climbs most notably the ride up Rittenhouse Ave to Wayne Ave. The return route will be back to the SRT and returning to our starting point. the ride will be cancelled Iif KYW is reporting rain outside of their studio 1 hour prior to our departure Please note the start time of 9:15 am. Also if no one is registered by 4/20/24 7:30 AM ride is cancelled Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206 - April 209:30AM
Sat April 20, 2024 - Celebrate Spring in Bucks County - Another Scenic Route by Bob S./Charlie B.! We now have TWO LEADERS, TWO PACE GROUPS. Additional Leaders welcome!
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 48.4 miles. Meet at Holicong Park, Buckingham. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Thanks to Bob S. and Charlie B. for sharing this pretty meander through historic Bucks County, with a little bit of tweeking by Dmitri. Meet at Holicong Park in Buckingham. Outbound via Carversville and Ottsville. Bathroom stop at Mile 12 in Stover Mill Park. Lunch at Mile 28 in Dublin. On the return, optional stop for BISCOTTI at Mile 32. Pass farms and green vistas. As we return to Holicong Park, we will pass other parks with bathroom/porta-potty facilities, if riders need a restroom stop. Total climbing 2716 ft, some moderate hills, averaging 50 ft/mile. We now have TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES - a 14.5 group and a 13-14 group. If any Leader would like to lead a group at another pace, THANK YOU! Please contact LMc to have your pace group added. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42537238.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 209:30AM
Sat April 20, 2024 - It Is What It Is - Doylestown
Level B-: 14mph, 65 miles. Meet at Cynwyd Heritage Trail Head Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Various friendly rides departing FROM THE CYNWYD HERITAGE TRAIL HEAD PARKING LOT (TRAIN STATION - Bala Cynwyd) at specified time and ranging 30 - 65 miles (Off Season) 40 – 85 miles (In Season) with occasional century rides. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. CHECK DAILY RIDE LISTING for latest route information, details, etc. PREREGISTRATION IS OPTIONAL, BUT PLEASE KNOW THESE BENEFITS OF PREREGISTRATION: 1. UP-TO-MINUTE SCHEDULING CHANGES DUE TO WEATHER OR OTHER REASON. 2. YOU WILL KNOW WHERE I AM AS I WILL ADD THOSE WHO PREREGISTER TO MY LIVETRACK (need your email). 3. YOUR EMERGENCY INFORMATION WILL ALWAYS BE LEGIBLE. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Doylestown.
Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010 - April 2010:00AM
Sat April 20, 2024 - RIDE SERIES FOR NEW & RETURNING RIDERS - RIDE 2 TO Barnes & Noble
Level C: 11mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Join us for any or all of BCP's Spring Saturday SRT Series of Progressive Rides for new and returning riders. Open to everyone. The second ride in our series takes Montgomery County’s Cross County Trail from the SRT in Conshohocken to Barnes and Noble on Chemical Road in Plymouth Meeting. Like the first ride, it is mostly flat and mostly on paved trails, with the same riding through Manayunk to get to the paved SRT at Shawmont. This is a prefect series to start riding with a group or to explore the SRT and other paved trails beyond Manayunk. The four rides are 20, 30, 50 and 62.5 mi. Riders who finish the whole series will get a certificate from BCP, as will riders who finish the 50-mile ride or the 62.5 mile (100 km) ride. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46036974.
Leader: Chuck Herbert, , 267-228-1230- 1
- April 219:00AM
Sun April 21, 2024 - Sunday Morning Meander for Coffee - Upper Dublin High School to Doylestown (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 40 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Pretty loop from Upper Dubin High School in eastern Montgomery County to the Starbucks in charming Doylestown for a quick coffee/snack/restroom break. Since BCP's Members' Dinner takes place later today at 4:00pm, this ride will finish by 1:00pm. Outbound via Warrington, return via Maple Glen. We will use part of the 202 Parkway Trail on both the outbound and return. Rest stop at Starbucks is at Mile 21. Total elevation 2088 ft, averaging 52 ft/mile, with no extreme climbing. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46261212.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 219:30AM
Sun April 21, 2024 - Let’s ride (ad-hoc ride)
Levels B-/C+: 13.5mph, C+: 13mph, 47 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. We're heading to Devon with a stop at Whole Foods. 2,100 feet of climbing over 47 miles (not so bad!). The key is that you can keep the pace, as we don't want to send you home on the train. Bring a tire tube (even if tubeless). Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/23036076.
