If you want to ride your eBike on a club ride, please review the BCP eBike policy by clicking here.
BCP offers many regularly scheduled weekly rides. Follow this link to view the Weekly Ride List for more detailed information regarding these rides than the minimal description provided in the Monthly Ride Calendar below. Occasionally, ad-hoc rides are announced. These rides are sent by email to all members of the BCP email list. To join this list, click here. Information about some of our popular starting locations is available on our Ride Guide page which is found under the rides menu item.
Grouped by Day Listing Calendar | Standard List
July 2023
- SatJul. 012023
Toss of the Dice 2.0 - Valley Forge Metric Century
Levels B: 15-16mph, 64 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Independence Day Valley Forge Metric Century.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 and Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010Various friendly rides per DAILY RIDE CALENDAR departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at specified time and ranging 35-80 miles. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Optional after ride drink at Cosmic Cafe, Boathouse Row. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred.
Belmar Beach, Shortened Route and Faster Pace
Levels B: 16-17mph, 72 miles. Meet at Etra Lake Park. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Belmar Beach B Ride.
Leader: David A. Kaplan, , 215-872-3919Meet at Etra Lake Park, 9 Disbrow Hill Rd, East Windsor, NJ. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. In a seashore state of mind? Today, we'll visit the central Jersey shore in Monmouth County, beaches more familiar to New Yorkers. This scenic route is popular with the Princeton FreeWheelers and is a adaptation of a route from Linda McGrane. In addition to cycling along Ocean Drive in the pretty seaside towns of Spring Lake and Belmar, we’ll also ride around Perrineville Lake, and Lake Como. Outdoor Lunch stop with multiple options at Belmar Beach around mile 36, plus rest stops along the way, to and from Belmar. The middle of the route (near the beach) is flat. The beginning and end portions have very gently rolling hills, but nothing steep. We will not drop anyone, but please make sure that you are able to maintain the advertised pace. Total elevation gain is about 2100 ft. Driving Directions to the starting point at Etra Lake Park: 1) New Jersey Turnpike North to Exit 8 – Hightstown/Freehold (NJ-133). 2) From the Turnpike exit ramp, quickly turn right onto Milford Rd. 3) In 1.1 miles, turn left at “T” at County Rd 571/Etra-Perrineville Rd. (Etra Lake will be on your left.) 4) In 0.2 miles, turn left at 3-way onto Disbrow Hill Rd. Parking lot will be on your left. Please allow 75 mins driving time from Phila. If interested in leading a faster pace, please contact the ride leader.
BELMAR BEACH, NJ & Beyond, to Ocean Grove & Asbury Park. Longer Version Including the Reservoir.
Level B-: 14mph, 79 miles. Meet at Etra Lake Park, Disbrow Hill Rd, East Windsor, NJ. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/23056316.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862In a seashore state of mind? Today, we'll visit the central Jersey shore in Monmouth County, beaches more familiar to New Yorkers. This scenic route is popular with the Princeton FreeWheelers. In addition to cycling along Ocean Drive in the pretty seaside towns of Spring Lake and Belmar, we’ll also ride around Perrineville Lake, Manasquan Reservoir, and Lake Como. Outdoor Lunch stop at Belmar Beach around mile 40, plus rest stops along the way, to and from Belmar. After Belmar, we will continue north along the Ocean Drive to the seashore towns of Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, before returning inland to the starting point. The middle of the route (near the beach) is flat. The beginning and end portions have very gently rolling hills, but nothing steep. We will stop to regroup as needed. Total elevation gain is 2265 ft. Driving Directions to the starting point at Etra Lake Park: 1) New Jersey Turnpike North to Exit 8 – Hightstown/Freehold (NJ-133). 2) From the Turnpike exit ramp, quickly turn right onto Milford Rd. 3) In 1.1 miles, turn left at “T” at County Rd 571/Etra-Perrineville Rd. (Etra Lake will be on your left.) 4) In 0.2 miles, turn left at 3-way onto Disbrow Hill Rd. Parking lot will be on your left. Please allow 75 mins driving time from Phila. Please contact the Leader with any questions, re. driving directions, carpooling, etc.
Valley Forge (Betzwood parking lot)
Level D: 10.5mph, 55 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206We will ride out via Fairmount Park to Bala Cynwyd to Montgomery County and Gulp Road pass Mill Creek and a few other climbs on our way to the SRT in Conshocken . Flat ride from that point on. We will stop for lunch on the return route back from Betzwood via the SRT back to our starting point. If KWY is reporting rain outside of their studio one hour prior to the start time of the ride, then the ride is cancelled. Please bring plenty of water as there will be only one stop on the way out to the park
- SunJul. 022023
Connecting with the National 9/11 Memorial Trail Tour Riders (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 54 miles. Meet at New Hope Solebury High School. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43492654.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862The group of riders on the National 9/11 Memorial Trail Tour are cycling today from Trexlertown down to New Hope. The 9/11 Trail riders (https://www.911trail.org/pa-statewide-tour.html) began their tour in Pittsburgh on 6/19, and have been visiting 9/11 memorial sites across PA. If possible, please wear your patriotic colors! This ride, beginning in New Hope, will cross the bridge to Lambertville, head north up River Rd on the NJ side, then re-cross to PA at Riegelvsille. We will meet the National 9/11 Memorial Trail Tour riders at Riegelsville, then return south with them to New Hope on the D & L Canal trail. Please note that the first half of this route will be on the road, and the second half on the canal trail. The surface of the trail is compatible for road bikes.
Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond. Please wear Helmet (required by the club.). Please bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, plenty of water, sunscreen, $ for mid-ride snack. We might have a hill or two, but we will catch our breaths together before we proceed. (Good for physical conditioning.).
Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off to Flourtown
Levels C: 12mph, 35 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487Weather permitting we will ride to the Giant in Flourtown for a snack stop. A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Some climbing required. No ride if rain at start or more than 50 pct chance of rain (not drizzle) in forecast.
- MonJul. 032023
New Hope to Doylestown & the Start of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail Ride (ad-hoc ride)
Levels C+: 12mph, 11.5 miles. Meet at 6426 Lower York Rd, New Hope, PA 18938. The ride leaves at 7:30 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43457649.
Leaders: dean mondelblatt, , and Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Show your support and PATRIOTIC COLORS for the Congress Enacted 1300 mile September 11th National Memorial Trail (9/11 NMT). Join Dean M, Glenn G and other Cyclists of the 9/11 NMT Ride Entourage at the New Hope Inn and Suites and bike to the 9/11 Memorial at the Bucks County Justice Center in Doylestown. Ride with GPS Route is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43457649 (Above average climbing at 74 ft/mile) Link to 9/11 Trail Website - https://www.911trail.org/ This 9/11 Memorial is also the start point of the 52 mile ride to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia along many sections of the 9/11 NMT. Please join us along one, two or all three legs of this celebratory ride as noted below, each with a separate posting. WE ENCOURAGE MOST CYCLISTS TO JOIN US AT BETZWOOD-VFNP OR SPRING MILL (CONSHOHOCKEN) ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO RIDE TO THE LIBERTY BELL. REMEMBER, WE WILL NEED TO PEDAL OUR WAY BACK TO OUR CARS!!!! 9:00 AM Doylestown to Betzwood-Valley Forge National Park (27.4 Miles) 12:00 PM Betzwood-Valley Forge National Park to Spring Mill (Conshohocken) (9.7Miles) 1:15 PM Spring Mill to Liberty Bell in Philadelphia (14.6 Miles) This is a rain or shine event. RECOMMEND THAT YOU CARRY TWO WATER BOTTLES AND SNACKS FOR THE BREAKS.