Leaders: Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917 and Rob Weber, , 610-889-2255 - April 2112:00PM
Sun April 21, 2024 - Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride
Level D: 8mph, 20 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. A bicycle ride for everybody wanting to get moving. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start it, ride cancels. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 2112:15PM
Sun April 21, 2024 - Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels B- through C: 14mph, C+/C: 13mph, C: 12mph Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Some climbing is required.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 , Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953 and Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917 - April 2210:00AM
Mon April 22, 2024 - Conshohocken- Feine cafe
Level D: 10-11mph, 27 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. You know the drill… Join us! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093 - April 226:00PM
Mon April 22, 2024 - Church of the Savoir (COS) Multi-Level Group Ride
Level A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Monday night rides for everyone. April 8, 2024 to Sept. 23, 2024 Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. Rides leave at 6:00 pm sharp Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley (100+ riders). 7 different groups from our "Hybrid Bike" group (8-10 mph, 15 miles ) to our A group ( 18-20 mph, 30-40 miles). Rides finish by sunset (Hybrid group finishes at 7:30). Cross listed with SCU. Register here or there so we can get a count. Ride leaders often post their routes on the SCU Meetup or BCP website. Post-ride socials at the Great American Pub in Wayne, and two "tailgate" nights in the COS lot with free pizza. Experienced ride leaders and sweep riders; no one gets lost! No rides on Monday holidays. Look at the ride listings for updates when weather is questionable. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030 - April 226:00PM
Mon April 22, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, ~20-21 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. **SUGGESTED ROUTE for 4/22** https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35998162 Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35998162.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 2310:00AM
Tue April 23, 2024 - Ride Yer Bike Tuesday
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B/B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 42 miles. Meet at Central Park, Doylestown. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Lunch stops may be sit down, takeout, or in a park. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:30 in May & Sept., 9:00 June-Aug., and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 1st and 3rd Tues. start from UDHS, 2nd Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell, 4th Tues. from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues Ad-Hoc location & Memorial/Labor Day weeks we'll ride on Wed. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Central Park-Ottsville 42.
Leaders: Doug Smithman, , 267-566-2898, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 - April 2310:00AM
Tue April 23, 2024 - Tuesday Ride to Lower Merion
Level C- through D: 10.5mph, 20-30 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. This is a generic description of the ride which will go to one of three destinations every Tuesday:GET Cafe in Narberth; Farmers’ Market in Ardmore or Spread Bagelry in Wynnewood. Some climbing of 800 to 1000 feet. First part of ride will generally mean a climb into Fairmount Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge up to Chamounix. And then proceed up Bryn Mawr Avenue. and on to our final destination of Narberth, Ardmore or Wynnewood. On an ad hoc basis we may include new destinations and advance notice will be provided along with details. Always a fun group of friendly people so come on out! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745- 1
- April 2310:00AM
Tue April 23, 2024 - CANCELLED Tandem Tuesday
Level Tandem: 13mph, 38 miles. Meet at Northbrook Market 1805 Unionville Wawaset Rd, West Chester, PA 19382. The tandem ride leaves at 10:00 am. Weekly tandem ride with singles welcome. Scenic route on quiet roads in western Chester County. Chester County does have hills - total climb on this route is 2200 ft. The scenery is worth the climb! No drops! Bring water and snacks for rest stops along the way as needed. Optional lunch at Northbrook Market after the ride - good food and apple cider donuts! The start location is Northbrook Market - Please park behind the store. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37558814.