Monday Conshy Ride
Levels D: 10.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093D ride, July 3, 10.mph, to Feine Cafe. Meet at Cosmic at 9:30 am. SRT/Umbria , up back way to Feine on 8th st. Back cynwyd trail through cemetery, home. Sound familiar? We can do it with one eye closed. Leaders: Steve P and Diana D. Pre-register by 9:30 on July 3rd.
9/11 (Sept. 11th)-NMT Ride-Betzwood-VFNP to Spring Mill
Level C- through D: 12mph, 9.7 miles. Meet at Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Betzwood to Spring Mill.
Leader: Catherine Hunt, , 215-643-2779Show your support and PATRIOTIC COLORS for the Congress Enacted 1300 mile September 11th National Memorial Trail (9/11 NMT). Join Dean M, Glenn G, Wes W, Katie Hunt and other Cyclists of the 9/11 NMT Ride Entourage at Betzwood Picnic Area in Valley Forge National Park. This 9.7 Mile Route to Spring Mill is along the SRT and part of the the Official 9/11 NMT. Link to 9/11 Trail Website - https://www.911trail.org/ This Betzwood Picnic Area to Spring Mill is the second leg of the 52 mile Doylestown to Liberty Bell Ride along many sections of the 9/11 NMT. Please join us along one, two or all three legs of this celebratory ride as noted below, each with a separate posting. WE ENCOURAGE MOST CYCLISTS TO JOIN US AT BETZWOOD-VFNP OR SPRING MILL (CONSHOHOCKEN) ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO RIDE TO THE LIBERTY BELL. REMEMBER, WE WILL NEED TO PEDAL OUR WAY BACK TO OUR CARS!!!! 9:00 AM Doylestown to Betzwood-Valley Forge National Park (27.4 Miles) On SCU Meet-up Site Only. 12:00 PM Betzwood-Valley Forge National Park to Spring Mill (Conshohocken) (9.7Miles) 1:15 PM Spring Mill to Liberty Bell in Philadelphia (14.6 Miles) This is a rain or shine event. RECOMMEND THAT YOU CARRY TWO WATER BOTTLES AND SNACKS FOR THE BREAKS.
9/11 (Sept. 11th) NMT Ride-Spring Mill to Liberty Bell in Philadelphia
Level C-: 12mph, 14.6 miles. Meet at The Tricycle Cafe & Bicycle Shop at Spring Mill (Conshohocken). The ride leaves at 1:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Spring Mill to Liberty Bell.
Leader: Catherine Hunt, , 215-643-2779Show your support and PATRIOTIC COLORS for the Congress Enacted 1300 mile September 11th National Memorial Trail (9/11 NMT). Join Dean M, Glenn G, Wes W, Katie Hunt and other Cyclists of the 9/11 NMT Ride Entourage at the Tricycle Cafe in Spring Mill (Conshohockon). This 14.6 Mile Route to the Liberty Bell includes many sections of the SRT (Official 9/11 NMT); Main Street in Manayunk; and Pine Street and 5th Street in Philadelphia. Return Trip is 14.3 miles along 6th Street, Spruce Street, the SRT and Main Street in Manayunk. Ride with GPS Route for Return Trip is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43490954 Link to 9/11 Trail Website - https://www.911trail.org/ This Spring Mill to the Liberty Bell route is the third leg of the 52 mile Doylestown to the Liberty Bell Ride that includes many sections of the 9/11 NMT. Please join us along one, two or all three legs of this celebratory ride as noted below, each with a separate posting. WE ENCOURAGE MOST CYCLISTS TO JOIN US AT BETZWOOD-VFNP OR SPRING MILL (CONSHOHOCKEN) ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO RIDE TO THE LIBERTY BELL. REMEMBER, WE WILL NEED TO PEDAL OUR WAY BACK TO OUR CARS!!!! 9:00 AM Doylestown to Betzwood-Valley Forge National Park (27.4 Miles) on SCU Meet-up Site Only 12:00 PM Betzwood-Valley Forge National Park to Spring Mill (Conshohocken) (9.7Miles) 1:15 PM Spring Mill to Liberty Bell in Philadelphia (14.6 Miles) This is a rain or shine event. RECOMMEND THAT YOU CARRY TWO WATER BOTTLES AND SNACKS FOR THE BREAKS.
9/11 National Memorial Trail Press Event at the Liberty Bell - 3PM (ad-hoc ride)
Level D: 8mph Meet at Liberty Betll-Independence Mall-Philadelphia. The ride leaves at 3:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Show and GoJoin SCU, BCP, the 9/11 National Memorial Trail Alliance and others for a 3PM Press Event at the Liberty Bell. Capping a two-week 700-mile state-wide journey along the 9/11 Memorial Trail from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, these Alliance riders are part of a mission to commemorate the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, by traversing part of the total 1,300-mile route that links the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Flight 93 Memorial. SCU and BCP has posted rides to this event from Spring Mill and Betzwood. Join us if you can to show your support. Share with your friends.
Church of the Savoir (COS) Multi-Level Rides
Levels A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030 and Scott Siegfried, , 610-496-1965The ride will depart from Church of the Savior, Wayne, PA at 6:00 pm promptly. Ride Level: D thru AX This ride is cross listed with SCU. Please sign up here or there so that we can get a count of riders before we start. No cue sheets will be available but ride leaders generally post their routes on the SCU Meetup or the BCP website. We do not ride on holidays that fall on a Monday ( Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Rain cancels the ride but look at Meetup for last minute updates when weather is questionable.
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Cancelled for 7/3 only, due to the National 9/11Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition 6:15
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-29 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:15 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Deferred for 7/3 only, due to returning from the National 9/11 Memorial Bike Trail Tour. This ride will resme next week. Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier.
- TueJul. 042023
Ride Yer Bike Tuesday
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 38-45 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route maps are: Ride to Skippack Area 45 miles and Ride to Skippack Area 38 miles (12-13 mph).
Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle , 703-963-9905 and Wesley Wolf, ,Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Elevation gain, per RWGPS, is a little under 50 ft./mile, so not a particularly hilly ride by PA standards (not to say there aren't any hills). For those looking for a tad shorter ride, Doug and Linda Mueller will be leading a 38 mile route at 12-13 mph. Today we'll ride west into Montgomery County towards Skippack, but avoiding their 4th of July Parade. Just park stops today to speed things up - rest stop on the way out at Fischer''s Park (mile 13.7) and lunch stop on the return at Heebner Park Park (mile 31.7). Water and bathrooms available at both parks, but be sure to bring snacks and/or lunch. Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms & water available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:00 June-Aug., 9:30 in Sept. and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 4th Tues. start from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell & Labor Day week we'll ride on Wed.
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July 4th Holiday Hot Dog Ride
Level D: 9.5-13mph, 48 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:30 am.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond. We will follow the Schuylkill River Trail to the Perkiomen Trail and stop at Lower Perkiomen Park for our lunch stop. We will have grilled hot dogs and accoutrements at the park. Cold drinks will be provided. The return to the start on the same route. Please wear helmet(required by the club.) Please bring plenty of water, sun screen, proper dress for the weather, extra tube and tools to fix a flat. Please remember to sign up for the ride by noon on Sunday, to allow time to obtain supplies for the picnic. In case of rain, a rain date will be arranged later.
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EARLIER 9:30 Ride to Ardmore + Fireworks
Level C- through D: 10.5mph, 24 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745NOTE 9:30AM START. Let’s head out to the Farmer’s Market, and we’ll enjoy our snack in the inside AC seating. We’ll take Sedgley up to the Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge to Chamounix and then to BMA and Highland. And then wind our way to Ardmore.Coming back we'll take the slightly longer route through Cobbs Creek Parkway will be closed to cars! Should be back by 12:30-45 PM. While I was originally planning for fireworks immediately after the ride, BCP meteriologist Misty Saint Cloud is predicting mainly daylight until about 9:30 PM. We will reluctantly` defer fireworks until that time.
Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, 12-30 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
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- WedJul. 052023
Lacombe - Fishtown
Level D: 10mph, 18 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037Let's ride up the Delaware River. Coffee at Lacombe. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels.
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Delightful, Delicious D (and D+/C-) Wednesday Evening Ride
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). Once a month, this ride may need to meet earlier in afternoon, due to BCP Board meeting in evening. In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30).
- ThuJul. 062023
Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input.
Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Scheduled for most Thursday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away work stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Start by riding on Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill w/Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Our mileage will be determined by how much evening light we have. Occasionally, this ride may meet earlier in afternoon, due to other event in evening. In mid-September, ride will depart at 5:45 or 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
"C"vilized Thursday Hills
Levels C: 12mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 and Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953A slower "C" version of the Thursday evening hill ride. Starts at 6 PM May through August, 5:45 PM in September
B Hill Ride
Levels B: 15-16mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555, Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 and Chris Murray, , 443 742 8339A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at Waterworks Cider & Beer Garden - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure.
- FriJul. 072023
Friday Frolic w/Linda. Mondauk Park to Rise and Grind Cafe. CO-LEADERS WELCOME to offer alternative speed groups
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 50.5 miles. Meet at Mondauk Park. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39555132.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Borrowing a scenic route led by Steve Muth (Thank you, Steve!) from Mondauk Park to Perkasie for a coffee/snack break at the midway point. Quick rest stops to and from Perkasie in parks for bathroom breaks. Please bring snack bars with you. Terrain is rolling with a few vigorous climbs, but overall, not too much climbing - total elevation gain 2352 ft. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.
Paper Trail Bike and Coffee SHOP
Level D: 8mph, 16 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206Out the Kelly Dr. multi use trail to the Wissahickon Trail leading to the Paper Trail Bike Coffee Shop. Return back over the Wissahickon Trail to the Martin Luther King multi use trail back to Cosmic Cafe at Lloyd Hall. . If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Note the 9:30 am start time. Leader: William Staten. (215) 668-8206
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BCP DISPLAY TENT at Friday Night Races at the Velodrome, rescheduled from last week. This is the FIRST of THREE club nights at the Velodrome this summer. (Other dates are 7/21 and 8/18)
Meet at Valley Preferred Cycling Center (the Velodrome), 1151 Mosser Road, Breinigsville, PA 18031 (Trexlertown). The event starts at 6:00 pm. Additional information: https://thevelodrome.com/contact/.
Organizer: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862RESCHEDULED from last week. BCP will have a display tent in the plaza of the Valley Preferred Cycling Center (aka, the Velodrome) in Trexlertown, during the Friday Night Races, sponsored by Bicycling Magazine. Gates open for Happy Hour at 5:30pm, but the ACTUAL RACES DO NOT BEGIN UNTIL 7:00pm, allowing you plenty of time to get there after work. BCP will be exhibiting here to promote our club's membership benefits & perks, as well as rides and upcoming events. The program for the evening includes a special German Beer Garden section. A live band will be performing in the plaza, and there will be family- and kid-friendly entertainment. General Admission tickets are $10/person. Kids under 9 get FREE admission. Every seat has a great view of the track. In addition to the Breakaway Cafe, there is a souvenir booth, where visitors can purchase Velodrome merchandise. There are also other exhibitors in the plaza, where you can participate in raffle drawings.. Come join us for an exciting evening! DRIVING to TREXLERTOWN: Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike (I-476 North), or, PA-309 North, to I-78/US-22 West. Driving directions and racing & venue details are available here: www.thevelodrome.com. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are able to volunteer at the BCP tent, either for set-up (~5:00), or for staffing the booth and greeting visitors, or, for packing up at loading the van at the end of the evening, THANK YOU for your help. Please contact Linda, re. volunteering. PLEASE NOTE: The June club night at the Races is the first of three for the summer. Other club nights are scheduled for July 21 (rain date 7/28) and August 18 (season finale with FIREWORKS). Always on Fridays.
- SatJul. 082023
Rivers, Creeks & Bridges in Hunterdon County with Optional Ice Cream at the Finish. EARLY START TIME (7:45am) to Beat the Heat. CO-LEADERS WELCOME (ad-hoc ride)
Level B-: 14mph, 58 miles. Meet at CVS Parking lot (299 N. Main Street, Lambertville, NJ). The ride leaves at 7:45 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/7240314.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Pretty and peaceful meander around scenic Hunterdon County, NJ, with multiple river crossings. Wawa stops at Mile 16 and 33. Option to make another stop if needed at QuickChek at Mile 51 in Ringoes, on the return. Total climbing is 2992 ft, with plenty of green vistas and quaint towns. The terrain averages 52 ft of climbing/mile. OPTIONAL ICE CREAM FINISH: When we return to Lambertville, we can go to the Owowcow Creamery around the corner on Union Ave for some frozen refreshments. CO-LEADERS WELCOME: If you would like to lead this route at an alternative pace, THANK YOU! Please contact Leader to have your name and pace group added. PLAN "B" in case the WEATHER does not cooperate: this route has at least two "pinch points" where we can cut the route short and return to Lambertville more quickly.
Toss of the Dice 2.0 - Spring House - 51 miles
Levels B: 14-15mph, 35-80 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Spring House .
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 and Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010Various friendly rides per DAILY RIDE CALENDAR departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at specified time and ranging 35-80 miles. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred.
Lunch ride to Ambler (Weavers Co-op )
Level D: 10mph, 48 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206Let’s take a nice OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced Saturday ride to Weavers Co-op for lunch followed by ice cream at a nearby ice cream parlor. Route out will be through Germantown, Mount Airy area. Followed by a return route via the SRT back to Cosmic Cafe. If KYW is reporting rain outside of their studio one hour prior to the start time of the ride, then this ride will be cancelled.
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- SunJul. 092023
Circumnavigating the Delaware Bay - 7/9 to 7/13
Level D: 10mph, 50 a day miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037Circumnavigating the Delaware Bay involves five days of cycling and four nights of Camping. This is a fully contained bikepacking trip. Sunday to Woodbine where we will camp out on a friends property having dinner and breakfast there. Monday to Cape Henlopen, DE State Park, taking the Cape May-Lewes Ferry across the Delaware Bay. We eat out that night, a simple camp breakfast the next morning with a second breakfast in Rehoboth Beach, DE. Tuesday it is on to Killens Pond, DE State Park. We usually stop to do laundry and by meal provisions for the night. Wednesday we cycle to Lums Pond, DE State Park and along the way buy meal provisions. Finally, Thursday we ride to Delaware City along the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal Trail for our second breakfast. From there to Wilmington, DE via the John A Merkel Rail Trail. The final route into Philadelphia is on the Industrial Highway. We will cover about 50 miles each night. Out of pocket costs should be $40 a day. Contact leader for additional information. Rain or Shine.
CANCELLED Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 112-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338OWLS(Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond. Please wear helmet(required by the club.). Please bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, sunscreen, plenty of water, $ for mid-ride snack stop, and a good humor. There might be a hill or two for physical conditioning, but we will stop at the top of hills to catch our breaths.
Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels B- through C: 14mph, C: 12mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and David Finger, , 215-605-8560A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the gazebo at the azalea garden. We do not go on the Sunday of the Scenic Schuylkill Century (September 11 in 2022).
Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels C+/C: 14mph, C: 12mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and David Finger, , 215-605-8560A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the gazebo at the azalea garden. We do not go on the Sunday of the Scenic Schuylkill Century (September 11 in 2022).