Leader: Manny Menendez, , 610-291-0625 - April 236:00PM
Tue April 23, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, 12-30 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. **SUGGESTED** Route for 4/23: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33983200 - 20 miles This route may be adjusted as needed, if riders prefer to shorten this a tad. Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33983200.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 236:00PM
Tue April 23, 2024 - Bulldoog (ad-hoc ride)
Level B: 15.5-16.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Join us for the usual Bulldog route (Spring Edition). Through the park, Henry Ave, Stenton, and up Andorra, back into the city via Manayunk. Some of the group will stop for tacos on Midvale Ave at Taqueria Cresta, some will head back to the city. Trying to keep it around a 16.0 ave, there are a couple of faster rides at the Fountain and Barriers on MLK. The on-line route map is Spring Bulldog.
Leader: Michael Fox, , 215-605-1783 - April 2410:00AM
Wed April 24, 2024 - Trouble Brewind - Haddon Heights, NJ
Level D: 8mph, 26 miles. Meet at 9th and Locust Sts, and PATCO Highspeed Line Station . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Getting over the Ben Franklin Bridge continues to be a problem but meeting at 9th and Locust, 10 am, to get a hop over the bridge is the answer. We will go to Trouble Brewing as our destination. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 246:00PM
Wed April 24, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious Duo Wednesday Evening Rides, D > C+/B-
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 21 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. For April 24: **SUGGESTED ROUTE:** IS https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36454507 - 21 MILES, BUT ONLY 904 ft of elevation. Route can be adjusted, based on the preferences of our riders. Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30). Two Leaders, for two groups, as needed: Tom Madle will lead the D/D+/C- group, and Linda will lead the C/C+/B- group. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36454507.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 259:30AM
Thu April 25, 2024 - Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input. PLEASE NOTE NEW 9:30AM START TIME!! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174 - April 255:45PM
Thu April 25, 2024 - “C”vilized Thursday Hills
Level C: 12mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 5:45 pm. A true C version of the Thursday hill ride. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953 - April 256:00PM
Thu April 25, 2024 - B minus Hill Ride
Level B-: 14-14.5mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at nearby bar - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Hill.
Leader: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 - April 256:00PM
Thu April 25, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Scheduled for most Thursday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away work stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Start by riding on Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill w/Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Our mileage will be determined by how much evening light we have. Occasionally, this ride may meet earlier in afternoon, due to other event in evening. In mid-September, ride will depart at 5:45 or 5:30, due to earlier sunset. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 269:30AM
Fri April 26, 2024 - Friday Frolic w/Linda. Flourtown to Montgomeryville Wegman's
Level B-: 14mph, 44 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. For 4/26: Pretty loop from Flourtown to the Wegman's in Montgomeryville for lunch in their Food Court. Outbound via Gwynedd, North Wales, and Lansdale. Return from Montgomeryville via Ambler and Fort Washington. Part of the route will include the 202 Parkway Trail. Total elevation is a modest 1918 ft, averaging 43 ft/mile. Lunch at the halfway point at Wegman's Food Court - something for every taste. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk, or snow activity. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27100469.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 2610:00AM
Fri April 26, 2024 - Historic Rittenhouse Town
Level D: 8.5-10mph, 17 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Let’s take a sunny Friday ride up to Rittenhouse Town for coffee. If they are closed, we can go on a couple more blocks to Ultimo. We will go out Kelly Drive and return via MLK for a change of scenery. The ride leaves at 10:00. If KYW says it’s raining one hour before the start of the ride, let’s call the whole thing off. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Mary Jo Harris, , 215-760-4641 - April 278:05AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - Early Bird Ride to Coffee in Flourtown or Ambler (ad-hoc ride)
Level C+: 13-13.5mph, 49 +/- miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:05 am. Assemble at 8:05. Depart at 8:10 SHARP! Somewhat convoluted ride through East Fairmount Park, East Falls, Wyncote, and Flourtown to Starbucks in Flourtown (at mile 17 or so) or Wake in Ambler (at mile 21 or so) for 35-minute coffee stop (it’s all about the coffee), then return via Lower Gwynedd and Manayunk Bridge. Approx. 2,400 feet of climbing. Will regroup as necessary, but riders are expected to achieve posted speed (i.e., what our computers show as avg. at end of ride). Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/trips/131433149.