- MonJul. 102023
Monday Conshy Ride
Level D: 10.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322Ride to 4th st deli, in the back. D ride 10.5mph July 10 @ 9:30. Here we go again! You know the way- back SRT, shawmut, or not, cemetary- where we can hose down! And then back to cosmic. No Steve this week- just Diana. Pre-register. Leader: Diana Dooley.
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Church of the Savoir (COS) Multi-Level Rides
Levels A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030 and Scott Siegfried, , 610-496-1965The ride will depart from Church of the Savior, Wayne, PA at 6:00 pm promptly. Ride Level: D thru AX This ride is cross listed with SCU. Please sign up here or there so that we can get a count of riders before we start. No cue sheets will be available but ride leaders generally post their routes on the SCU Meetup or the BCP website. We do not ride on holidays that fall on a Monday ( Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Rain cancels the ride but look at Meetup for last minute updates when weather is questionable.
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Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-29 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40914691.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862SUGGESTED ROUTE for tonight: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40914691 Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier.
- TueJul. 112023
Ride Yer Bike Tuesday
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 46 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Ride Around Peace Valley Park.
Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Bob Doyle , 703-963-9905 and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Today's ride takes us around Lake Galena (Peace Valley Park). Park rest stop on the way out at mile 19.6, and Spatola's Pizza in Chalfont (mile 32.8 - really great pizza). Expect good company on safe/low trafficked roads. Mostly rolling terrain with some longer hills in the middle 5 miles (25% of the day's elevation gain). Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws.Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms & water available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:00 June-Aug., 9:30 in Sept. and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 4th Tues. start from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell & Labor Day week we'll ride on Wed.
Ride to Narberth
Level D: 9.5-11mph, 20-25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Ginnie Zipf, , 610-529-3214Please note earlier start time. We will head to our favorite park by the Narberth train station and stop for a snack.
Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, 12-30 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
Level B: 15mph, 30 miles. Meet at Bulldog Statue, 25th St. and Pennsylvania Ave.. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Bulldog .
Leader: Michael Fox, , 215-605-1783Classic Bulldog route, riding this version 15.5-16.5 MPH Ave. For faster options there is the Rye Bru Social from Cadence or the Fountain Ride. Climbs include Henry, Militia Hill, River or Barren Hill Full depending on time. Some of the group will be stopping at La Roca in Manayunk for Taco Tuesday, rest of the group will head in to Philly.
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- WedJul. 122023
Delightful, Delicious D (and D+/C-) Wednesday Afternoon Ride, due to Board Meeting Tonight
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 2:30 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Afternoon ride today, due to monthly Board meeting tonight. Must return by 5:00pm. Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). Once a month, this ride may need to meet earlier in afternoon, due to BCP Board meeting in evening. In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30).
BCP Monthly Board Meeting for June. All club members are welcome to participate.
Meet at Roxborough Memorial Hospital, 5800 Ridge Ave, 19128. Cafeteria Conference Room A, on Ground Floor. The event starts at 6:30 pm.
Organizers: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862 and Chuck Herbert, , 267-228-1230All BCP members are warmly invited to participate in our monthly Board meeting, where we discuss important club business and topics of concern and interest to our members, e.g., safety, upcoming events, bike culture in our city & region, etc. BCP's Board of Directors values and appreciates YOUR comments and feedback on club rides and hikes, events, safety, etc. We need YOUR input to improve services to our members. LIGHT DINNER is served before our discussions begin. VENUE: Roxborough Memorial Hospital at 5800 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia 19128. Main Entrance is on Jamestown St. Take elevator down to Ground Floor to Cafeteria Conference Room A.
- ThuJul. 132023
Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input.
Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday Afternoon Edition - Earlier Start Time, due to Zoom Meeting Tonight.
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 3:30 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Earlier Start Time, due to Zoom Meeting Tonight for SCU's Century. Must return by 6:00pm. Scheduled for most Thursday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away work stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Start by riding on Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill w/Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Our mileage will be determined by how much evening light we have. Occasionally, this ride may meet earlier in afternoon, due to other event in evening. In mid-September, ride will depart at 5:45 or 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
"C"vilized Thursday Hills
Levels C: 12mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 and Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953A slower "C" version of the Thursday evening hill ride. Starts at 6 PM May through August, 5:45 PM in September
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B Hill Ride
Levels B: 15-16mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is BCP Hills 071323 (no PMA bridge).
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555, Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 and Chris Murray, , 443 742 8339A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at Waterworks Cider & Beer Garden - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure.
- FriJul. 142023
Friday Frolic w/Linda. Laurel Beech Park to Devon for Coffee, via SRT and CVT
Level B-: 14mph, 45 miles. Meet at Laurel Beech Park. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42175763.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862For 7/14: Easy route to and from Devon for coffee, via the Schuylkill River and Chester Valley Trails. If the weather deteriorates, we will quickly turn around and return to the Start/Finish on the Trail. Total elevation 1901 ft climbing, averaging a modest 42 feet/mile. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.
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Paper Trail Bike and Coffee SHOP
Level D: 8mph, 16 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206Out the Kelly Dr. multi use trail to the Wissahickon Trail leading to the Paper Trail Bike Coffee Shop. Return back over the Wissahickon Trail to the Martin Luther King multi use trail back to Cosmic Cafe at Lloyd Hall. . If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Note the 9:30 am start time. Leader: William Staten. (215) 668-8206
- SatJul. 152023
Wycombe, Bucks County to Princeton University - Two Leaders, Two Paces.
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 54 miles. Meet at Wycombe Train Station. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43591559.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Wycombe Train Station to Princeton University via Washington Crossing bridge, 54 miles with 2850 feet elevation (52 ft per mile). Please note that the starting time *might* be moved earlier to 7:30am, if the weather forecast calls for extreme heat. Leader for the 15 - 15.5 mph group: Dmitri Levin, Leader for the 13-14 group: Linda McGrane, 267-251-7862, . https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43591559 Refreshments provided, please register so I can count properly. email or text me, if you have questions
Toss of the Dice 2.0 - Doylestown - 76 Miles
Levels B: 14-15mph, 35-80 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Doylestown.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 and Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010Various friendly rides per DAILY RIDE CALENDAR departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at specified time and ranging 35-80 miles. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred.
D ride Sat July 15th @ 9:00. ride to Elkins Park
Levels D: 10.5mph, 30? miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037Due to heat and length of ride we will SWItCH today’s ride to phoenexville to sept. We will ride to Diana’s house in Elkins park, have snacks and cold drinks, and ping pong?! Ride back to art museum. Please pre register by fri the 14th@ 9:00 so I know how many! Tim and Diana leaders.
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- SunJul. 162023
CANCELLED for 7/16. Rescheduled for Sat, 7/22. TRI-STATE SCENIC ADVENTURE to the UPPER CHESAPEAKE CO-LEADER(S) WELCOME (ad-hoc ride).
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 69 miles. Meet at Chadds Ford Elementary School, 3 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28020914.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862CANCELLED for 7/16. Rescheduled for Sat, 7/22. This spectacular three-state route is based on a ride by Nancy Moyer of DVBC, with route adaptations by Charlie B. The scenery is 5 stars! Ride from Chadds Ford to the ADORABLE town of Northeast, MD, on the Northeast River, which flows into the upper Chesapeake. Along the way, quiet roads and plenty of green vistas. Rest Stop Mile 9 at Wawa in Hockessin, DE. Also Milburn Orchard in MD at mile 23, and Wawa just before and after North East, MD at miles 31 and 36. Lunch options in Northeast at mile 34 after viewing the North East River (Chesapeake in distance) from Northeast Park. On return, Pleasant Hill Store (MD) at mile 40 and Landenberg Store (PA) at 54. Total climbing 4118 ft. CO-LEADEDER(S) WELCOME: If you would like to co-lead a group at an alternative speed, THANK YOU! Please contact LMc.