Leader: Jeffrey Braff, , 215-837-2808 - April 278:30AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - Toss of the Dice 2.0 - Magic Baguettes
Level B: 15mph, 63 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Friendly ride departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at 8:30. Out to Westchester this week to visit La Baguette Magique. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Tour of Delco Edit.
Leader: Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 - April 278:30AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - CANCELLED Let’s ride! (ad-hoc ride)
Levels C+: 13mph, 55 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Get ready for bucolic views. We're heading to Paoli with a stop for bagels or pizza. 2,800 feet of climbing over 55 miles. The key is that you can keep the pace, as we don't want to send you home on the train. Bring a tire tube (even if tubeless). Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33312465.
Leaders: Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917 and Rob Weber, , 610-889-2255 - April 279:29AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - Wycombe Train Station (Bucks Co.) to Princeton, 53 miles, Two Leaders, Two Paces (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-: 13mph, 53 miles. Meet at Wycombe Train Station. The ride leaves at 9:29 am. Scenic loops on both sides of the Delaware River, in Bucks and Mercer Counties, from the historic Wycombe Train Station to Princeton, for lunch at D'Angelo's Italian Market, across the street from the famous Kopp's Cycle. Outbound via Wrightstown and Hopewell, return via Pennington and Upper Makefield. For both outbound ad return, we cross the river on the Washington Crossing Bridge. Two Leaders, two pace groups: Dmitri will lead the 14-14.5 group, and Linda will lead the 13mph group. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37730483.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 279:30AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - It Is What It Is - Westtown / West Chester
Level B-: 14mph, 53 miles. Meet at Cynwyd Heritage Trail Head Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Various friendly rides departing FROM THE CYNWYD HERITAGE TRAIL HEAD PARKING LOT (TRAIN STATION - Bala Cynwyd) at specified time and ranging 30 - 65 miles (Off Season) 40 – 85 miles (In Season) with occasional century rides. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. CHECK DAILY RIDE LISTING for latest route information, details, etc. PREREGISTRATION IS OPTIONAL, BUT PLEASE KNOW THESE BENEFITS OF PREREGISTRATION: 1. UP-TO-MINUTE SCHEDULING CHANGES DUE TO WEATHER OR OTHER REASON. 2. YOU WILL KNOW WHERE I AM AS I WILL ADD THOSE WHO PREREGISTER TO MY LIVETRACK (need your email). 3. YOUR EMERGENCY INFORMATION WILL ALWAYS BE LEGIBLE. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is 2 Circles Bala - Westtown/West Chester.
Leader: Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010 - April 279:30AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - RIDE SERIES FOR NEW & RETURNING RIDERS - TO Valley Forge
Level C- through D: 11.5-13mph, 50 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. This ride is a 50-miler to the Chapel Cabin Gift Shop and Snack Bar in Valley Forge National Park. This ride crosses the Schuylkill River six times and includes a loop through the park at Valley Forge. There is some climbing in Valley Forge and some riding on roads in the park. Please join us for any of the rides in the series. Riders who finish this 50-mile ride will get a certificate from BCP, as will riders who finish the 62.5 mile (100 km) ride on May 4th. This is a perfect series to start riding with a group or to expand your horizons to learn about the paved trails beyond Manayunk. All riders are welcome, BCP requires helmets on all rides. NOTE The start has been moved to the Italian Fountain, behind the Art Museum, at the formal entrance to the Azalea Garden. If there are more than a dozen riders, we may split into two groups based on expected riding speed. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46037106.
Leader: Chuck Herbert, , 267-228-1230- 3
- April 2710:00AM
Sat April 27, 2024 - CANCELLED Best Downtowns Ride Series - Doylestown (ad-hoc ride)
Level C: 12.5mph, 33 miles. Meet at Rittenhouse Square - Southeast Entrance at corner of 18th St & Rittenhouse Sq. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. A number of towns surrounding Philadelphia feature walkable downtowns thanks to development of a strong rail transportation system in the 1800's. We plan to explore a number of these, first up is Doylestown. Rest stop at 15 miles (Wake Coffee) with lunch in Doylestown. This multi-modal ride will utilize Septa Regional Rail with scheduled return to Suburban Station at 4:50 pm. NOTE: The route includes 5 miles of gravel on Forbidden Drive - bike with appropriate tires is recommended. Bring bungee or velcro strap to secure bike on train. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://www.strava.com/routes/3194301581208722634/edit.
Leader: Rob Gusky, , 920-573-5128 - April 2812:00PM
Sun April 28, 2024 - Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Casual paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond for riders new to group riding or returning to riding after a layoff. Please wear helmet(required by the club.) Please bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, water, proper dress for the weather, sunscreen, and $ for mid-ride snack stop. There might be a hill or two for physical conditioning, but we will regroup and catch our breathes together. At out snack stop, there might be a conversation about a biking safety issue or related topics.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338 - April 2812:15PM
Sun April 28, 2024 - Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off to Flourtown
Levels B- through C: 12-14mph, C+/C: 13mph, C: 12mph, 35 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm. Ride to Flourtown Giant for a snack stop. A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Some climbing required.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 , Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953 and Eugene Sobel, , 215-964-4884- 1
- April 2910:00AM
Mon April 29, 2024 - Monday Conshy-esque Ride
Levels D: 10.5mph, 29 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. D Ride, April 29, past Conshy to Barnes and Noble Plymouth Mtg.@ 10:00 am. Alternative to Tim’s ride to the shore. Out SRT/Umbria to Cross County Trail to Barnes and Noble. Can sit in or outside on benches. Buy a book? Or not. I can’t help myself - always do😐 Back same way unless someone knows the other way? Leaders: Diana D. 215-680-2322 and Steve P. 215-852-9093 Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093 - April 2910:00AM
Mon April 29, 2024 - Tandem ride on Monday
Level Tandem: 13mph, 38 miles. Meet at Northbrook Market 1805 Unionville Wawaset Rd, West Chester, PA 19382. The tandem ride leaves at 10:00 am. Scenic route on quiet roads in western Chester County. Chester County does have hills - total climb on this route is 2200 ft. The scenery is worth the climb! No drops! Bring water and snacks for rest stops along the way as needed. Optional lunch at Northbrook Market after the ride - good food and apple cider donuts! The start location is Northbrook Market - Please park behind the store. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37558814.
Leader: Manny Menendez, , 610-291-0625 - April 2910:45AM
Mon April 29, 2024 - Train Ride to the BRIDGES-MARGATE SERIES
Level D: 8mph, 30 miles. Meet at 30th Street Station. The ride leaves at 10:45 am. This ride takes us by train to Absecon, NY, where we will cycle 10 miles to the start of the BRIDGES-MARGATE SERIES that begins 2:30 pm. We board the 11:06 NJTRANSIT train to Absecon. So be at the 30th Street Amtrak Station by 10:45 at the Dunkn Donuts' new laction in the station. We arrive in Absecon at 12:28 pm. We cycle a 9 mile bike path ending at the Somers Point Historical Museum. A quick lunch around there before meeting up with the BRIDGES-MARGATE SERIES ride scheduled for 2:30 pm. Joining that afternoon ride to Margate, NY. Return by cycling up to the Atlantic City Transportation Center. Taking the 3:47pm or 4:59 pm train back to Philly, arriving home by 5:27pm or 6:39pm. All day outing with a pedicted high temperature of 80 degrees. Or you can meet the BRIDGES-MARGATE SERIES on your own, 2:30 pm, at the 9th Street Bridge in Somers Point. See listing below. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037 - April 292:30PM
Mon April 29, 2024 - Bridges-Margate Series
Level D: 8mph, 12.4 miles. Meet at Somers Point. The ride leaves at 2:30 pm. Meeting at the end of the 9th street bridge, we will make our journey to Margate utilizing both bridges. It is a D pace,no drop, 12.4 mile ride. After you pre-register please text or call via 609-287-3273. As per club policy, helmets are required.Should you have any questions about the ride please contact the number above. Thanks, Robert Highley Jr. Cue sheets will be available.