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CANCELLED Sunny Sunday Afternoon D Ride
Level D: 10mph, 16 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Tim Carey, , 267-414-9037Excellent ride for those new to bicycle club riding, for those new to the city, for those who just want a relaxed social ride. Leaning the rules of the road, learning to cycle effectively using your gears on your multigear bicycle, what you need to carry on your bicycle while on a club ride. To start, all one needs this a working bicycle and a standard approved bicycle helmet. If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels.
CANCELLED Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels C: 12mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the gazebo at the azalea garden. We do not go on the Sunday of the Scenic Schuylkill Century (September 11 in 2022).
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- MonJul. 172023
Tricycle in Conshohocken
Levels D: 10-11mph, 24 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093 and Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322hot day- shorter ride
Church of the Savoir (COS) Multi-Level Rides
Levels A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030 and Scott Siegfried, , 610-496-1965The ride will depart from Church of the Savior, Wayne, PA at 6:00 pm promptly. Ride Level: D thru AX This ride is cross listed with SCU. Please sign up here or there so that we can get a count of riders before we start. No cue sheets will be available but ride leaders generally post their routes on the SCU Meetup or the BCP website. We do not ride on holidays that fall on a Monday ( Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Rain cancels the ride but look at Meetup for last minute updates when weather is questionable.
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Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-29 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier.
- TueJul. 182023
Ride Yer Bike Tues. to Valley Forge NOTE: STARTING AT 8:30
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 43.5 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Ride to Valley Forge.
Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Daniel Operacz , 267-265-9358 and Jeff Kochanowicz, ,Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Today we'll ride to Valley Forge National Historic Park. Lunch stop scheduled at the park's Washington Memorial Chapel Cabin Shop Cafe at mile 23 (limited baked goods and snacks - so maybe bring a sandwich/snacks to be on the safe side). Optional rest stop on the way out at the Norristown Farm Park (mile 13) - note that the Betzwood Park bathrooms and fountain are temporarily closed. Expect good company on scenic safe/low trafficked roads. Mostly flat to rolling terrain with some hills throughout (43 ft/mi. overall). Will regroup as needed, but must be able to ride the posted pace. Must be willing to ride safely & obey traffic laws. Please preregister so we can know how many to expect. Bathrooms & water available at all start locations. Check day of the ride if weather is iffy (rain cancels, but likely to reschedule for Wed.). Will make a call at least an hour prior to start time. NOTE: Ride starts at 9:00 June-Aug., 9:30 in Sept. and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 4th Tues. start from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell & Labor Day week we'll ride on Wed.
Tuesday Ride to Ardmore : 9:30 AM START
Level C- through D: 10.5-13mph, 24 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: James McElwain, , 215-990-9745. Let’s head out to the Farmer’s Market, and we’ll enjoy our snack in the inside AC seating. We’ll take Sedgley up to the Park, across the Strawberry Mansion Bridge to Chamounix and then to BMA and Highland. And then wind our way to Ardmore.Coming back we'll take the slightly longer route through Cobbs Creek Parkway ETA back at Cosmic is 12:45.Thank you Ginni Zipf for leading the ride last week while I was on the mend!
Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, 12-30 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
- WedJul. 192023
Delightful, Delicious D (and D+/C-) Wednesday Afternoon Ride
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 3:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Afternoon starting time (3:00pm) for 7/19, due to BCP Century meeting tonight. Must return by 5:30pm. Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). Once a month, this ride may need to meet earlier in afternoon, due to BCP Board meeting in evening. In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30).
- ThuJul. 202023
Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input.
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Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Scheduled for most Thursday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away work stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Start by riding on Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill w/Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Our mileage will be determined by how much evening light we have. Occasionally, this ride may meet earlier in afternoon, due to other event in evening. In mid-September, ride will depart at 5:45 or 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
"C"vilized Thursday Hills
Levels C: 12mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 and Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953A slower "C" version of the Thursday evening hill ride. Starts at 6 PM May through August, 5:45 PM in September
B Hill Ride
Levels B: 15-16mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555, Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 and Chris Murray, , 443 742 8339A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at Waterworks Cider & Beer Garden - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure.
- FriJul. 212023
CANCELLED Paper Trail Bike and Coffee SHOP
Level D: 8mph, 16 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206Out the Kelly Dr. multi use trail to the Wissahickon Trail leading to the Paper Trail Bike Coffee Shop. Return back over the Wissahickon Trail to the Martin Luther King multi use trail back to Cosmic Cafe at Lloyd Hall. . If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Note the 9:30 am start time. Leader: William Staten. (215) 668-8206
Friday Frolic w/Linda. Cookies & Cream 50 from Mondauk Common Park to Tabora's & Freddie Hill Farms Pretty route by Charlie B.
Level B-: 14mph, 50 miles. Meet at Mondauk Park. The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40089984.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862For June 21: Scenic route through Montgomery and Bucks Counties, by Charlie B. Stop at Tabora Farm & Orchard at Mile 20 for snack & potty break. Pass Bucks County Biscotti at Mile 25. Returning from Bucks to Montgomery County, there is a park with porta potties at Mile 32. Freddie Hill Farm & Creamery at Mile 38. On the final stretch, we return to Mondauk via West Point, Gwynedd, and Ambler. Terrain is rolling, but nothing too steep. Total elevation gain is 2383 ft, with most of the climbing in the middle of the route. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Starting points will vary, so that we can cycle through different regions. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.
BCP DISPLAY TENT at Friday Night Races at the Velodrome This is the SECOND of THREE club nights at the Velodrome this summer. (Rain date for 7/21 will be 7/28.)
Meet at Valley Preferred Cycling Center (the Velodrome), 1151 Mosser Road, Breinigsville, PA 18031 (Trexlertown). The event starts at 6:00 pm. Additional information: https://thevelodrome.com/contact/.
Organizer: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862BCP will have a display tent in the plaza of the Valley Preferred Cycling Center (aka, the Velodrome) in Trexlertown, during the Friday Night Races, sponsored by Bicycling Magazine. Gates open for Happy Hour at 5:30pm, but the ACTUAL RACES DO NOT BEGIN UNTIL 7:00pm, allowing you plenty of time to get there after work. BCP will be exhibiting here to promote our club's membership benefits & perks, as well as rides and upcoming events. The program includes a special German Beer Garden section. A live band will be performing in the plaza, and there will be family- and kid-friendly entertainment. General Admission tickets are $10/person. Kids under 9 get FREE admission. Every seat has a great view of the track. In addition to the Breakaway Cafe, there is a souvenir booth, where visitors can purchase Velodrome merchandise. There are also other exhibitors in the plaza, where you can participate in raffle drawings.. Come join us for an exciting evening! DRIVING to TREXLERTOWN: Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike (I-476 North), or, PA-309 North, to I-78/US-22 West. Driving directions and racing & venue details are available here: www.thevelodrome.com. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are able to volunteer at the BCP tent, either for set-up (~5:00), or for staffing the booth and greeting visitors, or, for packing up at loading the van at the end of the evening, THANK YOU for your help. Please contact Linda, re. volunteering. PLEASE NOTE: The June club night at the Races is the first of three for the summer. The rain date for tonight is next Friday, July 28. The third and final club night at the Friday Night Races is scheduled for August 18 (season finale with FIREWORKS).