Leader: Robert Highley, , 609-287-3273 - April 296:00PM
Mon April 29, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-29 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 296:00PM
Mon April 29, 2024 - Church of the Saviour (COS) Multi-Level Group Ride
Level A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Monday night rides for everyone. April 8, 2024 to Sept. 23, 2024 Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. Rides leave at 6:00 pm sharp Ride with the largest evening cycling group in the Delaware Valley (100+ riders). 7 different groups from our "Hybrid Bike" group (8-10 mph, 15 miles ) to our A group ( 18-20 mph, 30-40 miles). Rides finish by sunset (Hybrid group finishes at 7:30). Cross listed with SCU. Register here or there so we can get a count. Ride leaders often post their routes on the SCU Meetup or BCP website. Post-ride socials at the Great American Pub in Wayne, and two "tailgate" nights in the COS lot with free pizza. Experienced ride leaders and sweep riders; no one gets lost! No rides on Monday holidays. Look at the ride listings for updates when weather is questionable. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030- 1
- April 309:30AM
Tue April 30, 2024 - Ride Yer Bike Tuesday - The ride begins at 9:30 a.m.
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B/B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 41 miles. Meet at Lions Pride Park. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Please join us for a ride from Lions Pride Park in Warrington to the Lumberville General Store for a snack or lunch. Thank you to Wes for providing the route. Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Lunch stops may be sit down, takeout, or in a park. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:30 in May & Sept., 9:00 June-Aug., and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 1st and 3rd Tues. start from UDHS, 2nd Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell, 4th Tues. from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues Ad-Hoc location & Memorial/Labor Day weeks we'll ride on Wed. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is 41.0M LPP to Lumberville via DB & Hansell Park.
Leaders: Doug Smithman, , 267-566-2898, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle, , 703-963-9905 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358 - April 3010:00AM
Tue April 30, 2024 - Tuesday Ride to Lower Merion
Level C- through D: 10.5mph, 20 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. This is a generic description of the ride which will go to one of three destinations every Tuesday:GET Cafe in Narberth; Farmers’ Market in Ardmore or Spread Bagelry in Wynnewood. Some climbing of 800 to 1000 feet. First part of ride will generally mean a climb into Fairmount Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge up to Chamounix. And then proceed up Bryn Mawr Avenue. and on to our final destination of Narberth, Ardmore or Wynnewood. On an ad hoc basis we may include new destinations and advance notice will be provided along with details. Always a fun group of friendly people so come on out! Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745- 1
- April 305:30PM
Tue April 30, 2024 - CANCELLED Hill ride (ad-hoc ride)
Level C+: 12.5mph, 23 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 5:30 pm. Let’s get in some additional miles with a hill ride on a Tuesday. We will most likely not have a person to sweep so you must keep up with the group so you don’t get lost. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour before start time. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46349236.
Leader: Delora Winslow, , 215-796-8917 - April 306:00PM
Tue April 30, 2024 - Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, ~21 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. **SUGGESTED** Route for 4/30 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/1972167 - 21-22 miles, with short-cut options available. Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/1972167.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 - April 306:00PM
Tue April 30, 2024 - Bulldog (ad-hoc ride)
Level B: 15.5-16.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Join us for the usual Bulldog route (Spring Edition). Through the park, Henry Ave, Stenton, and up Andorra, back into the city via Manayunk. Some of the group will stop for tacos on Midvale Ave at Taqueria Cresta, some will head back to the city. Trying to keep it around a 16.0 ave, there are a couple of faster rides at the Fountain and Barriers on MLK. The on-line route map is Spring Bulldog.
Leader: Michael Fox, , 215-605-1783