- SatJul. 222023
Levels B-/C+: 13-14mph, 69 miles. Meet at Chadds Ford Elementary School, 3 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28020914.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Rescheduled from Sunday, 7/16. This spectacular three-state route is based on a ride by Nancy Moyer of DVBC, with route adaptations by Charlie B. The scenery is 5 stars! Ride from Chadds Ford to the ADORABLE town of Northeast, MD, on the Northeast River, which flows into the upper Chesapeake. Along the way, quiet roads and plenty of green vistas. Rest Stop Mile 9 at Wawa in Hockessin, DE. Also Milburn Orchard in MD at mile 23, and Wawa just before and after North East, MD at miles 31 and 36. Lunch options in Northeast at mile 34 after viewing the North East River (Chesapeake in distance) from Northeast Park. On return, Pleasant Hill Store (MD) at mile 40 and Landenberg Store (PA) at 54. Total climbing 4118 ft. TWO LEADERS, TWO PACES: Ira Idelson will lead a 14-15 group, and Linda will lead a 13-14 group.
Toss of the Dice 2.0 - West Chester 75 miles
Levels B: 14-15mph, 35-80 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is West Chester - Carlinos or Other.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 and Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010Various friendly rides per DAILY RIDE CALENDAR departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at specified time and ranging 35-80 miles. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. Check daily listing for route information. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred.
CANCELLED Bring your swim suit …Ride to Lake Atsion NJ.
Level D: 10.5mph, 60 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206This will be a joint Patco-Cycling ride. Details: We will cycle from our starting point to the Patco High Speed line at the 9th and Locust St. station, where we will take the speed line to the Broadway station . From there will ride through Camden thru Clementon pass the Atco speedway to Route 206 to Lake Atsion . The Bring your swim suit if you want to take a dip in the lake to cool off. We will look for lunch around the park area. return ride will be back to Lindenwold NJ. Where we take the Patco Highspeed line back to Philadelphia and the 9th street station . If KWY is reporting rain outside their studio one prior to the start of the ride , the ride will be canceled
CANCELLED Art Museum to KOP via SRT and CVT
Level D: 10mph, 55 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206We will cycle out through Montgomery County to the SRT then take the connector over to Chester Valley Trail to enjoy a nice lunch at Wegmans. Return route will be CVT back to the SRT to the Art Museum. If KYW is reporting rain outside of their studio 1 hour prior to the ride departure, then the ride will be cancelled. Please note the 8:30 am start time and the location Cue sheets will not be available.
Make some memories in South Jersey!
Level D: 11.5mph, 33.3 miles. Meet at Rittenhouse Square - Southeast Entrance at corner of 18th St & Rittenhouse Sq. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. The on-line route map is https://www.strava.com/routes/3115073309896306744.
Leader: Rob Gusky, , 920-573-5128This adventure will mostly follow the East Coast Greenway up to cross the Delaware River at the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge. We'll take a break at Mart Pretzel in Cinnaminson, then continue through Burlington and Camden Counties to our lunch stop at Linden Square BBQ. This is a unique restaurant as they specialize in Central American cuisine (pupusas, pollo asado, plus fresh juices, etc.). Return will be via Lindenwold Patco.
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Saturday Flip of a Coin Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 20-45 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338OWLS (Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower Pace Ride ) through Fairmount Park and beyond. We will flip a coin periodically and will go right if heads or left if tails or straight if it lands on its edge. Please wear helmet (required by the club). Bring water, extra tube and tools to fix a flat, sunscreen, and $ for mid-ride snack stop. This ride will have a bit of adventure because who knows where it will lead.
- SunJul. 232023
Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338OWLS(Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond. Please wear helmet (required by the club.). Please bring plenty of water, sunscreen, extra tube and tools to fix a flat, & $ for mid ride snack stop. Route will be determined by the weather and the level of the gathered riders.
Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off to Flourtown Giant
Levels C: 12mph, 35 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487Ride to Giant in Flourtown for a snack stop. A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Some climbing required.
- MonJul. 242023
CANCELLED Monday Ride to Conshy
Level D: 10.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322D ride, 10.5 mph, Monday July 24 @ 9:30 at Cosmic. Ride to 4th st Deli in the back. Return via Shawmut and Laurel Hill. Steve not here this week- really. Pre register. Leader; Diana. D.
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Church of the Savoir (COS) Multi-Level Rides
Levels A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030 and Scott Siegfried, , 610-496-1965The ride will depart from Church of the Savior, Wayne, PA at 6:00 pm promptly. Ride Level: D thru AX This ride is cross listed with SCU. Please sign up here or there so that we can get a count of riders before we start. No cue sheets will be available but ride leaders generally post their routes on the SCU Meetup or the BCP website. We do not ride on holidays that fall on a Monday ( Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Rain cancels the ride but look at Meetup for last minute updates when weather is questionable.
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Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-29 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier.
- TueJul. 252023
Ride Yer Bike Tuesday
Levels A-/B+: 16-17mph, B-: 14-15mph, C+: 13-14mph, C: 12-13mph, 47 miles. Meet at Central Park, Doylestown. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Ride to Lahaska.
Leaders: Howard Hochheiser, , 215-913-3246, Elliot Titcher, , 215-740-1149 , Jeff Kochanowicz , and Daniel Operacz, , 267-265-9358Bring yer bike & sense of adventure. Some days we'll ride familiar favorite routes, other days we'll scope out new routes. Today we'll be riding to Lahaska (Peddlers Village, mile 28) with a rest stop on the way out at Hansell Park (mile 13). The route stops at Mama Hawk's Kitchen & Coffee, but you can choose another lunch venue. Expect good company on safe, very scenic, low trafficked country roads. Overall, not a very hilly route (44 ft./mile), but there will be hills, including Elliot's favorite: Valley Rd. We'll regroup as needed, but be prepared to maintain the posted pace. Must also be willing to ride safely and obey traffic laws.NOTE: Ride starts at 9:00 June-Aug., 9:30 in Sept. and 10:00 in Oct. NOTE: 4th Tues. start from Central Pk., Doylestown, 5th Tues. from Centre Sq. Pk., Blue Bell & Labor Day week we'll ride on Wed.
monday conshy ride on tuesday july 25
Level D: 10.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322since D ride to conshy canceled mon the 24 due to rain let’s do it tues the 25th. same time, same station. 9:30 at cosmic to 4th st deli. you know the drill. friends from valley forge- can you switch with us? Leader: Diana D
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Delightful, Delicious D/D+/C- Summer Evening Rides
Level C- through D: 9.5-11.5mph, 12-30 miles. Meet at Glenside Public Library parking lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Relaxed-pace evening rides on Tuesdays throughout summer. Distance and pace will depend on the riders in our group. (Sunset time will also determine distance.) This ride is suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Enjoy pretty and peaceful roads in eastern Montgomery County, pedaling away the stresses of the workday. We usually take a brief rest break mid-ride, depending on distance. Please bring water/Gatorade and a snack with you. Please also bring LIGHTS, in case we have a delay and are returning close to dark. Toward the end of summer (September), starting time will need to be pushed earlier to 5:45, then 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
- WedJul. 262023
Last minute revisions to: Car, Ferry, Bikepack-Rehoboth Beach area, 2 nights (ad-hoc ride)
Level D: 11mph, 20-20 miles. Meet at Cape May Lewes ferry terminal, Cape May. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Eve Gentieu, , 516-902-7921I have made a couple of changes as a two-night camping spot opened up at Henlopen. So disregard the night at Delaware Seashore State Park and the Indian River Lantern tour. Instead, both nights at Cape Henlopen and substitute Fort Miles lantern tour for the Indian River one. We will be taking the 10:30 ferry over to Lewes. It This trip is timed to coincide with two programs at Indian River Lifesaving Station, one Wednesday evening on the beach, the other Thursday afternoon when they demonstrate firing the Lyle gun. I’ve been wanting to see this for a long time, but don’t like cycling in the heat, so this is my solution. Drive (carpool possible) to Cape May Lewes morning ferry. Free overnight parking. Arrive Lewes late morning, end up at Delaware Seashore State Park where we spend first night. Eat dinner at Big Chill near campground. Thursday decamp - wend our way to Cape Henlopen to set up camp again. Eat dinner in Lewes. Please contact me if you want details about the programs, or with any questions - there are plenty of other things to do in the area - biking, beaching, historic sites - we can go our own ways during the days, and rendezvous for dinner or at tent sites. Friday lazy morning - decamp by 11, head on back on the ferry in afternoon. Cape Henlopen is beautiful. Delaware Seashore is barren by comparison, but it is close to the lifesaving station, and there were no open spots at Henlopen.
Tandem ride on Wednesday
Level Tandem: 13mph, 38 miles. Meet at Valley Forge National Park - Betzwood Picnic Area (by bathrooms). The tandem ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35963264.
Leader: Manny Menendez, , 610-291-0625Tandem ride with singles welcome. Ride will head north from VFNP on the SRT and Perkiomen Trail (hard packed gravel surface) to the town of Schwenksville, PA. Here we leave the trail and ride on quiet country roads through the towns of Limerick and Royersford. We will take a lunch stop in Royersford. After lunch it is smooth ride back to VFNP on the SRT . No drops. Bring water, snacks, and money for lunch. Cue sheets will not be available.
Delightful, Delicious D (and D+/C-) Wednesday Evening Ride. Slightly Earlier Starting Time on 7/26, in order to set-up for the ICE CREAM SOCIAL at 8:15pm
Level C- through D: 10-12mph, 15-28 miles. Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The ride leaves at 5:30 pm. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36454507.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Early evening ride tonight, then return by 7:45 to set-up for the ICE CREAM SOCIAL at 8:15. Suggested '"easy does it" route for tonight, due to the heat: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36454507 - 21 miles, 904 ft. Most summer Wednesday evenings, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work ride to pedal away stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking low-intensity recovery ride. Peaceful roads Eastern Montgomery Co, w/brief rest stop. Please bring lights. Preregistration (click on link to Preregister) saves you writing time at the start. Meet in parking lot of Flourtown Shop Ctr Bethlehem Pike (McDonald's in front, facing the Pike). Once a month, this ride may need to meet earlier in afternoon, due to BCP Board meeting in evening. In September, as evening daylight shortens, this ride will meet earlier (5:45, then, 5:30).
Meet at Flourtown Shopping Center. The event starts at 8:15 pm.
Organizer: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Celebrate summer and the long summer evenings with your cycling friends, over some refreshing ice cream/frozen yogurt, fresh fruit, and other cold desserts. Leader will bring root beer, diet root beer and other soft drinks, in case anyone would like to make a root beer float or ice cream soda. Our social gathering will include announcements on upcoming events for both clubs. Meet on the patio of the GIANT Market at the rear of the parking lot, where we meet for our Wednesday evening multi-level rides. Flourtown Shopping Center on Bethlehem Pike is the one with McDonald's in the front (facing the Pike), and GIANT Market at the rear. We cyclists park in the rear, close to GIANT. VOLUNTEERS APPRECIATED to help with either set-up (8:00) or clean-up. PUBLIC TRANSIT: For members joining us from Center City, there are several train stations (serving different lines) close to Flourtown - Chestnut Hill East and West, Oreland, Glenside, Ft. Washington, etc. It's a short bike ride from these train stations to Flourtown. Your PREREGISTRATION/RSVP ahead of time is appreciated and encouraged, so that we can plan the amount of food correctly.
- ThuJul. 272023
Thursday Morning Hill Ride
Level C-: 11mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Paul di Francesco, , 215 459 3174A recurring ride in the general Penn Valley Area - ie the Hills! Destinations and length of rides open to rider input. PLEASE NOTE NEW 9AM START TIME!!
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Delightful, Delicious "D" (and D+/C-) Ride, Thursday evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-30 miles. Meet at Jacobs Engineering Parking Lot. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Scheduled for most Thursday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away work stresses, suited for novices, newcomers to area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity recovery ride. Start by riding on Schuylkill River Trail, and/or, Cross County Trail, which connects the Schuylkill w/Plymouth Meeting . As riders get stronger, we can turn off the trails and explore some pretty roads in the area. Please bring LIGHTS in case we return close to dark. Our mileage will be determined by how much evening light we have. Occasionally, this ride may meet earlier in afternoon, due to other event in evening. In mid-September, ride will depart at 5:45 or 5:30, due to earlier sunset.
CANCELLED "C"vilized Thursday Hills
Levels C: 12mph, 25 miles. Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578, Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487 and Chuck Martin, , 215-833-7953A slower "C" version of the Thursday evening hill ride. Canceling since as of 4 pm there is a 58 pct chance of rain at 6 and 7 per NOAA and a severe thunderstorm watch per Apple/Weather Channel.
B Hill Ride - With water crossing
Levels B: 15-16mph, 20 - 30 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555, Matthew Bidwell, , 215-300-8880 and Chris Murray, , 443 742 8339A moderately hilly ride conquering Main Line hills that regroups at the top of each climb. As the days lengthen, so does the ride. No riders doing the listed pace will be dropped. Bike lights are highly recommended. Optional after ride drink at Waterworks Cider & Beer Garden - Bring ID. Rain cancellations will be listed on web site up to 1 hour prior to ride. Preregistration requested as it ensures on-time departure.
- FriJul. 282023
Early AM, Beat the Heat Friday Frolic w/Linda. Bucks County Ramble from UDHS - Warrington, Jamison, and Rushland, with Short-cut options available, due to the heat
Level B-/C+: 13-14mph, 44, short-cut option miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 7:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39304128.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862For July 28: Early morning start at 7:30am, due to the heat predicted for this afternoon. Scenic meander from Upper Dublin High School into Bucks County, around Warrington, Jamison, and Rushland. Cross the pretty and peaceful Neshaminy Creek. Terrain is moderate - total climbing 2177 ft with no extreme climbs. Two (2) convenience store rest stops - Wawa in Jamison at Mile 15, and Sparta in Warrington at Mile 29. The elevation on this route averages 49 feet/mile. SHORT-CUT OPTIONS available: We can shave off 4-5 miles if needed, due to the heat. GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Enjoy scenic adventures by bike on most Fridays, throughout the year. Explore pretty, peaceful roads in suburban counties -- Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, etc. Please check daily calendar for details of each Friday's route -- terrain, mileage, rest stops, etc. Cue sheets and on-line route map provided for each ride. If weather conditions are not conducive to cycling, this ride may be replaced by a hike/walk. As long as we are enjoying outdoor exercise, and Mother Nature, in the company of friends, we'll have a memorable outing.
Paper Trail Bike and Coffee SHOP
Level D: 8mph, 16 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Suzette Dutch, , 513-967-8069Out the Kelly Dr. multi use trail to the Wissahickon Trail leading to the Paper Trail Bike Coffee Shop. Return back over the Wissahickon Trail to the Martin Luther King multi use trail back to Cosmic Cafe at Lloyd Hall. . If KYW is reporting rain outside their studio one hour prior to start, ride cancels. Note the 9:00 am start time. Leader:
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- SatJul. 292023
Toss of the Dice 2.0- Kimberton/Phoenixville - Early Start
Levels B: 15mph, 67 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 8:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is Kimberton/Phoenixville.
Leaders: Simon Knight, , 215-219-9555 and Joseph Pless, , 610-937-9010Various friendly rides per DAILY RIDE CALENDAR departing FROM THE PARKING ATTENDANT BOOTH at specified time and ranging 35-80 miles. We will regroup as needed, but riders are expected to ride group pace. Bring food or money for snack along the way, as well as a spare tube, tire irons and multi-tool. This week an early start to beat the heat and a food stop at Kimberton Whole Foods. Ride may be cancelled up to 1 hour prior to departure time. Pre-registration preferred.
Art Museum to KOP via SRT and CVT
Level D: 11mph, 45 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 9:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: William Staten, , 215-668-8206We will cycle out through Montgomery County to the SRT then take the connector over to Chester Valley Trail to enjoy a nice lunch at Wegmans. Return route will be CVT back to the SRT to the Art Museum. If KYW is reporting rain outside of their studio 1 hour prior to the ride departure, then the ride will be cancelled. Please note the 9:00 am start time and the location
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- SunJul. 302023
Level B-: 14-16mph, 108, or 75 miles. Meet at Hammonton Lake Park, Hammonton, NJ 08037, on S. Egg Harbor Rd/NJ-561. The ride leaves at 7:30 am. Cue sheets will be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/2729221.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862This ride is based on a route by Mike Krizauskas of BCP, SCU, and the Jersey Shore Cycle Club, originally planned to coincide with the Blueberry Festival in Hammonton, Blueberry Capital of the World. Mike K. has updated this route, to include scenic Lake Oswego, as well as other lakes, ponds, etc. On this 108-miler, there will be several rest stops The route, which is FLAT, will take us through blueberry farmlands, as well as quaint small towns in the Hammonton area. We'll cycle down to Lands End, that is, the end of the road at Great Bay. You'll see a wide menagerie of wildlife, as we cycle across the marshes toward the bay. You'll also see a facility along the bayshore which used to be a Coast Guard facility - it's now a marine research lab. Please note: we may have some headwinds, especially as we approach the bay. The 75-miler does not go to Land's End at Great Bay. Here is the link for the 75-mi route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/9278854 TRAVEL/TRANSIT: Please allow 45-60 mins driving time from Philadelphia. Google Maps states that Hammonton is 42 mins via the Atlantic City Expressway. If you'd rather not drive, there is a PATCO/NJT train station in Hammonton, near the park where we meet. The "Atlantic City Line" stops in Hammonton. The 108-mile route has 1308 ft of climbing.
Multi Clubs Ride - And Dinner South Jersey
Level B: 15mph, 50 miles. Meet at Historic Smithville Village, NJ. The ride leaves at 10:00 am. Cue sheets will not be available. The on-line route map is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40511383.
Leader: Tom Wieser, , 908 512 2687After great success last year, this is back! PLEASE READ FULLY and CAREFULLY BEFORE REGISTERING: This ride is initiated by BTCNJ (North Jersey) cycling club and open to two clubs from our region. So meet cyclists from other region, enjoy leisure ride in South Jersey, and as usual, spiced up with historical, cultural and gastronomic elements. We are adventuring to the land of flat in Burlington County, South Jersey, exploring two historical towns; Smithville (https://www.tripsavvy.com/complete-guide-to-historic-smithville-new-jersey-5097215 )and Batso (https://batstovillage.org/ ) and ending the day with great seafood, steaks and cold beer on the water bays around the Atlantic Ocean. You will be given some time to explore both towns. IMPORTANT INFO: 1: Please DO NOT register unless you are committed to the full plan; the ride and the dinner. Group size will be limited based on restaurant capacity and group safety concerns, and if you do not attend the dinner you are taking someone else’s place. Also, the restaurant needs exact count. Please remove your name immediately if your plan changed. The restaurant can’t afford wasting food these days and have extra staff unnecessarily. At the moment group size is LIMITED to 25 (may increase)! 2: We plan to start riding at 10:15, meaning ride briefing starts at 10, and dinner around 4pm. Once again, I promised the restaurant that we would be ready to be seated at 4, so we can’t be late. 3: Bring clothes to change into after the ride for dinner. 4: Bring CASH for the restaurant. I would recommend $50-75+, depending on your appetite. Please be responsible for drinking and driving after. It will be one check per table, based on each individual consumption. Restaurant is Oyster Creek in Leeds Point, NJ: http://oystercreekrestaurant.com/ 5: Parking: This is the Greenhead season and therefore it was strongly recommended that we do not park near the restaurant but in the Village of Historical Smithville, which is 2 miles from the restaurant. That will be our start and end point and then driving to restaurant. 6: The ride: Two groups 13 MPH and 15 MPH 7: We will have two brief refreshment stops, mainly for liquid and bathrooms and not long eating stops. I suggest that you have some lunch in your pocket since we have early wonderful dinner. 8: This is first and foremost a social event, as we have always done. We want to have fun, we want to stay as a group and we insist on safety. No “Lone Rangers” please. Safety, group ride rules and club rules are nonnegotiable. Please follow them. If necessary, we will split the group. 9: Rain Day, Sunday July 30th. We are looking forward to seeing you all. Note: Ride will not go in rain or on wet roads or 90 degrees or higher. Rides with 20 or more riders will be split into 2 or more groups.
Sunny Sunday D Ride
Level D: 9-12mph, 12-24 miles. Meet at Azalea Garden's formal entrance, behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:00 pm.
Leader: George L. Yarnell, , 610-626-3338OWLS(Older, Wiser, Longer, Slower) paced ride through Fairmount Park and beyond. Please wear Helmet(required by the club.). Bring extra tube and tools to fix a flat, plenty of water, sunscreen, and $ for mid ride snack stop. There might be a hill or two to help with physical conditioning.
Sunny Sunday C Spin-Off
Levels C: 12mph Meet at Italian Fountain behind the Art Museum. The ride leaves at 12:15 pm.
Leaders: Tom Witt, , 215-665-5578 and Jim Kahn, , 215-771-4487A true C ride, which cheerfully waits to regroup. Usually 25-35 miles with a lunch or snack stop. Meet at the Italian Fountain, near the gazebo at the azalea garden. We do not go on the Sunday of the Scenic Schuylkill Century (September 11 in 2022).
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Monday D ride to Conshy
Levels C-: 11mph, D: 10.5mph, 25 miles. Meet at Cosmic Cafe, Lloyd Hall, # 1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Dr, East Fairmount Park . The ride leaves at 9:30 am. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leaders: Diana Dooley, , 215 680 2322 and Steve Perkiss, , 215-852-9093D ride, Monday July 31st, to Feine Cafe in Conshohocken. Meet at Cosmic @ 9:30. Weather is supposed to be a bit cooler, so maybe the 8th st hill won't wipe us out! Last day of July: can you believe it? We could celebrate late Midsummer! Leaders: Diana and Steve Pre-register.
Church of the Savoir (COS) Multi-Level Rides
Levels A through D: 8-20mph, 10-40 miles. Meet at Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm.
Leaders: Thomas Beckett, , 610-733-7030 and Scott Siegfried, , 610-496-1965The ride will depart from Church of the Savior, Wayne, PA at 6:00 pm promptly. Ride Level: D thru AX This ride is cross listed with SCU. Please sign up here or there so that we can get a count of riders before we start. No cue sheets will be available but ride leaders generally post their routes on the SCU Meetup or the BCP website. We do not ride on holidays that fall on a Monday ( Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Rain cancels the ride but look at Meetup for last minute updates when weather is questionable.
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Delightful, Delicious D (& D+/C-) Ride, Monday Evening Edition
Level C- through D: 10-12.5mph, 15-29 miles. Meet at Upper Dublin High School. The ride leaves at 6:00 pm. Cue sheets will not be available.
Leader: Linda McGrane, , 267-251-7862Scheduled for most Monday evenings throughout summer, weather permitting. Gently paced, post-work evening ride to pedal away the day's stresses, suited for novice riders, newcomers to the area, and/or anyone seeking a low-intensity, relaxed, recovery ride. Cycle peaceful roads in Eastern Mont Co. Brief rest stop for quick snack/bathroom break half-way through. Planned mileage will depend on the length of evening daylight. Speed and distance will also depend on the riders in our group. Please bring lights in case we are delayed on our return. Toward the end of the season (mid-September), this ride will need to leave earlier (5:45 or 5:30pm), due to evening daylight ending earlier.